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OFF CI 25X1A2g C L ASS I Ei CAT 10 N II" b P 8 2 004')7R00 Sanitized - AaPs ved.For Release : CIA-R, ue PAL I,NTELLI G EN CE AGENCY REPO T NO. likaFORMATION REPORT UNTRY Bulgaria SUBJECT Bulgarian Order of Battle PLACE NCI 11 I R ED IN 25X1A6a CD NO. DATE DISTR. 16 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF EN CLS, (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. The following locations of regiments are noted: 3 Infantry Regiment 6 Infantry Regiment 9 infantry Regiment (with artillery units): 39 Infantry Regiment Belogradchik Tsarevo Selo South of Peshtera-Smolyan line North of Nevrokop, on the frontier Units. of 30 InfantrY Regiment were observed recently at Harmanli. TUnits of 23 Infantry Regiment have been transferred from Kazanlik to KtshUkavak0 One squadron of 6 Cavalry Regiment has arrived in Elhovo - another has - left for Hermann. A number of officers belonging to 24 and 29 Infantry Regiments were seen at Malko Ternovo on 19 March 1949. Units of 11 Infantry Regiment left Elhovo for the Turkish Frontier during the first week of March 1949. They are occupying the frontier sector be- tween Lesovo and Hodzha-Kioi. Two batteries of regimental guns and an unspecified number of field guns arrived at Elhovo to reinforce these units. The headquarters remains at Elhovo. Battalions are on a war time basis. 7. Units of 24 Infantry Regiment are in the Tikenji-Rezve (sic) frontier sector. , Newly-arrived units of 29 Infantry Regiment occupy the frontier sector b tween Hodzha-Kicee and Tikenji (sic). The headquarters of 8 Division, commanded by Shterio Atanasov, is located in the Military Club building in Haskovo. 100 oix howitzers and 24 field guns (all new) arrived at Haskovo by rail, on 25 :larch 1949. On 24 - 25 March 1949 a group of Bulgarian and Soviet officers arrived by C LASS I FI CAT! 0 NSEC/CONTROL US OM CIA ONLY tT3iii-377-1 1 DISTRIBUTION t_i -194maineu VO CHANPE?Iffs., C3 Sanitized -Approved For elease : NOW CIA-RDP82-? DBC 14: 401 1! Apr 77 1*1 Class. CBANGED TO: TS Autnt,DDA Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700600001-9 '..aurviitialcoroRoL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -2- 25X1A2g car in Haskovo. The name of the senior Soviet officer was Colonel Ivancheev? and he was attended by a Soviet Major Tiklev, 12. Freight cars from Varna, loaded with war material (including four heavy anti-aircraft guns and three searchlights) were observed at Mezdra station on 25 March 1949. They were destined for Vratsa. 13. Approximately 1,000 Macedonian irregulars are concentrated in the Tsarevo Selo area. 14. Numerous bands, consisting mainly of Greeks and Bulgarians from Greek Thrace, are in the Haskovo-Smolyan-Kula area. 15. Chetnil:s have been observed at: Nevrokop (about 1,000), Petrich-Kula region (2-3,000). They are distributed among the villages in these areas 111 groups of approximately 60, 100 or 120 men. Armament includes carbines, lerman and Italian automatics, and a large number of hand grenades. oc) Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700600001-9 .J.9,14PIONTP.0L - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY