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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
December 17, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 17, 1949
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002400030006-0.pdf88.55 KB
~;.l~'eSStr lt.;AiiUN DATE DISTR. ~.7 :~'ot~ruary 19~s~' COUNTRY Qreece SUt3JECT ~.git~-t~.oa Amoaig isbor t~raapN 25X1A6a PEACE &e~~?f Rl;llll N0.OF RAGES N4.4F ENCLS. t~r~ ea.owa E7Ai E t~l= EN SUPPLEt~IEN'~ Tt~ 25X1X6 ~au~cE "Now that the holidayu (Rhristmta and Nerr Xear~ are approaahiregg maw` peraorue will be+ le~avSs~g Athena for their hams tans. 1~n3' of these per$an$ are government aPticials be'..oAgittg to the mariarcha~ Saacist c3.ic~ae ar arcs political leaders, ltint.ster$~ Derput.ies, officers, et cetera. ~ti went ~ to inform ue ae to what persons w3~la. travel ~ ~ tto their route, as sees as you aura ab3.e to do so, and also what sae+ana of trarasportat~ioal will, bA u$ed ~autac4obilet9 airpln~, ship, rai.lxa~ci)o 1~e3 also treat to kz~aw what p91'$ aams trill aCCaI t~tl~ e6 'rody~tlax'~ o R 'PJI~'~IR?V-NG ~?rrc~: Twis ? l s ' i` R IQ 3 U TIO N LIST9NG 1ViusT B`~ TTTT /~~ ( ~ r / ~ '/ ~ T ~ y~ 'y REPORT NO. 1;, i hao bs~ught out a aertaimm rn~mber of Couurselor$ in the ?arious stork?ra t~ ,and er~pl.oy+aeo r vrganiaatianse aiad grant agitation is expected iu the t~cshiaLe~t~ of govsrs~ent as a rsault o '~~ attention shaaLd be paid to the trade un3+on maY~Yi'~, ba~cause it ~.$ abso-~ 2utel~r cartai.a that a grant sts~.ke m~avement i e bai~ng gregax?ed to #1~rthe= ultwr3.or purpoaas o! Caramuni:emn. Approved For Rel~~~ 2-0045~~~~ N~ i$ tltroRi~ng al.I the uaight of it$ wvr3c oa trade union agi.tatioa fs ?~9 Ath@ne?-Piraeus area. xt 9.!< ~ $eiriOlte eftarts to hain@ they $a~Z'a"' mint e~.l.oyeas agitate, oauQa Bark $toppagea~, strike, mane mean pratestr, demarar~ Chriatma$ bonuses et aetsra~. its i~E ie also e~acouragiE.ng trze pensi~nner$ to dea~nd an #.a~a$e in thea.r }~enaioxt$a 50 EGtC~ urged the beak em~xloyeea to d axe i.nare-ase sad not to ~.1 otf thgiz~? strike uabfl. ti~ieir demmnda trer+e m+st., bo KlCE urged the unr~lay+ad to demand bonuoea~ 7. KItS is malsiug $erieus preparatiotas to Strike at goverit~a'it offfa3al$, trt~o axe either to be arias$inated ar t~o bei Is.~iclrisppeda Ta accasuplie~h thi8 par- goee sx~ usgeat ordor~ was is~sue~ to the org~li.zation$ a$ fol7Lar~a t a ~ uria~ r~~araded to ~.. ~::Jrdznce with rho I ~_:~~~c: ?;t ~'E~6ra1 E~~taaig~;tce to th? {, r'.rC~i~~r`ES ofi fire United S t$s. r~~~t ~e~i~~~~~Q~~i~ ~or Relea~ IC~RELEASE ~~I 7HIS bO1~Ul~AENT_ - - F Document No. N CHA:iGE in D~CL~:' EC~T C~~S$. e 1999/09/09 :CIA-RDP~~?0