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25X oved For R& -4 919=U I vCE:W, 82-0045MOO ZO a &I r-001% 01% NG. J-1--W 116- COUNTRY Venezuela SUBJECT Spanish Im .igranta in Venesue PLACE 25X1 A6a ACQUIRED DATE DISTR. 21 Zen 1949 O OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF INF SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1 X6 REPORT NO. 25X1A6a G ;enntt. The following report covering the activities of Spanish pu icans in Venezuela from October 1947 through t:ovember 1948 was prepared for the Provisional President of Venezuela, Carlos Delgado Chalbaud. After rea-in- the document, Delgado Chalbaud stated that it verified previous information he had received.) 1. On 2 October 1947, the U. S. Army Transport G 117RAL STURGIS, which had been chartered by the IRO, clocked. in Puerto Cabello. It carried 820 immigrants to Venezuela fro"i the U. S. and British zones of Austria and a group of 170 Spanisb?refugees, most of whoa w/re a badge (printed in English) of the "Friends of Venezuela Society". They hold a nolitical meeting on board ship nrior to landing, during which there were frequent shouts of "Viva la Republica Espanola", "Viva Venezuela", and "Viva is Acoion Democratica". At that tine it was noted that many of the Snaniarde spoke very or Spanish, although they had Spanish names and carried Spanish Republican papers. During the voyage, the commander of the transport had received numerous reports from the other passengers to the affect that there were many subversive agents in the Spanish group. 2. After landing, the Spaniards moved to El Trompillo. Subsequent reports stated that there were many Poles, Russians, Yugoslavs, Czechs, and others in the group and that their conversations indicated that the men had been members of :he Gomr~n ist International Brigade during the Spanish Civil gar. After the group had been at the camp about a week, there was trouble between then, the other ir!:igrants, and the camp administration. This caused them to be noved to San Mateo, from where the ITIC dispersed them throughout Venezuela by finding jobs for them. The apparent leader of the Spanish group was ienrique Pratz, aged 35, from Barcelona. 3. Similar groups arrived on the GE RIL STEW- 11T and the G ??ERtL BLACK on 12! Dece"'ber 1947 and 17 February 191,8, respectively. The corr-anders of the ships reported on arrival that they had been informed of the presence of many sub- versive agents among the Spaniards, but that none was identified. Sono of the subversive a ents were reported to have received special training in Yugoslavia and the USSR Zone of Austria. The agents supposedly infiltrated the British -nd American Zones of Austria and secured passage from there to Venezuela. BRA OT1CE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING hMT BE Fsf Lactiment Is hernbv regraded to Class. CHAPdCF, TS DDA Memo, 4 CIA-RDP82-Ob437R I V By: O a' Approved For Release I 999/ 1 RDP82-00457R002200520003- 5X1A2g 4. ;'out of the Sianish fe',ub?.ican ir. nirrRnts to Venezuela oriL7inatect in France, Portugal, French 'Torth if'rica, and Rely. The Venezuelan official responsible for wanting visas to the i*r-irr?3nts is Jose Pzdron Irazabal, the Chief of the lene n'ielan i'i^sion in Frinee. fTe works closely Frith :lnrr,w Cort?ovz, Chief of the LLatin :-r!orioan Section of the IRO in Geneva, who arrati ,-~s for the noverents. the nunber of Snertiah it?rtigrarzts to leave France in December 194.8 roachart the figure of 1600. ParYron was celectinr them sand provi?inr, then with visas, while Corrlov- arrant'. to secure two ships. The plans -rare temporarily suspended in :ovsrtber because the ranid influx of iinirrants in pact months had moved to be irmossi bie for the country to absorb. The col?.?apco of the Covernn Dnt's Zany? colonization nroprer: was s. con tributinr? f^.ctor. 5. The PORTUGAL,, the L'JCL110, the CBOT, the {.LTCO:Bi, the CLIRO, and the X0I"'f10S ar^ sh fps ?:-hioh arrive in 1enezuela ^very ionth fro^c _,lronea-n ports. 3ach one has cirriod fron 50 to 100 Shan{ sh tepli.?blic^.n refngees who were 1oglly authorized to, enter the country. The CAIRO ar+r7 the X0M1;Ii;OS, flying the Pan^nanian flag, are on^rnteci by the Zarat1 Stosa.'?!shir ,orspeny, and were oarrytng illegal Jewish irrlirrants to Pal, satin un?'er the name of Orient'il Trancnorts Company until r-: iently. It is somewhat strikinr that these sah ipa have been divert:.d from the Palostine to the 7enezi ola- run. .Lsir'e fron ? erl irmirrantG, all the ships- carricd certain nus'bxr, of stowaways, most of irhon were Spaniards. 6. sloven S vanish stowaways were known to have arrived on the :C3`i 'Ii?0.3 in 0ctobar 194. Other i^nir?rants on the ship renortoe- th?,t it stonpelt at night off the Venezuelan oast to unload contraband and possibly Men into sral' boats which ca? a alonr*siri . - three stowl:aays are 'mown to have enteroc lenezue? ?' illy ~liy from the CUM in i.'ovenber. Those three, who have not been ir?entifiod, were renort-~ to hive been nroninont terrorists who hal failed to obtain visas in France, -',tit had :?anaged to board the ship with the assistance of other Spanish irr'irrants aboard. 7. It would, apnsar that the Spanish Renubi scan movement to Von-izuel a is well organized in the fort of 'a secret organization of an international char?ieter with considerable financial b^c'.ing. Societies like the "Frie~r's of 1Jenezuelz" are organized. in thy; ;.Fir: way as, the "Frien's o.!' i3na?t n", which, op r-'.to l in `1..irone d?nrinr? an-' a ."ter the Sr .nich Civil Jar. The organization is believed to be of Connunist origin. 8. :Although the IRO office in Caracas is visited daily by dozens _~ry ;ts of various natinnalities seekinr assistance, advice, and tt>>,,~~~:tent, there has not been one case on record for over a year of a Spanish r~,fntgee renter sttnr aid. 9. 'Tntil mute recently., nroninent Spanish Republicans like Senor tTiloa, Chief of Colonization, and Senor Casals, Chief of Invesstigation, hold k y positions within the Ln :i~rration Institute. 0t_tZ? ~r irrnirrants have reported that both thes^ men had r^cor-1o in Spain indieatinv- thit they were prominent Coiwitaniots. Approved For Release 1999/09/0 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002200520003-1