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Publication Date: 
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Approved For 21i003/09/03: CIA-RDP82-00457RO03 t;wZ)alrtc xi tu-'1 11 O CENTRAL INTIELLIGENG`ENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR (Chelyabinsk Oblast SUBJECT` Ural-ZIS Automobile Plan PLACE ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF IN 25X1 25X Dacumv.b NO CHANGE DECL-u s - ass. Ct XPiNGri) DDA Memo Auth: 1;'4)A PG. THIS IS CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES 25X1 25X1 14 October 1949 NO. OF ENCLS. 2 (LISTED BELOW) C SUPPLEMENT TO 25XI EPORT NO. TRIS DOCO$ENT CONTAINS I$FO0OATION AFFRCTINOTUB NATIONAL D8PINS2 O! THE ONrTUD STATUS WITHIN TNN ZEARING OF TH0 ESPIOHAO$ ACT so 0. L O.. at AND $2, AS ArtUDND. ITS TRANSMISSION on Tun RMU1100 OF ITS CONTENTS IN AZT NAMHER TO AN OOAUTHORIEED RSRRON 3D P110- 8101780 OT LAW. R$PIODOC$OH OF THIS 7020 12 PRONIOITED. 25X1 Next Review Date: 2008 Ia Location and Traffic Facilities aa. TIae plant is 1.cca- ed. about 3 miles north-northwest of the MIA SS .0, station (a-G the double. track electrified CI 'LY BINS K_ UPA RR 1-tne) and is connected ,,vi.-th this main line by a ;i nu? e_ track sp,u--- RR line A loading Station exists at the pla;.;. t and the. settlemen?to b:? A 16-foot-will-le highway leads from the plant to the I~i.C S RTC station. c. On the east and south, the plant borders a se--tiement district' unanimously designated as NCV'Q-STROILA or 25X1 NCVY- TAS`.7 ?se t';;iement (See layout., Annex No 1). a. - The eonst..ruetion of the plant 1941. The basic equipment of the of the 11OSCOW Stalin .Automobile work force to ,.LASS. Small-scale in 1942/1943. The plant has kbc e,n cry di. .mantled at the ST'OTTIN Plant was said to hays been use ao stored in the plant area; was started at the end of. plant Wei. ? installations Plant evacuates with the r~roduction of trucks started. enisr ed since 1945, Liac.h.ir;- S toewer. .Automobile These machines had been b. The construction of tho plant was under way in 1948 but presumably will not be cot' le ted. until 195Q. Work Force and ;dorkin Time Sta$eme.ts of the number of workers on one shift vary between CLASSIFIC T10 NAVY XX WARNING' NOTICE: WAS IbIsTAMUTI&M It UST BE di1 iVTlI i VAPJW 1"10 IV X-AIL I I IF 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003400490001-4 2e ' lar. t History . _ 0 Appi &%U+ , ,Lease 2 03/09/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0034c O 1 T ? i MNCE AG ,N CY 44 =,9- ni~;~ber or ;sL~I.oye !_jLiy tIc:re C, L, ..tb' I.._ lt.t a' 01i It 4. Oi'_. ~: o ; i L :ae"~ by :.in C-foot.h:..-!i -:Joou.en for?-,.. Search -= L ' . .epu:L ~)_ c~ 7