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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R002200220001-6.pdf99.06 KB
Lyn"I HLg . FiCAT?Ol~ Approved For R~~d~~~~~1~~~~1~82-004O~~IO ?5X1A9a ~~~~~~"~~'d0`~~~' CD N0. ~ ` ~4UNTRY Q~,~y tRuasian Zane T~ATE DISTR. 3 Jan 149 ~UBJEt"f s~ of t~asoli>he sad Oit Suppl3.ea fn Lead N0.OF PAGES MsakZentxag-.1Torp~mera ~,~~ 25X1 A6a 25X1 A2g un nr rT~n~ c r~~uitcCU cusp e DATE QF IN 25X1 X6 SUPPLEMEN l4 Stocks of ~soline and diesel 031 held in Land Y ~aaklenbwcg~-orpol~errs ~ 1 Qctobes~ 19118 were: Gasoline 1,30?,000 ~1cg. (octane fib aTSd 57) Diesel oil _ 7,000,000 k~;, Thin co~nparee r~ith 2,700,000 ~ of ge.soline and 5,200,000 kg of oil held c~ 1 Apri]. 19t,B. Th3.s reduction of gssolin4 stocks -held t~v the Land is 25X1 A6a _._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ?: 3ourae bel3svas that stocks of ftzal ar? decraaeing bacau growing autsidc~ demands for the gasoline produced in th? Soviet Zone. (#roeter quantities- are Yio~ being take~a fro? tho Zono, oatensibl~r ea roparatioas to Poland, but it is ra3delq believed that these supplioe are r~eY^e3,y being stared bar the Soviets in cistern. F.~cope. } 2A Stocks of bot~i actor and ?~achine oil are extrems~lSr low, Thos the film respon- sible for the sale of b ..percent of the tote]. stock of oil. head in Land t:eckleaburg~-Vorponaaexn had on ~. oatober 19bB tt total of c~1y 75 toss o f oi3. ~8E},000 liters), sapplied bg the Trieb and Sahaieratoff ver~9.ebs~;esellec~ft, mbli. St ~s expoctad that the ?~ tons ~rould be oxhaustecl l~r rho first tree creeks of October. 3. TTxv situation with roux-d to the suppltg a~' oiI far In'brioatioa purposes has been aggxri~Tated bg the poor " ~ditiori of pxaaticall~ all intaraal ~bustioa e,~iries is the Land. Theso engines ha4E3 never bee~i propor],y raaiat?cinad, bocausc material arui Labor is not available for such purpoaeaj thus the engines use far aaore oil than would narmelly be the case. 031 rasa ueual3y supplied froaa Ear~tern ~'01~3 the ,~erunapth supply of 20 8ept~ber 191,,$, for example, cans reputed to bo fr~n Auzminia although the Qermens theaselvea believed 25X1 X6 it to bs of Austrian, origin, Cam7o t~ 9n exception to the geaaral rule that ail is received frog a ra E~iropa recontlq occurred cah?n a Dutch ship bro~ht 300,000 liters oir transi'orn~r ail foam ~Q Retherlands to Rostock oa 9 October 191.8. This deal. bee ~~~~-'4~ bey a,~;,~;.~erl ~ the ~C can as exahc~nge basis, acid 3t was oxpected that a fl~r~tbor shipa~eaat cf 500,000 1ltertr Utr~uld arrive in the Haar ffutiu~e.) FrQ8 a sanpiies of lubricants arrive at . irregular intervals and in such srmLt quantities that t'~ey am of little help4 /llriti~PRf1T. .r TT_~_ f:r'i'S+^T(!T!!T~ (?Tt1i.V Doctuusnt Idti. d;t ASSl NUJ C~t?C~ ix~ Class. [] ~~ I1>~.I,di~~IrI~:D s y r ~ ?7f' T -RD~~~=O~~s~A'~~~ T TO