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CLASSIFICATION 50-,Pdt::;l0_ TROT, Approved For F,eW 1p.19%ECAVb~&P82-00 x,OUNTRY Brazil :SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INF INFORMATION REPORT CONFIDENTIAL PCB Activities Since Its Illegality 25X1A CD NO. DATE DISTR.! NO. OF PAGES 3 iii' 'R 1049 NO. OF ENCLS. (WSTED BELOW) ry, CIA L{b SUPPLEMENT TO DEPORT Nn The directors of the PCB opened an office at Rua 13 de Maio, the EdiIicio Darke, in order to have a place to contact loyal members. The office serves as headquarters for the 1Sovenent for Aid to Political Prisoners,' which is directed by Abel Cherreont. This office and the office of the Frzceao Parlamentar of the PC1 at 'lvenida Rio Branco 2577 server] as replacer-ents for the following P0.:B groups which functioned in Rio de Janeiro prior to 1-lay 1947: y nature, they were not a - we aimed at destroying the cells. PCB directors decided to eliminate cells in all the large organizations and replace them by Commissions which would urge the workers to demand raises and create an atmosphere of unrest. 3. An intensive program to Worm fronts under the guise of charitable, athletic? recreational, and fer^inine organizations was followed. These groups have served as substitutes for the cells. Within a y-ar the number of these organizations, which were legally registered as civil societies, had reached ,100 throughout Brazil. The avers,-e number of members in each society is fifty persons, of whom some are non-Co nnunists who were attracted by the ostensible purposes of the organizations. PCI'S activities. 2. With the closing of the PCB, the morale of its mmembers regis- tration per cent of the members and sympathizers tration '?r?s cancelled, the Party numbered 60,000 members and 300,000 sympa- thizers. The Communists decided to carry on their activities through "InDrovenent Committees" and "Progressive Committees" which took their names from the section or suburb in which they ,-rere or anized. The number of these comLAttees rose to about 350. Since these organizations w .re of a civic the Electoral Court's decision, which was f-' ted b 25X1X 1. When the registration of the Corrunist Party of Brazil (PCB) was cancelled on 7 11ay 1947, its members and directors were so intimidated by the new law and by repressive police action that they acted with the utmost caution. However, during the last three months of 194.8, in obedience to instructions issued by Luiz Carlos Prestos in a manifesto, Communist agitators became openly active. Party members abandoned their passive attitude in favor of ar essive and boldly threatening measures. This change in polioy, which reached its climax in December 1948, affected all the publications and extended to all clandestine nrnnNTIAL NSRB FBI daccmTerrtis-tn~rebp CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with letter of 1$ Octebsr 1978 frora Director of Central Intelligence to Archivist of the United States. OE nte iew t r !t :,O D ev ex Date: f By: CLASSIFICATION OFFICIALS ON3Tf! Approved For R'$`9/~'9?C'J4 b 57R00.26006500 ONFiDENJJA4 The National Corrtittee, together with the National Secretariat, the Deliberative Council, and auxiliary groups. b. The Metropolitan Committee. c. Fifteen "fundanental" cells, directly under the National Co.-^Mittee. d. Thirty-three district committees. e. Two hundred thirty-seven shop cells. f. Two hundred nine neighborhood cells. 5. The PCB has a group of fifty lawyers which it uses to assist any member who is in difficulty with the courts of the political police. The attorneys work closely with the Movement to Aid Political Prisoners. a. Unable to elect representatives under its own name, the PCB has infiltrated all other political parties with the exception of the Partido de Representacao Popular (Inegralist Party). By doing this, it still has about fifty Party merbera in various state or municipal governments. Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, the Federal District, Sao Paulo, I.ir_as Gerais, and Bahia are the states in which the greatest Communist influence exists. 7. The Youth Resistance Movement was formed by the Communists to replace the Juventude Commuiata which was outlawed with the Party. Justin Prestos, a cousin of Luis Carlos Prestos, and a physician and agitator, directs this organization.*** Most of the students participating in the Youth Resistance Movement belong to other student organizations, of which the Uniao Ilacional dos Estudantes (UPNE) is outstanding. The PCB leadership is now located in the State of Sao Paulo and the following persons comprise the National Committees Luis Carlos Prestes, Joao Amazonas, Jose 1aria Crispim, I,auricio Grabois, and Pedro Carvalho Braga. There is a State Committee composed of five persons in each state which directs municipal and neighborhood committees. The latter, in turn, supervise the neighborhood and shot commissions. Directors of the municipal committees live on a Party salary and devote their entire time to PCB interests. 9. The Party was not very active in seeking the support of the rural population until after its illegality, and then it encountered many difficu?_ties. The Ligas Camponezas (Farm Leagues) did not realize much money for the Party, and a new line of propaganda urging rural workers to go to the cities and earn rare money was started. This line was quite successful, and farmers flocked to the overcrowded industrial areas. This movement f'eilitated Party recruit- rtent, but it also increased the scarcity of agricultural workers, thus damaging the country's economy. The PCB ,had made use of a great deal of nationalist propaganda, such as the Campaign for Defense of Petroleum, in its attempt to so-cure the support of the masses. 10. The PCB has several important members abroad at the present time. These include Armenia Guedes and Roberto Morena in the Western Hemisphere, and Jorge mado, Pedro Carvalho Braga, Candido Portinari, Oscar Niemeyer, E1no Duarte, Anibal Machado, Arcelina Mochel, Maria Portugal 1`illarrd,**** and Caio F. -.-onteiro in Europe. 1.1. The principal support of the Party has been the press through! which standard doctrines and current propaganda have been spread. The Communist press in Brazil comprises 25 newspapers, 7 magazines, and 100 pamphlets. The pamphlets receive a very limited circulation controlled by the editors themselves. A Classe f7ne ar3 , a weekly, is the official and most important publication and has a nation-wide circulation. All of the PCB publications are registered `O,ROL UCOfffbMI`f'Ai Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002600650002-4 ifCO:'TROL U. S. OFT ICIALS ONLY Approved For lease 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R00260065000 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY *in in the name of particular individuals rather than the Party; for example, A Classe is registered in the name of Mauricio Grabois. The Communist press is not self-sufficient because of a lack of facilities and is dependent upon help from the Party. The Miovimento de Ajuda a Imprensa Popular (MAIP-- i"ovesuent to Aid the Popular Press) has been able to obtain only about 20 per cant of the money necessary for press expenses and the Party has had to supply the rest. At the time that it was declared illegal, the FOB had 30,000,000 cruzieros on hand. 12. In addi.tt.on to its publications the PCB has, two publishing houses which are ostensibly cor!mercial firms, but which deal almost exclusively in Marxist literature.***** Interpreas News Agency is also still owned by the Party because it had not been registered in the name of the PCB. 13. After the police broke up the Communist-inspired peace conference on 9 April 1949, a report was received to the effect that both the police and the PCB were planning to take more violent action. The PCB is believed to be planning sabotage and other violence to be followed by a more aggressive propaganda line. The police are expected to adopt more repressive measures and to raid the UUniversidade do Povo before long. 25X1 A C grv ent. *The rovement for Aid to Political Prisoners is also known as the Commission of Soll.darity with Political Prisoners. 25X1A Co en . **The Fraccao Parlementar is under the direction of Diogenes de Arruda Camara, a Communist Federal Deputy who was elected on the Partido Social Progressista ticket.. 25X1A . *i**Jiustino Prestes is identical with Antonio Prestes Menenzes, former director of the Communist Associacao Brasileira de kssistencia Social. 25X1 A Cdr jen . ****Maria Portugal ; illard is identical with Maria r' it f the Gertro Na.cional de 25X1A Portugal Millu'ard,, a member of the ?dvisory 'ounc ?,st"dos a Defesa do Petroleo. me t. *****These are Editorial Vitoria and Livraria Itaiatia. ,T COI'NTROL U. S. OF^ICIALS ONLY CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002600650002-4