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g { e, F g V _____ iP J_. JJr ,t Y. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 -HUM ~ V (EN IkAL AGENCY RETORT NFORNIATION 1 BJECT Gust ,v Kiiment Werke PL ACE ACQUIRE 1!!15 t OCOMMMT COF1T'AIMO 11iF041g7ATIO 2 f PPCCITI1a TIrE IOATEOAIAL DEF! 4$! 61S THR DN2TED STATES WITHIN WE i1CANINa OP THE ESPIONAGE ACT $0 '.0. E. C.. SI AMD $2. AS A0E110E1). ITS TRANSOISCION 02 THE REV LATI01! OP ITS C0NT 34TK 119 ANY "AHMED TO AN ODADT002123D PEr4GOri 1$ PRO- 111DITED DT LAW. RSPROD6tCi10N OF TI119 E'OREI to PROSIKITED, NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 49 l,~ The Gustav Klinent 'Jerrie, forrierly krnoun as the Mannosnann fl hrenvrerkeo is located at Chomiutov (Komotau) and is now a nationalized corporation. The plant produces I-iannesnann tubes of various sizes from 2 rim to 500 mm in diameter. The plant is surrounded by barbed wire and a plank fence con- ta1nin. 6 porters locos and 30 porters. Tthe plant employes about 2,600 persons. 2. Duchon (Dan),, the lhnamr, ;ner (fnu), the Deputy Mlanarer CD NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES l4.. Initner (friu), the control I-?anaf*er, is now in Pra'ue in the Central I1'ana7enent. 5. ,Ianeota (fnu) , the ' Teifare J as a ^.ea riles the trhole 1.a&,, 6. Trnka (fnu), is Chairman of the `;corks Council, 7. T,,,e `Torks tl?litia has about 100 rien. 8. The Fire 8rimade at the plant has 3 motor fire engines, 2 potser plants and I First Aid vehicle. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM A ftssj Commissar takes possession of approxinately 70 percent of the plant's d?....- Ai-a. vrei m-, ms_ _ - ... - - - _ 10. The Tt,ro-Year Plan calls for a monthly production of 6s,500 tons of fini I products; the Five-Year Flan, 8,000 tons riontlay. L to Material is obtained from the Chomutav foundry, "folds" ladno, and Skoda Pilsen,, Stono, under the ingots fbr the furnaces, is imported from Poland, , , A ATE _ NA DISTRIBUTION FBI L_~ _ _ gg Docu~l-ent NO CHANGE in Class. [j DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auths DDA REG 7741763 Data t A&A 7 CONFIDENTIAL" CLASSIFICATION r/COPrR0L ?- U " OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 COUNTRY C Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 ~tl Q 1) OI3ri ROL - U.- - OF ; IC IALRS ONLY CENTTt.'tL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY .. 2 .. reference to Cher-fsitov Steel Tube Works t 1 2, 1g , Garage Ma ge ent (now h tilding) Apprentice L 1 shsip Print shop About 170 apprentices, headed by Matins UM). The instructor is Mechura (fnu). Publishes works' publications and advertIce.raent pamphlets. Employs 8 to 10 people in I shift only. 5.:. Tool depar resent Produces tools and implements for the works. Employs. 45 to 50 people in 1 shift only. Chroming dortr :Ant 7, Tempering shop Two gas tempering furnaces. Employs 5-non in 1 shift only. 8 Issue of tools Tool store 3.O? Machine de r 'ant Il,. Roller mach . in'ag shop 31a. Tent shfj,;, ,;,ir high! p ssfl 'J bcA t1 as 34, Power house 15. Generators 16. Boilers 17. Locomotive round-house 18, Fitters $ shop Rerairs tools, makes general overhauls. En- ploys 70 people in 1 shift onl yg for the other 2 shifts a state of readiness is maintained. Repairs rollers from the rolling expanding and re-stiffens them. Daily consumption is about 25 rollers. Employs 30 men in 1 shift only. ifigh pressure bottles are tested for pressure. Employs, : 30 men in 1 shift. Makes a weekly test of some 600 bottles of content, 85 to 115 litres. There are two gasometers of 15 in. in diameter and 25 m. in height. Contains 1 steam engine and electric Irtor for driving gasworks. - It is constantly in operation and employs 3 non per shift. There are 8 stationary generators. The local gas supply is not sufficient and so it is .surplemented by a piline from the Stalin UTorks. Thera are 3 shifts, 15 non per shift. Four for power and heating. There are 3 shifts 20 men per shift. Consists of maintenance men for water pipes. There is only 1 shift employing about 25 people d. CONFIDED 'TM/CCJNTROL -a U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 O iAL9 ONLY ~ S P.411 ?`*" V o i] r> OMyTA T ps LeLdl~~i L;ilTPJtL lI LLIG TICE A.GEETIC" " - 3 -- 50X1-HUM 19. Carpenters' shop Employs 18 men for 1 shift a Also makes rVe ' for use in the corks. transport department Internal transport consists of narrow u e annr. of offices normal track. There are 8 steam engines of 35- 60 UPO 2 motor locomotives of 30 and 80 HP r s- pectivel r, 2 steam engines for normal track, 000 narrow ug wa Ron (tippers), 200 stanchion wagons for trans rt&L tubes up to 12 m. in length .u 5 platform wagons for large in ;ot 3, 30 for small in- gots, and 4 trucks. Employs 90 persons In 3 shafts.. 21. Store of fire-clay bricks 220 inters g shop 23. Porters lodge Nom 4 Laboratory Cuts threads on tubes for test borings of 18- 20 cm, in diameter, Production is for USSR and Romania. The Romanian Cori scar takes over goods personally, Markings are in the Russian alphabet only. T.aeoklty production Is. 7 to 8 wagons a There are 60 people in 2 shifts. 25. Department for drill- ing tub:: ?t ore 27,. Tubes store 281 Forging furnace The r terial arrives cut to required size, ploys 25 people in 1 shift or v 29. (left out) Battery chargin 31. Management (old building) and porters lodge No. 1 32, Office of URO (Trades Union Council) 33. Telephone and loud-speaker exchange Tube- raring shop Precision small tubes of high quality r torial are cold-drawn. Also draws tubes for bicycle and for constrnetion of aircraft (h xago 'sal, s rn 9etc: 2 - 25 m r; in diameter). There are 3 shifts, 60 mom Cleaning shop Cleans tubes from the. drawing shop with sulplririo acid from Chemical Works, Ma nia There are 3 shifts each employing 5 peop te, 36 Store of finished tubes Porters lodF 38. Offices 39, Guard-house of marks and and min entrance ,I ONF'] d C) JTROL - U. OFFICIALS OTJTY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 GENTIUth I-i' E IM CE AGENCY Technical offices i chine-? i* Fors 4 3 . Fiinces Breaking-shop Jz5 - Electric Ohop ylene gas plant 6 Fin shop Asphalting shop Weighing achine Die store 49k. Coal sto:s , . Mast shop Fortis now rollers, restores old ones,, Contains 2 7.raiLUc presses, 5 drop hags, and 1 heat-, ing furnace, There are 3 shifts of 35 men each. There are 4 furnaces for the heating of ingots, Nos. I and 2 for large ingots 0.8 to 1.5 tons; Nos, 3 and 4, 35 to 80 kg.. There are 3 shifts of 2(30 persons each. Breaks raw into pieces of specific di- mansions., so as to obtain a certain length of tube-with minims raastes. There is I shift of 12 =sworker?s . Doses only r intenance in a midday sldf'm?g of 30 workers, Afternoon and night shifts a only ): .intained in a state of readiness. Here tuns from the furnace undergo their last finishing process. There are 3 shifts each of 90 men. Insulates and packs tube s0 There are 2 shifts of 30 workers each. Droun coal is transported by cable car from the pits "Jan Z iska" and "Juliusn. and street lamps standards. 1 shift of 30 wort :'s.: Assembles tuba masts for ships 51, Boiler tubes Makes supe 'heatero for steam boilers of every typo for UrZR, Turkoy, and Argentina? There Is 1. shift of 30 workers. 52? Main store Iron store Coal store 55. Tubes ,store A. Ramp 57. Main ? :ighLffia; machine ` In l tion of tubes 59. Building of new drawint-,-shop 60., For~ter ~ lodge No,, 3 CONFIDE."`M /CONTROL ~- tT, OFFIC3ALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9 T:ONF'ID ~1Z" f ?{i`tPi?# J1, d -3. Sa ..~, FiCI S `ffta. CETTT?',AL ITTrJLL,IG,LANCE t.G. LACY I. Tomaards the dump 62. ?ilkn y for vehicles Insulation of tubes II. Bending of tubes Forge W ~ Testing shop and VI.~ Finishing shop (ohi.mney tlarmw-j au ,ilway Cable-way to mine "Jan Gizk & 50X1-HUM Qa ,LmrjL: There are two additional shops which are believed to be part of the machine room. These are: F: Fointiin? shop: Forges a p inted and on tubes so that they ray be rased through the dies In the drawing process, Thera are 3 shifts of 10 men each. 2,, Expansion plant: Brings r aterial.. to coact size prior to rolling. The }last contains I, expanding machine aid I equalizing r chine and employes 330 man in each of the 3 ShiftSG CONFI DiMU'b/GM1i RO1-- - U-S. OFFICIAL 0t ,Y Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/20: CIA-RDP82-00457R002900090006-9