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Approved For FB,~1.2l~p'flilAC~P82-0042~~,0 cu Na. ~UNTRY Colombia DATE ?ISTR. 2 g's-h 199 Y.tiBJECT Election of ?Sera Directorate of Confe:]ersition of Calcabian . tor'ters N0. OF PAGES 2 PS.AOE AOQUfR~D QATE OF IN ~r_v~vrn PlO. OF ENCLS. {US'fE0 BEWW) SUPPLEMENT T4 are 2. Th? VII General. Plenum of the ConfedQraoion de Trab3~i~dores de Colombia (CTC) will meet during the last w9B'C of JarnAZry 1949 in '3ogo#.a. Anew Direator1te for the CTC will be elected and plans will be evade for the calling of the X tlational Labor Congress. 2. .The Central Executive Committee of thc~ Partido Comuniata de Colombia, t7PCC) has direate~? all Deparlane~ta]. Can~nitteea to send represent3tiv~es to visit all labor leaders in their department before the opening o? the Plenum. Labor ~.eadera are to be advise1~3 that if the present PCC me~berp, Pedro J. ibella, Carlos Arturo !lguirre, and Victor Julio 2?ierohan, are re-elee~t~ad to the DiroctorAte, or if other PCC no~?bere arQ elected, the. Party wilt iraaerZi~.tely begJ.n a Par-~reaohing rncogr~- for the benefit of th? wor'tin,~ c].asaes of the Qoeintry. 3. The nroS?-ram wa~ild be ea,rried out by the presentation of the foll.otring d~,nands by s great number of the labor unions: a-. Imae~liate ineroase in wages bneed on the eoneta.~.tly rising- cost of 1.ivin~!. b. ~f~`eotive implern?ntrstion of the profit-sharing docree to operate to thn benefit of the workers. o. Houses far workers built in sooordanee with modern atsnd~rds of sanit~xtion. d. Establishment of elementary and technical schools, der schools said nursgrias f'or the ohil~3r~an of workers, nit seS2ools for the workers, and rural schools. $. Adequate asal.stance i'ar w~,rkors sad their familiee~, paid by th? Governmont. f. Establishment of a Labor Bank with Goverrnnent capital. in Ho~;ots and branches in all. departmental.aapit~ls. This bank would maico loner-term loans with no interest to the workers. g. Eetablishr.-ent iYt e~oh depnrt~nental capital of a ccmmisaary For fgod, cJ.othin~?, medicine, tool?, etc., to be aol?] at coat and an credit to the workers. ' WARi~i~~:~ ~~~?FS~'L`: TF9nS ~I,b~i3~1T1~'J~d L1STIiV~ 11AUST BH NO CHANGE fn.'CI~ s: Da~.zs 00/04/18 :CIA-RDP82-00457 230 00009-9 W._~f4G6~H- 6: , wtra.;a od :L-dv es~e+v,e .~ ~. ~.~-.-- -- - '------ .-. .. .~..... ~_ .i- Approved For Release 2000/r~Onn~l~~~ ~'''' eAP82-004578002300200009-9 CEtiT~J ~N+~L[~x~1CY h. Parceling and distribution of large, uncultivated h3cic~adaa to the farm workers. In addition, the Govormnent should send agricultux~l experts to instruct the workers and to furnis the necessary ~+aeds. ~.. InsUT8nC0 for the workers against o.d ar!e, death, sickness, anal accidents. ,G. It is reported-that the tvo Commun~.st factions in Colombia are cooperating to a oertein eateat is preparation for the Ple~rn. The PCC is depending to a large extent art the influence wielded bg Abella, Aguirre, and ?4erehan as members of the Directorate of the CTC. They also hope to pain the support of the labor unions oi' the Department of Cundinarsarca. The 1e~.3er of this +xnivn, Vesture Fuentes 'Tanegas, is a PCC meanber. ~. The activities of the Partidv Comunista obrera (PCO) ar? wader the direction of Jeeus Villegas Palacio, who hopes to regstin the position of Secreta2;y Ceneraa. of the CTC, Villepas held this position gar fine years prior to December 1'9t~7. The FCO is believed to have the support of the Bavaria Syndicate, the Fe'-eration of ~:on8tructiot~ Workers, axed certain unions affiliated to the FederaQicm ~Jacional de Tranaportes Fluvial, i?13ritima, Portuario, y l~ereo (FED~AL). b. f}thEr groups will pledge their support to eandids,tes outside these two factions. f'armanio Zapata has adviaeci that rlelegc.tas fraan his Federa.eion Piacional d? Carreteras will vote for Gaitanist-Liberal. eandid~ten, Carlos N. Pare~a has esrpresse8 hie intention to propose certain candidates for election to the CTC Direatoratg in order to min support among the Iabor unions far his own aandidaey for the ~iouBe of Rapresentstives in June 1949. Diego'I~iont~ Cu411ar has the sar.+~ int?ntion sines h? also hopes to be elected to the House of Renresent~tives. Montana Cuellar has been assure3 the support of mang of thv~important petroleum leaders fn the country, particularly those in the Barranoaberrre~a area. 7.` The labor leaders in Colombia agree that Pedro~J. Abella ~ail.I be replaced as 3sarotsry General of the CTC. ire has been accused of neglacti.ng his worZc and of devoting his time to ComMUnist activities, it is expected that the ~43nistry of Labor will da everything ~ssible to baring about the calectian of men experienoed in labor mstters and to elinins.te a13. politics, pexticularly esctre'me leftist tendencies, from the Aireotorate of the CTC. C~NFI NTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/18: IA-RDP82-004578002300200009-9