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i? couNTRit SUBJECT PLACE 25X1 ACQUIRED Approved For MI5 MFOR Costa Uca a., leeor7anization of Vanguardia Cover Name DATE OF INI :/\elk-ff613E(00457RO(WfciolickiGir Roo RT CD NO, 2 . DATE DISTR, 13 SEPT 49 Popular under a NO. OF PAGES 11 NO. OF ENCLS, (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 25X1 \ 1 25X1 25X 144:10:1* TINS OCCLINANT CONTAINS wow:Amen ATIZCIIITS TRH DATIONALOSIVISE j244, OPTS: UNITED STATIM %SWIM TON EMMONS OP ?NZ ESSIONA0/1 ACT 00 MTh 0, SI AND 92. Ags AITTINOM NS TM:MISSION ON 1116 NEVEILATENT OF ITS COEiTUNTEIII ANT 14APSIC9 TO 00 ONATT.THOTATS PHOSON IS PRO - MITES ST LAL7, IMPTODUTTIOu OP, IICIE MN ISPNOMI9ITE10. eessiteukielNUeeeewee, elneeere.e THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 10 The reorganization of the Cammunist Partido Vanguardia Popular under the name of the Nntional Democratic Party is almost completede The Vanguardia having survived almovt a year of illegality has now arrived at the point There it is able to return to a standard organizational setup, pub:Lich a meekly newspaper, provide for Costa Rican participation in the international "Peace Front" novement, and attempt to participate on a provincial basisz, under an assumed name, in the forthcoming elections, The general or,ganizational plan, together with an introductory excerpt from the Party statutes describing the functions of the varioue committees is presented belous STATT-T ae THE NATIONAL COMMITTNG* "TO form the national Committee, delegates to the national Congress shall select the 16 best leaders of the Party in 611 the country, It is also required that each one of the organized sections be represented by at least one elemente000,The decisions and resolutions of the National Cannittee- nust be executed and endorsed by the Political Bureau and by all other lower bodies of the Party," ArnoldO Ferret() Segura Carlos Luis Feline Sibaja Luis Carballo Corrales Jaime Cordes Nora Alvaro Montero Vega Efrain Rodriguez Vanegas Luisa Gonzalez Fereando Villaloboe Padilla Arturo "Montero Vega Mario Zunign Aguilar (representing Province of Puntnrenas) German Alfaro Sales (representing Province of Alajuela) Carlos Escalante Vega (representing Province of Heredia) Gonzalo Coto (representing Province of Cartago) Rogelio Carlos Mendoza (representing Province af Limon) Victor More Calderon (representing Province of Quepos) 111i:4147,. ?cal .1;E: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST PE CLASSI Fl CAT NSP.B This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 frorT1 the Director of Central Intelligence to the Arc hk.i,st rgfveif _Uonri tad gm +Ad Keleastr'2004/04 NextVview Data: 2008 Document No. NO HANGE in lass. fl DECLASSII7 Class. C.11.= DrA 1":1_ 13 : CIA-R902-0011527 0: 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/04/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2 .42+0 NO! b. THE POLITICAL COMMISSION** HEach time that the National Committee is re-formed, in its first regular plenary session, it will appoint from its midst a Political Bureau which will be charged with carrying out the program set by the National Committee in the intermediate periods betmeen meetings of the same....e7he Political Bureau will have all the powers of the National Ommniftee little the latter is not in sessions except that one of defining the general Party line, which lies entirely within the jurisdiction of the National Committee." Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary General - Arneldo Ferret? Segura (w.a. Oscar Vargas) of Agitation and Propaganda - Efrain Rodriguez Vane gas of Organization - Carlos Luis Pallas Sibaja of Finances - Mario Solis Porras (wee? Elias Piedra) of Syndicates - Gonzalo Sierra C. of Acts and Correspondence Alvaro Montero Vega of Agriculture - Jaime Gerdes Mara of Youth - Fernando Vinelobos Padilla Cm THE PRESS COMMITTEE*** "The National Committee shall appoint a Press Committee, composed of three or more umbers who shell function for one year The Press Committee shall be charged wItle and responsible for the management and editing of the Party Press organ, and of any other that the Party may publishe....The responsibility of this Committee shall be collective." Members and assignments are the same as for the Political Commission. de. THE SECTIONAL COMITIICE OF THE PROVINCE OF SAN JOSEN*** "Sectional Committees will be organized as the Central Committee directs, whether on their own initiative or on the initiative of the base. As much as possible, the argenization of the Sectional Committees will ram the political division of the country into provinces, without being necessarily obliged to observe these divisions." Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary General- Carlos Luis FaIlas Sibeja of Finances - Mario Solis Porras of Syndicates - Adage Garcia of Propaganda Manuel Mbscoa Barrantes of Acts and Correspondence - Arturo Montero Vega of Youth - Alvaro Montero Vega of Organization- Enrique Conde Conde 00 THE SECTIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE PROVINCE OF Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary General - Carlos Escalante Vega of Finances - Alicia Campos of Syndicate Action- Antolin Morales Altar? of Propaganda - Bienvenido Penaranda Be of Acts and Correspondence - Filadelfo Benavides C. of Organization.- Jose Feancisco Romero Saenz of Farm Action.- Jose Arguedas Prendas fo THE SECTIONAL COMMETTEE OF TIE PROVINCE OF CARIAGO Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary General - Jose Angel Rodriguez Fhllas of Finances Luis Mora Gutierrez of Syndicate Action- Gonzalo Coto Maze of Propaganda - Carlos Aragon Hernandez of Acts and Correspondence - Luis Guillermo Brenes Rojas of Organization. - Paulin? Brame Rojas , Approved For Releas: hW.-,,!CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2 \AL Approved For Release 2004/04/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2 IL CENTRALINFIx.TCENCE AGENCY' 73- FUnctioning under the Sectional Committee for the Province of San Jose are eleven Sector Committees. ga Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito Distrito La Uruca de Paves Eats Redonda Merced Hospital de IMMO San Sebastian Catedral Carmen Zapote San Frencisco SECTOR OTIMITTEES (having probably 3 cells) (having probably 2 mile) (having:probably 5 cells) (having probably 9 calls) (having probably 13 cells) (having probably 1 cell) (having probably 5 cells) (having probably 10 cells) (having probably 4 cells) (having probably 2 cells) (having probably]. cell) The functions of a Sector Committee as described in the statutes are be organized in districts of cities and in canton centers mbar? there are several cells. These bodies will be subject to thwAr respective Section Committees, to which they will present monthly reports of their work. Sector Committees may not control more than 10 cells, unless they have at lenst one comrade professionally directing it. Sector Committees will be appointed by assemblies of militants of the cells within their jurisdiction.....The duties and obligations of a Sectoral Committee will be set forth by the respective Sectional Committee or the Political Bureau., and limited to the jurisdiction of only those cells which it controls." 4, The Sector Committee for the Distrito Catedral is composed of the following persons: h. Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary SECTOR COMITME - Distrito Catedral General - Manuel Moscato Barrantes, waa. Marcos Lorenzo of Finances - Fabian Soto Soto, wee. (Thu.) Lopez of Syndicates- Jose Angel Melendez of Propaganda - Manuel Uoscoa Barrantes of Acta and Correspondence - Rath Carrasquilla? waa. Eva Escalante of Organization - Victor 114 Jimenez Rodriguez, ar. a. (ten) Rios of Rural Action and Culture - EN:tail? Menge Falias, waa. Manual Esteban 5* 1, CELLS MEIER SECTOR OOMICTIZE - Distrito Catedral Only two of the cells functioning under the Sector Omnnittee of the Distrito Catedral are known to source. They are "Octavio Saenz4" with five members, bonded by Bolivar Hernandez J., and the "Victoria" cell, with four members, headed by Omar Erenos, Comment. It is not known how the committee members listed above sere enosen as there has been no National Corgress since mid-1948 when the most important members of the last legally constituted National Committee were forced into exile. This however, is relatively unimportant, being one of many adaptations to the Statutes forced by circumstances. ? Approved For Release 2004/04/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2 25X1 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/04/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2 CENTRAL .INTI:T.T.TPEN EMT 25X1 I In the Party Statutes, this committee is named as _the 25X1 "Political Bureau", but insists that it is_currently designated as shown. All Vanguardia Popular members are assigned a pee udenpu for use an party documents, in recording attendance and the like? The two shown above are the only ones presently known, 25X1 18"li Comment, The procedure noted here represents a radical departure from that prescribed by the Statutes? It is explained as a direct result of the Party's persecuted status which severely limits organizallonal and other activities and leaves the clandestine propaganda field in the spot of thief importance, rating the united attention of the Part- leaders. 25X1 oiLm_entC? From the point of view of population, ideological targets and intrinsic importance, the Province of San Jose is properly considered as a part of the national orr.!anizatian of the Party, The Provinces of Puntarenas? Cartago, Limon, Boredia and Alajuela are presently organised on a clandestine basis, Approved For Release 2004/04/13 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003200130007-2