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CLASSIFICATION X)NM&NTIAL Sanitized - Apd or Release CIA-RDP82-00457R0023 REPORT NO. INFORMATI WEPWrIn Nn_ C4UNM culs ACT Political : in melba 25X1A6a 1. Aspr fm Gabs indicate that a clash wd.ets between President thrlos Prig 3ocarraa WA Ouillermo llonso Pujol, Vice President, owing to` the latterts Gunton to booms President of Qsba. Pujol is supported in his ambition by former associates of Prio-who are dissatisfied because only the Inno Me o33que has been profiting freer graft under the present regime. In aw .!`tart to counteract this movement, Prio reportedly plans to eliminate the pofltbili#y of opposition by combining the Cuban Revolutionary Party, the i'epublte n Party, and the Liberal Party, and by cutting potential opponents In an - graft. 2. 4ooo ag to Leputr Manuel Homero Ptdilla, who maintain liaison between Setath ices, anuel Ale an in Mari, ?lorida, and the Union Insurrecoional hwrv lucians!ta (UIR) in Cuba, Pujoland Aleman are working together to amt President Pico from office in order to elevate Pujol to the presidency. 25X1 X6 1k-President fianon Gruu San Martin is another member of the, combination. Courant. Pujol told Deputy Rolando Ussferrer, a member of the 25X1X6 Republican Partly, that Aleman has no political sense but is useful because of tam financial assistance.) 3. After a visit with Senator *leman in Miami, Inspector Lands of the Alban Ministry of the Treasury asserted that certain activities involving the amraggling of arms were being developed in the United States among Senator Aleman, ]Lee President Pujol, ex-0eneral Games Games,, an officer in the Cuban Armor during the time of Batista, ex .Oenerml Hernandez Nardo, former Chief of the Cuban National Police, and ex-Oenerel Pranoieco Tabernii a. Pinanaial backing of thsUe maggling activities, at least in part, vas to be supplied by the Dominican Republic. According to the Cuban Consul in New Orleans, four torpedo vessels have been purchased by these alleged smugglers. Ianda asserted that the combination was associating with Trujillo for the double purpose of financial gain and of embarrassing the Prio regime by strengtbsnilgg Dominican military power. t go. D 1 NO CHANG in ci ;xs. 25X1A2g DATE DISTR. 10 !`ebruary 3.945 NO. OF PAGES 3 C3 V&QL1~4!5=-'ZD ~n~I~InGtuTi A 1 Sanitized - Approved For Release' CIA-RDP82-00457R002300420010-3 25X1A2g Sanitized - Appr AIf o t P82-00457800230 25X1X6 ^ 5~ 25X1X6 4t. An it ividual ramd 4r noelos, who has been a frequent visitor of kleman in fl- aa., is In char a of a defamation campaign against General Genevevo pares fags, This campaign his been undertaken by kler n and ex-Generals GUXRes Go"* and T5bernilla to weaken the position of the %ray through the creation of unrest and confusion, eventually,, they hope, causing the resignation of President Prior. in this event, Vice President Pujol would then assume the presidency of Cuba. Vice President Pu.jol, who financed part of Maeferrer's election c~fl ;~st ~ :assorted to Wasferrer that contrary to reports he was cooperating with President Frio, He claimed that as a result of this cooperation the Republican Party would no share in the graft in the same measure as Prio's clique. 6, Orlando Puente, administrator of the Presidential Secretariat, stated to source that Pu3ol is now working wholeheartedly with Prio. Pujol has assured Frio that he will not resign his position as President of the Republican Party. ? it was stated further that during January 1949, Deferrer, as yell as 'other Republicans, would begin to receive concessions from the government which would consist of tgtellaii~ and shares in the distribution of lottery tickets, 8. Governor Macao of Oriente Province, also a Republican, use assured by President Prio that he would be the beneficiary of botsllas and lottery money in the near future. 9. Source states that during the latter part of Eieoeniber 1948 it was evident that President Prio and his brother Francisco "Paco" Prio, who is regarded as the brains in the Prio combination, decided to eliminate all opposition or the possibility of opposition by closely combining the Cuban Revolutionary Party, the fepublican Party, and the Liberal Party. The plan involves the distribution of government revenue, obtained from the lottery, customs, the 'two per cent tax, and the tax on utilities. In this way, President Prio inter eX1 A6a to obtain the allegiance of the leaders of the three parties. Comment, A number of items appeared in the Habana press from 21 December through 28 Lecember dieolosing an apparently new combination of Cuban political parties, The implication ins made that the Lemc itic Party would combine with the Republican arty,, of which Vice President Pujol is the National President. The present administrative party, which is known as the Autenticon, consists of the Cuban Revolutionary Party and the Republican Party,) l0c During a luncheon on 25 December, Antonio Prio, present Winister of the Treasury and also a bother of the President, delivered a large number of jobs directly to the Vice President in order to further cement Priors ..-"lotions with Pujd1 lie As a resalt of representations made by Francisco Prio, Senator Suarez Rues 25X1X6 President of the Liberal Party, has placed the Liberal Party at the disposal of the Autentiooe, cent. Recently, an item appeared In the press stating that Senator Suarez Rivas would not present a Liberal candidate for ) yor of the City of Iiabara in the election of 3950, One of the candidates for 3Ikyor of Habana in the election of 1950 is Antonio Prio, $uares Rivas' intention to enter no Liberal Party candidate is a move to strengthen Antonio Pr1o'e chances for election, Under the present system, Antonio Prio not be nominated by the ini.cipal Assembly of the Cuban Revolutionary Party, which is controlled by Antonio Fernandez ihcho, a henchman of Senator Allman. Post of the delegates to the Municipal Assembly of the Cuban Revolutionary Party were elected to their posts through funds supplied by Senator Allman. In order to obtain the nomination Antonio Frio must have the support of Aleman, which is' not likely, or he will have to buy Alsaan r s -delegates. Offers have been made to Allman to join with the Price in the creation of a single political .party. ) 12. Deputy i+ksferrer stated that the object of President Prio is to create a system similar to that in Mexico, where all candidates for office are selected from within the faotirrne of one revolutionary party, Priors intention is 4 eliminate all party limes. All political parties will be invited to join except the Partido Socialists Popular (MP-Cuban Caamcurist Party) and the Cuban People's Party of Eduardo Chibaee Maaferrer asserted that ex-President Ii Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002300420010-3 Sanitized - Appro ; -RDP82-00457R0023p'Q1f-3 a1t,encio Patista. wi. A be in the ecinbimtiona 1aefmrrer also anticipated iat 4lesan wiU not Five his wholehssrtmd support but will tacitly cooperntea ::?asferrer be. .avod that the entire Prio movement to combine the parties was undertaken beaatuse Prio we awre that Almon Pujol vas a tt ampttng to oust him as President in order to assume the presidency biaaelf r 4. Q 11,11 HIPME 1., 1; 110% Lw~ Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R002300420010-3