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Approved For Re R9 ~, 1 ~ D~ f 57RO0270,gfl 0~$} -Q t A _Gib NO. 25X1A2g 'M r',(OIJ N TRRY Italy DATE DISTR. 16 'MAY 3.949 ,SUBJECT Organization and Personnel of the Italian NO. OF PAGES a Government Servizio Informmioni (Information Service PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF I NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) t5UFVL.Mt N 1 1U REPORT NO. 1. The Servizio Informazioni (Information Service) is divided into the offices: a. Division of Radio Broadcasts for Foreign Countries; b. Radio Reception Division; c.. Information Agencies, Cultural Relations, and Press Atthches Division; d. Publishing and Compilation Division; es Cc nunicationa and Italian. Press Review Division; f. Foreign Press Review Division; and g. General Affairs Division.' 3R Division of,,F?Qo Broadcasts for Foreign Countries This office., located in Via Veneto, Rome, is directed by Dr. Gilberto I3ernabei. This division is concerned with short wave radio broadcasts abroad the maintenance of relations with the RAI (Radio Audizioni Italia5, and television problem. The broadcasts are given in the following languages: a. Europe:. Rumanian, Slav, Turkish, Greek, French, English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, German, Czechoslovak, Polish and Russian. bb. Overseas: English and Italian to the Far East and the Pacific, Italian and dialects to Eastern Africa. C. Latin America: Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. d, North NO ITN [] DECL DENTIAL Class. C HA M Date: /?itA 1 America: English. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 fY r~n+r.+T +1~~ntmrnT /A^Srnrr1T it C` rLM'TnTATC (TTTV f. South Africa: English and Italian. North Africa: Arabic 25X1A2g 3. This division includes the following sections: .. Section 1: Personnel, general and administrative affairs, and accounts. The section head is Dr. Flaminio Coppotelli. b. Section 2: Compilation of daily bulletins for the various d. Section 4: Special Broadcasts (Special and unusual programs, registrations, installation of microphones, radio corivearsations, musical programs, etc,) The section head is Dr. Luigi Rossi. language departments. The section head is Dr. Francesco Random. Section 3,: Special Bulletins (Italian Bulletins of the Foreign Ministry, Italian Bulletins for South Africa, Economic Bulletins, Sports Bulletins, Radiotelegraph Bulletins, etc.) The section head is Dr. Filippo :Lennini. e. Section 5: Television, study and legislation, and relations with RAI. The head of the section is Dr. Piero Paiolli. Presently the following individuals are attached to this division: Raoul Moretti lsidoro Di Falco Bodil Borge Ciccarella Torgen Runa P3raino Giovanna Capristo Dr. Antonio Cuvella C elebi Perizat Srecko Berger Viera Maguglian.i Dr. Raffaele De Liso Umberto NiTani Iva Do Paci Roberto Andreani Luigi Giannelli Viscardi Leone Laazerini }tadso technician English language translator Danish translator Swedish translator German translator Greek translator Turkish transl:;tor Croat translator Serbian translator Rumanian translator Slav.. German and Eastern European questions. Portuguese translator ,-.ish translator for North America English translator for Africa. English translator for the Far East Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA=RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 ~~9~IFI~E~i~l~1t 25X1A2g CENIR4L INTELLIGk 1CB AGMY -3- Elena Parisini French translator C ater i,na Baydac Russian translator Karol Klesseczynski Polish translator Employment scheduled Giovanni Simko Hungarian translator to terminate 1 January 1949 Boushav Votruba Czech translator Andrea Cincura Slovak translator ) Additional information on the division is as follows: ao_ The Prato Smeraldo Short Lave Center, which is in the course of preparation, will not be ready until July 1949; and until that time the technical means available to this division cannot be effectively determined; b, On 25 October 1948, the International Conference for the Assignment of Short Wave Frequencies convened in Uet co City. The conference was to decide upon frequency assignments for each country, their hour schedule and their direction. The conference was expected to complete its activities by February 1949. The assigned hours and frequencies, at that time, must be effectively covered; 6. Radio Reception Division This office, located on Via Veneto, Rome, is directed by Dr. George Nelson Page. Presently the radio receptions are being received by the various stations in Italian, English, German, Hungarian and French. Among those employed by this division are the following: Giorgio Britti Angelo Natoni Giuseppe Nicosia 7, This division. is presently composed of the following sections: a. Se':tion 1 - Radio receptions; b. Section 2 - Radiotelegraph receptions; and c. Section 3 - Bulletin editing. The complete program which could be put into immediate operation requires the work of 48 technically trained personnel including the three mentioned above. =4%f I III W 5-1 11 of So- Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release. 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGFI CE AGENCY 25X1A2g 8. Inforn:tian Agencies Cultural Relations and Press Attaches Division This office, located on Via Veneto, Rome, is directed by Dr. Giuseppe Padellardo, It is composed of the following sections: a. section 1: Press Attaches - The functions of this section include relations with the prefectures, study of the press, contacts with the press federation and analogous organizations and travel concessions to Italian journalists. -Staff: Supervisor - Dr. Carlo Cavazzuti ( Communist cell leader) Personnel Officer - First Techf .cal Aid Gustav Bottini Adjunct Officer - Olga Vallario Section 2: Cultural Relations - The functions of this section include the dissemination of Italian culture abroad, relations with international organizations, relations with foreign newspapers, agencies and journalists, travel concessions to foreign journalists, relations with the Italian Foreign Minister, Minister of Public Instruction and Minister of 'oreign Commerce, and the examination of journals and reviews concerning import and export practices. Staff: Supervisor Dr. Domenico De Gregorio Personnel Officer - Guglielmo Paoloni Section 3: Information encies - The functions of this section include relations with Italian information agencies, selection of news from the information agencies and scheduled meetings with ANSA (Agensia Nazionale Stampa Associata) and ARI (Agenzia Romana Informazionl) v Staff: Supervisor - Guglielmo Lareo (Accountant) Personnel Officer - Dr. Giuseppe Sarti Attorney -- Dr. Aurelio Alesi Attorney - 'relia L. oni Attorney - Clara Barletta 9? Publishim, and ComAlation Division This office, located on Via Veneto, Rome, is directed by Dr. Angel' Russo. It is composed of the following sections: rnur'n9ur' i I 111 1 W 1_11 I It 1L. Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AG1 1CY ao Section 1: Newspaper Publisher (1) Functions of the Section (a) Relations with the C entrU Paper Commission; (b) Number of pages and daily prices of (c) papers; Application of decrees and pecuniary fines; (d) Contact with Interminieterial Committee of Prices; (0) (f) (g) Examination of the import and export practices of paper for newspape's, linotype moulds, typographic machines and other materials necessary for the publication of newspapers; Relations with the Ministry of Foreign Comerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Treasury and the Ministry of Industrial Commerce; Contacts with the Newspaper Publisher's Association of Northern Italy at Milan, the Newspaper Publisher's Union at Home and with the National Labor Bank; (h) Remedial legislation concerning publishing, cellulose and paper organizations; (1) Remedial legislation concerning the weekly rest of employees of the newspaper establishments; (j) Travel concessions to the Administrative Directors; and (k) Questions and Inquiries of Parliament. (2) Staff of the Section. Supervisor: Dr. Giuseppe Della Rocca Personnel Officer: Marino Antoniades Attorney: Raffaella Giu.iti Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 10010 MONOND CENTRAL INTIMLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1A2g b. SectioBook PublishinSection (t,) Functions of the Section (a) Importation of paper for scholastic books; (b) Commercial agreements for import quotas; (c) Customs tariff revisions (d) Daily and periodic printing controls; (e) Maintenance of a file of newspapers; and (f) Management of various correspondence. (2) Staff of the Section Supervisor: Dr. Alfonso Oliveri 10. Communications and Italian Press Review Division This office, located in Piazza Viminale, Rome, is directed by Professor Renato Lefevre. This division has the following duties: (a) Maintenance of contacts with the daily and periodical press for everything, that concerns the political activity of the Presidency of the Council; (b) Coordination of the above (communications, press conferences, press news, indicated trends, rectifications, etc,,) with the other ministries; and (c) Calling attention to the President of th,6 Council and to the Undersecretary to the President of indications concerning government activities in the Italian press. This office is provided with an established teletype network to accomplish these duties, which directly connects it with the principal Italian and Foreign Press Agencies, and in the to connect it with the Prefecture. 11. This division is composed of the following units: as Section I Communications and Relations with the Press Counsellors Dr, Lucio Leuzzi Attaches: Vittore Zara Ire Giovanni Iannelli (of the Finance Ministry) Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Nb%ol III I Is sm. /P'~/171m+T~~T f ~.T 7'!1'?'r.Xn7 AT 25X1A2g C.EI- RFL. INELLM;NCE AGENCY b. Sectio2 Dai R2VJYL (l) Rome Dal1., Pa prs Counsellor: Dr. Giuseppe Del Buono First.Secretary: Dra Bruno Gaeta First Secretary: Dr. Achille Ragnisco Attorney: Dr. Giulio Patrizi Attorney: Dra Cesare Carta (2) Provincial Daily Papers First Secretary: Dr. Fabrizio Antolini Attache: Ieidoro Verga Section Documentation (,CI.i and Periodical Review P xm (1) Can& Section First Secretary: Dr. Fabrizio Antolini Accountant: Antonio Cecchin Attorney: Venanzio Vannozzi (2) Review of Periodicals Attache: Dr. Donatella Piccioni Attorney: Renato Borgo Caratti Attache : Gianni C?.derone d. hLelikVes Carabineri Marshal Giovanni Muntoni Carabineri Marshal Leonardo Concas Attorney: Giovanni Zacchi e 0 CoEy Office F.ena Deroci Fernando Tancredi Columba Cerulli (Attorney for the African -Ministry) Pietro Passacantando (Attorney) ro\lphr\1'!'1 1% 1W I III WO V-11 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8 r'ONrInUal, r 25X1A2g f. Teletyniets Public Security Marshal Giulio Quintavalle Public Security Marshal Clemente .iintaval.7L. Guard Francisco Arato Guard Raimondo Delfino Antechamber Chief Receptionist Mario Petrini Receptionist: Antonio Volante Messenger: Arcangelo Mazza Messenger: Cosimo Casa.7.ino 12. Foreig Press Division This office, located in Via Veneto, is under the direction of Dr.. Goffredo Raponio This division has the principal task of examining the foreign press for news concerning the Italian internal situation and international reports and developments with which Italy is even indirectly interested. The division is divided into the following sections: a. Forei-n?Press Bulletin Section - This section is concerned with the selection of political items from the foreign press, their translation and editing; bo Fore. Press Review Section - This section is concerned with news and interesting comments on other services: Theater, Movies, Music, Travel, Publications, etc.; and 13 This office, located in Via Veneto, is under the direction of Dr. R. Marchionne. -The division is composed of the following sections: a? Section . This section is concerned with personal and restricted affairs, the Archives, the Copy Office and the Antechamber; and b.. Section 2? This section is concerned with general affairs, coordination, the budget and the acquisition of materials. c. For Press In Italy Section - This section is concerned with contacts with foreign news agencies, newspapers and journalists in Italy. General Affairs Division Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002700500003-8