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Publication Date: 
April 21, 1949
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C '_J:~`SW lCAT1ON Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00270061a c 00 5-4 CENTRAL INIEi I IGEN EN,.Y O RT NO. FORM SUBJECT Possible Reorganization of the Government PE j1CE ACQUIRE DATE OF MARY 25X1X6 Dr., Pedro tilio Bonilla, who is reportedly a supporter of Osmin Aguirre and his plotters against the Salvadoran government, stated that he received a Liessage on 21 April 1949 from Francisco Jovel Wendez, Chief Clerk of the Presidential House,, concerning a reorganization of the Cabinet and the dissolution of the junta, Jovel Mendez claimed to have seen the Cabinet changes written ixi tha handwriting of ;FP jor Oscar Osorio of the governing j LUAsva n, The proposed list of new Cabinet Ministers follows : [Jr. -Humberto Costa P,ntonio Rodriguez Forth Dr. Reynaldo Galindo Pohl Feliz J. Ose4gueda Santiago Vi lanova Xreitz Colo Jose Arturo Castellanos Dr. Tr .nidac. Romero Foreign Affairs Sub-Secretary of Foreign Affairs Education and Culture Public Works Agriculture .Interior Labor 25X1A2g DATE DISTR,, 16 =Y 1949 NO. OF PAGES 25QC1A2g NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Source interpreted the above information as indicating that the junta is cons..dering yielding to army pressure for a single head of government end the elimination of the Vaca... Field Comment,:, The, dissolution of, the junta is implied by the above Cabinet reorganization ince Costs and Galindo Pohl are both members of the junta. The . i.nistry of Defense has not been mentioned., but it will presumably go to either Major Ooorio or Major bolanos while the other becomes provisional president, There is also a strong possibility that the above information is an attempt by Jove). Mendez to plant a false story among the Osminlstas o CONF fetter of 1 ~ Direct Director of Centre Document N NO CHANGY GLA DD.P M ocument is hereby regraded to AL. in accordrince with the ber 1978 from the ligence to the ~uSRO FBI Jt? kaa. Dots'- -MA CMICIDic Approved Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700610005-4