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FORM NO.51-4A REPT 1949 W. 25X1X6 PLACE ACQUIRED e ease` /0 / 9 : CIA-RD 2-00457R002300750002-6 DATE OF INFO, July 194+8 iNTELLMENCE AUNCY REPORT NO. CD NO. F 1/ DATE DISTRt 16 Peb 71949 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENtLS. (LISTED BELOW) FSLEMENT TO 1 SPORT O The Union des Polonais en Belgique" (Zwiazek Polakow w Belgii - Union of Poles 1; De.,gium) is an anti-cormiunist agency coordinating she activitLes of the ` 4us Poo sh resistance groups in Belgium. Colonel Zdanowlcz (fnu), Medical corps is the president of this organization; Edward Pomorski, the national eecre ry; and +rladislaus Ada,rr~iak, the national treasurer, 2, The political components of the "Uriion4des Polonais an Belgique" comprise the fo]lc wi g: Polska Partja Socialistyczna - Polish Socia Parti_Social ste". which is affiliated with the ij .'Fart' of London, has been very active the Polish miners in Belgium. c _ Li cola~.ezyk (Peasant Party of 'iikolajezyk ) dership : Jo z of RzenLiewiewski L t f na Swiecka Mtivities This group has a limited influence. Con . . CONTi'1OL. - U.S OFFICIALS ONLY 1r L1 ITT ''LL'LT~ iimmY Approved For Release 99/09/09 CIA-RDP$2'='0045`IR0023 0T5`b002 6 Party N tion 1 (National Party) Leadership: Macieck Cybulski tine Sylwestowicz, wife of Cybulski Activities: Although nothing is known of its precise aims, this .group purports to be extremely anti-communistic. leurs Chretiens Folonals (Polish Christian Workers) xa to Les.dersh gyp: Franciszek Xrakowski ;e Qu ri4re Catholigue (Catholic Youth 4Jorkers) ersh.p: Officers, .adomir l'.at za, President Jacob Sobieski, Secretary tivities: This group, together with the "Travailleurs Chretiens Polonais" listed above, promises to increase in importance, hose and various other Catholic groups were unified r be Karol Kubisz, the head of the ,jr~ission -at b1ique Polonaise" (Polish Catholic Mission) eter.#he- departure of Abbe Przygoda. Ida addition to these organizations there exists a new democratic .ristian iioveiaient whose importance has not ye# been evaluated in which Count Tadeusz I'later-Zyberg, Franciszek Galatska and Pawel Ef'f enberger play a predominant part. 2. Also functioning under the "Union des Polonais en Belgique" are the following non-political groups, hostile to the Warsaw Government, Whose members are drawn largely from former combatant and resistance circles. POW (Polskie Organizacji Hojskowcy w Belgii Polish Military Organizations in Belgium) Leadership: Rudolf Brendel POV (Polska Organizacja Walki o Niepodleglosc - Polish Organization for the Struggle for Independence) Leadership: Edward Pouiorski Union des Refu4es de Guerre Polona.is (Union of Polish War 'Refugees) Leadership: jygraunt Rusinek, President. Stefan Grot, Secretary 11 Activities: This organization replaced the "Union des Emigr6s de '-Guerre Polonais" (Union of Polish 6'dar Ennigres) which was founded by Glaser, the former Polish luinister in Belgium. Assoc'`tion des Anciens De ortfs et Prisonniers Politi ues Polonais en Belgique Association of Polish Political Prisoners and Deportees in Belg umi) - Leadership: Prince..Qzetwert vities: A large number ot. 'P~)] s}'i ,i41ti is " ,/Oid'`ROL I3 3 OFD ICl ; ., . .. ._. HU 611' 1', "5 l ;. Approved ,)or,.Rele X999/09/0 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROO230075~002 11 Date: r