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Publication Date: 
September 26, 1949
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8v1-HUM r,~r+~~ii iv~+nrw^+R~aa~~,liscr~ss - u.. a? vrr L[i11iL3 [J~FLi CENTRAL IN 'L E NCY ' RER Thy document is hereby CONFIDENTIAL in accorda TT I letter of 18 October 1S78 from NO. he Di~^ectar of Central Intelligence to the ?W % States. DATE DI SEP 2 3 10 29 tiM '~9 ext Review Date: 2008.1 .; et G.).ass F ctory tin n~ THIS IS UNE ALIM D INFORMATION 1. The Pancevo sheet glass factory (Fabrika Ravnog Stakla Pancevo),.only factory of its kind in Yugoslatriaa, lien 34 lo> ers east of Belgrade, two oieters northeast of the D ube, 'l 500 meters At of the center of Pancevo,, and two kilometersh~t.of the Pate suburb.rail- road station, beside Vo jilovica `;lion, Just southeast of the facatory installation is the "Utva" plant, now operated by the Yugoslav Army for repair and testing of old aircraft engines. East of the Pancevo glass factory and "Utva" plant is a military training field now used by the Yugoslav Army for combined operations with the Aix, Force. The Pancevo glass factory is guarded by a factory militia unit of 10 men. Thin factory was oriminalls built in 192$-bY a;grou9 of Belgrade financiers, This 50X1-HUM not satisfactory for a glass factory, but it- was-04. ected because this area was given to the original owners by` the Pance icipal administra- tion. The Pancevo factory now mspufaot r'es two to six milli eter window glass in sheets 28 to 74 millimeters wide and. 160 millimet+e et '1' 0 gTwo and three millimeter sheet glass, is ? packed in 40 square matftw boxes where- as special packing cases have to be made for 4 to 6 millimeter glass. In addition four to eight millimeter Cast ornamented and ,wire grated glass is manufactured .in various dimensions. Factory out, :arxsl'u,sive of scrapped products averages about 8,000,E a;.ters of window glass and about 3,000,000 square meters of cast and wire #ated g3. sa.p year. About 30 percent of the total amount of glass ,p +d aly is scrapped. 50X1-HUM Before the Tito-Cominform break, 50 percent of the.fshed products was exported to the Soviet Union and the remainder abed to the domestic market Now the percentage allocated for export the Diddle Bast Senty percent of the lass allocated to the d c market s sw at fixed prices (vezane C1.S.IFICATION cs. estic products are Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8 Sub PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. rove to Own coo Lives and public works departments of various Yugiav Gene, and the remainder is t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R00330 SN,* U 3 OFFICIALS ONLY C0 TRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2 0280004-8 4, only standard gauge railroads lead to the Pancevo-glass factory, and consequently a considerable. amount of supplies are shipped, t6 'the factory via the Danube and Sava Rivers, a method of shipment which al- though,inexpensive is inconvenient because of the necessary transfer from a river ports to the factory, The Pancevo factory obtains quartz sand from Rogotina about 400 kilometers distant and various towns in the vi?tainity of Skopije; coal from Trbovlje, 500 kilometers away; soda from.Lukavac, 300 kilometers away; calcium carbonate from Jelendol near Casa},, and wood from Slovenia" and. Bosnia. An average of 10, wagon loads of'washed quartz sand, two loads of'soda, one load of calcium carbonate and 7 loads of coal are consumed daily.. A total of 1,200 laborers and 48 office workers are employed at the Pancevo factory. Employees assigned to work at the furnaces or certain machinesvigrk in three shifts. The avers}gemmonthly wage of a skilled worker .' is 4,O0O dinars; semi-skilled workers,.."39000 dints.; non-skilled workers, 2,500 dinars; and factory officials receive, a salary of about 3,000 dinars per month. Housing conditions are un- satisfactory and most of the workers reside in nearby villages. Plans are being made to build new workers homes at some time in the future. 6. The present director, Franjo NIGRNI, a Communist .and veteran factory employee,, is paid 7,000 dinars per month. Despite his popularity with factory personnel, local Communists have triedto remove him on a' number, of different occasions. Other officials include.Vojislav RADANOVIC-, non-Communist industrial engineer; Milan RAVLOVIC, Communist commercial; director; Mirjan GRUJIC, planning.directgr a member of the CommunistParty since December 1948;'Gruja;DJOKIC,Communist personnel clerk;and Kosta POTKONJAK, non-Commuiist"in charge of factory supplies. liar Id?t fic'at1on: Smelting hall., 40 m x 80 in, bne of the oldest reinforced conorete- buildings,. with a steel roof covered with "eternite" and ,steel roof carriers which extend.over the entire structure. There are no supports in the interior of the hall,,which measures 20 meters in, height, Ground floor is used for smelting, has.. gas- pipes leading from the generators. A smelting furnace, 10 in x ;,0- in, capacity 300 tons, is on the first floor., The furnace is filled with glass frit by automatic devices which are transported from the mixing section by at elevator, which has a ,capacity of 5 wagen loads. The, furnace is operated on a 24 hour basis. for 'a period .of nine, consecutive months, then repairdd and rebuilt-for about, three months, depending upon the- quality of available chamotte bricks.- Repair work, on-the furnaee,is usually done during the summer; and workers are sent on leave,,_ 2. Smelting hall, 40 m x 108 ma containing acutting-section, packing-, section and shipping department. This smelting- hall i4-*vd $odec st glass than No. 1. and is used for cast- glass and glass with wire grating. Gas chambers are on the groundfloor beneath the furnace which, is small- er than that in building No. 1 Melted glass is e?ctracted from this furnace by steel ladles and then inserted ire molds4 and 3. New building, 40 m x 80 m, construction" was,-started in 1947/about one- third of the building was completed by mid-.January 1949. This build- ing is identical with No. 1, and it is estimated that factory output will be doubled, when the building is vompleted. Construction work is being done by the Provincial Construction Company of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (Pokrajinsko Gradje'insko Preduzece Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine) Pancevo, 58 Stareevacki Put, under supervision of the firm's director, Jefa ANTIC, a .Gommw. is-t, who is assisted by Stevan BOZI:C, Communist personnel clerk? and Stevan PATAKI a non-Communist to technical:, director..: Equipment .:for the building was ordered. from Czechoslovakia, but. Cze0hoslovakia has?refused delivery., and the'orders have been " M : eve ` een ordered from Ski Broil and Zelezni The roof is to be of reinforced conRj_ because. of a shortage o stee. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8 4. CENTRAL I NTE .T t CE AGENCY New reinforced concrete building, 30 m x 108 in, completed in Septem- ber 1948, now manufacturing aedic 1flasks This' ding was 50X1-HUM designed according to, bluegrits ' and it is 50X1-HUM divided into three sections, each saving two rows of reinforced concrete pillars. It has large windows and a roof covered with "salonit a". Machinery and materials for the smelting furnace were September 1948 by the construction firm mentioned above... imported The furnace was built in 50X1-HUM employed here, because factory glass mixing techniques are kept strictly secret, In 1947, factory production almost reached a 51 Raw materials' warehouse,,40.m x 120 m,, an old s ogle-story building with a wooden roof covered with "eternite".. Building is divided into three sections supported by metal posts; outside walls are brick, about 75 cm thick and 10 meters high. Warehouse has a capacity of 1,000 wagon-loads of sand. 6 An old stone building, ..40? m x 50 m,` containing amixing section and & section for storing soda. The building is well lighted, clean, and connected with No. 5 'gy a gate. Only reliable Oommunists are standstill because of the poor grade of frit then used. UDB i eetors charged factory employees with sabotage and Ing. Petar MIJIC,/ ector,wae .with a single steam boiler, the .otheer an electric generator and various machines. The boilar house` has no'-roof . transferred and a new group, of Communists assigned. to the plant, Frit is now transferred by conveyor belt across bridge .(No. 23) ,to a large container between furnaces No,. 1 and No. 2.' This container will 'eventual- ly supply furnace No.3. Caloric-Power Plant, 10 in x 30,m x 5 in, an-old-single-story stone building with a tile roof,, One section contains a boiler house Locksmith shop, 10.m x 60 m, an old single-story. stone building with a tile roof. Building contains atorage space for tools and raw materials. Electrical workshop, 9 in x 15 m x 5 m., an old stone building with a tile roof. Building contains storage space for electrical equipment. 10. Garage and repair shop, 12 m x 80m.x 5 in. An old stone building with a tile roof, containing six garages, repair shop, storage space for automobile tools and parts and for surplus.chamotte brick stocks. 11. Administration building, 12 m x 40 in x 9 m,an old single-story'stone building with a,tile roof, Ground-41 oor contains offices for'director, secretaries, commercial director, industrial engineer, personnel clerk,'trade department, and other factory departments. First floor contains a laboratory, planning department, building operations of- Tice. This building is equipped with central heating and a good plumbing system. 12. An old stone building,w Ohmax-100 m,,with a wooden-roof covered with roofing felt, contain*n /&utting section and main warehouse for finished products. The cutting section is beside the industrial track, and is divided into 18 units, 25 square meters each. This section if 15 meters wide and the walls are about 5 meters high. The re- mainder of this building is used for storing and crating finished. products; it is 80 meters long, divided into six units; and separated from the cutting section by a stone will. .1 13. Warehouse for surplus stocks. of chamott bricks and other materials, 30 in x_70 in, An old stone ,building,r is partitioned. into two sections by metal supports carrying reef binders, which are six meters from the floor. Roof is covered with roofing felt, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R OFFICIALS ONLY CEl~TRAL II~TEL;IGNCE AGENCY vim 14. Carpentry shop, 30 m x 70 m, an old building similar to No. 13 but the windows are larger and this building has a ceiling. 15. A new building, 30 m x $OO m, for coal bunker and generators. Con- struction of this building started in July 1948, and about. 30 per- cent--has been completed according to provisions of the Five Year.Plan. At present, factory generators are in a shed near building No. 2. This building is to be completed at the same time as No. 3. 16. Wooden water-cooling apparatus, 6 m x 15 in, used by the boiler house. 17. Brick chimney, 45. meters high, for power plant steam boiler. Chimney is reinforced with iron poles at intervals of, three meter 4 18. Brick chimney, 50 meters high, for No: 1. 19. Brick chimney, 50 meters high, for No. 4. 20. Brick chimney, 50 meters high, for No, 4. 21. New two story building, 40 m x 70,m# containing a cttt 6i ", section and shipping warehouse. Top floor is on same level as the,,, oor where glass is cut in No, 1 and No 3so that'the glass can transported, to this-section over bridge tNo. 22). mien the new "Furl !machines in building No-3) / ? t with automatic cutting ec}u,-pment, less than 10 percent/wil be cu by hand. on the top floor'' this building. The ground floor is to have. a, carpentry. shop where shipng crates. will be prepared, and shipping. elevators are to be inst'a led. Con- struction work on this building, originally scheduled or 1949, has been postponed sine the Tito-Cominform rift. 22. Covered bridges, 50m x 15 in, tc be built of reinforced concrete and to be used for transferring glass from the ettting section in be 21 to No. 1 and No. 3 for shipping. 23. Reinforced concrete covered bridge, 5 m x 15 in, now used to ransfer stirred glass fil*t to the collective container. 24. Single-story stone building with a tile roof,. 5 m x 10 m,' containing gate office, factory militia offices and quarters. 25. Three old-single-story stone houses,. 10 m x 30 in, containing four apart- ments each, Houses have tile roofs, are well furnished, and now occupied by factory officials. 25. Vojilovica'railroad station, between Pancevo suburb railroad'station and Pancevo-Tamis station. 26. New brick chimney, 50 meters high, now being built for No. 15. N NTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/16: CIA-RDP82-00457R003300280004-8