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Publication Date: 
August 16, 1949
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Approved For Relea e' 03O 1 i.,V, D1W `00'457 ~~0 `U L1-4 C C UNTRY Czechoslovakia DONFIDMI `",'EJECT Czechoslovakia's Scrap Iron Situation Into. OF PAGES 1 12E=- ,J. ss: 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 716 AUG 4 9~ NO. OF ENCLS. 1USTED 8FLOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1,.. O.B. C.. 7A1 "SD 112. A3 1,InrwnB.. IT3 T4~AJ10tlfrRION Gt 7TI9R OntLAT 7 7, BT6 l'(JG'FTpYB i18 AFIV l WWOR TO At. UWAUTOORIXED Pat3IIOEl 10 PG43- 9iUMV) my LA *MPPMD?CSIU or VMS @61:77 is PRCKIBO'SEEYJ, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 The ostlraatod Czec?zonlovak cousanIntiota for Ir%9 of scrap iron is 681,000 tons. I'I prco iuc t .on or 1949 t-All anount to 400,000 tons. Thin leaves 283,000 tons to be inported, of '~hich9 a~ The Soviet Zone of Garner is flag chins; 100,0~'.~0 tons accorriin' to an agroe- ment concluded in Moscow, kiere payment of 2950 U.S. dollars per ton twat ho rxide., The 31U in Ger :zany merely delivers the scrap on Moscow's ordure. b, The Germans in the Soviot Zone are furnishing 20,000 tons under a conpensa-? tin agreement T,h?rehj the Oo: t. n;3 get 4;,0OO tons of steel in exchange. a;, The USIA in Austria is furni,ping 30.,000 50,000 tons? ?; The remainder is to be obtained n yihhere in Europa: In March 1949 a transaction T?rae concluded in Berlin for 100,000 ton, at a price of 3495 U..). dollars. I F-5ATE w `b$ UAVY mDocument No. ~ ________ / Change In Class. ^ 0 DeclasslilsI Glass. Chang.,-el To: TS 25X1 . Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R003104690G . U .J