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Publication Date: 
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CLASS! Approved For I I 9457R0 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR 25X1 03100660009-0 SUBJECT Airplano Encino Factory in Rybinsk :?LACE 25X1 -ACQUIRED 25X1 ',ATE OF 'IVO. 25X1 DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAG 25X1 yNO. OF ENC (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. TillS DOCONItliT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING Tot NATIONAL DEFENSE 1 CP TEE UNITED STATES INTROIT TES !MINNS OP TEE EsPICOAON ACT SO M.S.C.. Si AND 52.A3 AtaENTIO. ITS TNANSNIsSION OR INS ENYELATION OF ITO CONTE4TO IN ANT NANNII2 TO AN, UITAMTROSIZEO Pyrisoll is IMO- MIMEO 25 L. REPRODUCTION or THIS POINA IS TROHISITED. ,,,,AINSERSMIE2ELMBi Ve.*ILee THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 0 kestAtigag ther?Bploinek airplane engine works* lactory 421, Is located near the western edge of the city* about one Wiloretereouth of the 'Olga. Lenin Streets aybinek'Js main street* which is asphalted and ten meters wide* rune lost north of the plant yards. 2. IlagAWAVilm (see Attachments t and II for detailed description and map of installations): According to the, R..i'Ket workers. the factory was originally erected in 1934 under the direction of Osman engineers* Rowevers during the war the plant wan evamated in four days. to be rebuilt in Siberia* and the plant buildings in Bybinik were blown up. The reconstruction of the Rybinsk pltiAto begun in 1944* 3. All ofthe factory is equipped with the most modern natal-working machines, including Germano American. Znglish. and Swiss cpecial workbenches. The machines are now amd certainly still serviceable* even thaugh the Soviets have not been cereal in their use of the materiel at their disposal. ? new buildings have skylights to provide better light. The plant has three tailway spurs which are used to bring in raw materials* fuel (meal* peat), and gasoline (Trelbstoff). The plant's own power station, equipped with throe steam turbc-gentrators* provides the necessary electricity for the enterprise. 25X1 grAluctintg Beery the war the Rybinsk factory manufactured fifteen engines a day; but. after the reconstruction, production difficulties Ilvdted output to only four pieces a day. In 1947 this had been increased to six engines a 25X1 day ! by the end of 1948 matrat reached ten pieces a day. Tuts promotion plan envisioned a vanity of 25 engines a day by 19,W. The factory manufactoses all parts for the airplane engines. The most important item of production is the large 24-cylinder radial engine') approximately 1060 meters high. The individual cylinders are about 30 to 35 centimeters high and have a diameter of 15 centimeters. The plant is also said to be experimenting with the production, of another internal combustion engines but' this. In addition,sivile pares ror otner engines are manufacturei by CLASSIFICATIONC 1 STATE NAVY AIR NSRB FBI , (DISTRIBUTION 1 I ent iel. .......ij WARNING IV T E. THIS 151 T/N81.1r1 This documpnt is hereby regraded to EXCISED BEF IMOSUMaGrittuMSficoPartoovectfit) letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intell!aencR Vold## Archivi'tAp olAedLPtirRer9i4; ? p Next Review Date: 2001B Matt: ENT. Date: 2/06 : CIA-RDP82-0 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20 DP82-00457R003100660 2 009-0 itybinsk snserprise and seut a-42.-Nyg pr?vaaably to other factories. The final item on the woe): program of the enterprise is the repair of old radial enenes. 25X1 6. Itappmenigi The Bybinek factaly is directed by soviet air corps officers stationc4, at the plant. In efliiision \here are a :number of civilian officials, mostly 4inginecirst or Epeciallets (PenhIvate). Also working in the entprise are a/Tr....emir:441y forty ow:Inver' and ii.1)2?6M111 who are soviet prisoners (force() labor). These arr.) spetri ally gentded /Awl considered as better Trisoners, 7.91LIII,Alck This .71ant employ:1v between 3 9(110 and 5E000 poreoncee inokadilks many -,i-Alert and,, /froze 1)44 to 19460 4wo or .t?hres shifts of work term don. 4 day, bo,l; elms the wiener of 1947, thie har been reetnced to one shill. but between NO and 400 were used in ths. rc/anstmctica work. Smol2 1 key to nap (2 peLem) 1 Approved For Release 2006/02/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003100660009-0