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C ASSIFIGA11ON 25X1 A2g 4 L?' ~r Approved For "At -.Cy P82-0 INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Italy DATE DISTR. 23 1A1 Y 1949 4UBJECT Preliminaries to Ital.-Polish Commercial Agreement NO. OF PAGES 25X1A6a PLACE 1tt~ ACQUIRED 10 014 DATE OF INFO. Sae below 25X1 X6 '0II4 1~ NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. -lornv'si Ot the United' Next Review Date: 2008 . 'Al , company which controls the mechanical industry) sent a circular letter to all the firms under its jurisdiction to inform them of the desires and criteria to be used by the Polish Government in negotiati for a renewal of the Italo-Polish commercial treaty which expires on 30 June 1949. Preliminary discussions were scheduled to begin on 20 April 1949. The Italian 'Ministry of Foreign Commerce was informed that twenty Polish experts were to arrive from Warsaw before that date. On 28 February 1949 the Finmeccanica (Italian state- 1 2. The desires of the Poles were explained verbally by Polish economist Dr. Adam Rose, who attended a mmeetin held at the offices of the Iftl Istituto Ricostruzione Induntriale on 23 March 1949. The Poles were greatly interested in purchasing Italian industrial products and., as in the past, they wanted to pay for these products in coal. This type of payment is very acceptable to the Italian industries themselves. At this meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Polish sinistry of Foreign Commerce, Dr. Rose made the following points: a. During the last period, Italy had negotiated r;ith Poland only annual clearings based on 750,003 tons of coal. Other e tra*clearing compensations made with private persons accounted for an additional 250,000, tons of Ac's mwhang0d. The Polish ',overnment hoped to increase this cuantity and to extend the clearing period to at least three years in order to be able to negotiate. the delivery of industrial goods; The Polish Government would be willing to send one million tons in the annual clearing for exchange for all products of immediate delivery,, and a total of five million tons in three years for the industrial goods with the understanding that the five million tons could be kept at a minimum the first year and would reach- a maximum the third year. Poland is willing to bring the price of coal to a competitive level; y,t Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00270079 sF TAT E NAVY NSRD ISTRIBUTION Af c+fY , Af R FBI 25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/09 CIA-RDP82-0071002700790010-9 CONTROL .. U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY c, The industrial goods which Poland desires from Italy,, in exchange for the sixty million dollars worth of Polish coal,, summed up as follows: Boilers and accessory equipment, including turbines, generators, transformers, switches, control switches and other accessory equipment 6,000,000 2. Machinery and installations for iron works; blast +'urnaces 0 O O . . . O . 30 50 Tooling machinery, especially large machinery . . . . Motors for ships . . . . . . Parts for ships a o . . . 10,OOOo000 3,000,000 - 102,000,0000 7,000,000 6, Ramps, turbine compressors, electric motors, cranes, etc. O O 0 , . P O . O 70 25X1A2g Total. $e 60,000,000 d0 The Poles believe that industrial goods should preferably be exchanged exclusively for coal, which allows the most rapid. exchange, but they are ready to include raw products up to one-third of the total value of the goods imported ahould this be considered indispensable by Italy o* They believe that it is easier to negotiate for the exchange of raw materials through private negotiations; e, The Poles believe that it would be best to create a government agency as in France, to take care of these exchanges. The reason is that during the first year the Poles will be creditors, during the second year the situation will reverse itself and Italy will be creditor for about fifteen million dollars, the third year there should be a complete equilibrium. This situation will require fide ssis and imanobilizations which can best be guaranteed by a government agency, AIJW/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY C IAL 6,000,000 3,000,000 running on tracks, etc.) 15,000,000 Precision machinery . . . . Vehicles of all types (auto- mobiles, trucks, self- propelled vehicles Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700790010-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/09i ClArRDP82-00457RO02700790010-9 \1T91PAT. AG Y 25X1A2g f. The Poles also wish that it be borne in mind that since they are offering the coal at the international commercial value, they expect the price of Italian goods to be on the same level., 4o The two'Poles in charge of negotiations are Ludwik Wedolovaski and Wincentry Piekar?ek, Commercial Attachesof the Polish l rhassy,ti Roe? 5 The Finmeccanica has suggested that the Italian firms contact the Polish Commercial Attache and the Comarnercial Counsellor to coma nce negotiations before the arrival of the Polish experts. In this manner, the Italian firms will be able to discuss precise offers, since the Poles wish to negotiate contemporaneously the agreeents on supplying the coal and the industrial products. 25X1 A6a MENRomment *; According source, Italy has a twofold interest in obtaining raw products. One is economic, the other political: a0 The econonc interest is due to the fact that in order to purchase raw products, Italy h:s to pay in strong currency. This cannot be obtained from the sales of Polish coal which cannot be re--exported; and b. The political consideration is that with the organization of the Italpolcarbo firm the more Polish coal that enters Italy, the more funds become available to the PCI (Partito Comu!nista Italians. U. 0. or, to Approved For Release 1.%9/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700790010-9