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CLASSIFICATION CUNH.pd1D N%~~2-%JA7RRP" Approved F "As~ei ~LMA FINFORMAT'ION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone)/USSR SUBJECT Morale and Discipline among Soviet Occupational Personnel Document No. PLACE ACQUIRED .DATE OF IN Class. C:IANGED TO: TS S a.v v.LAL.IIl'~ 111 41ZI.:7J. II LJ DECLASSIFIED ~?DA Memo, 4 Apr 77 TJPPLEMENT TO Auth: DDA REG. 7 1763 oRT . nat_r. - 1 2 MAY 1978 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF TIIE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 AND $2. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION U. S. C.. 81 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION. Recent checks on discipline, morale, and political reliability in Saxony disclosed that both Soviet troops in Germany and SMA personnel are now better disciplined and have -a much higher morale than at any other time since the end of war. It was expected by Soviet authorities that the reorganization of the SMA and large scale redeployment (up to 25% of the total personnel) would start a wave of desertions. But the evidence so far is,that very few Soviet citizens desert upon notification of their redeployment to the U.S.S.R. Soviet officials are now confident that defection is no longer a serious problem. Soviet military commanders, SMA officials, and Political Sections of SMA and of the Soviet troop units received commendation from Marshal Sokolovskj in acknowledge- ment of their superior work and devotion to duty, 25X1 (Comment: This development is considered significant in view of the facti 25X1 that Col. Gen. Shikin, Chief of the Central Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the U.S.S.R., in a-special directive addressed to Maj. Gen. Andreev, then Chief of the Political Directorate SVAG, 25X1 severely censured 1ndreev for the "outstanding deficiencies in the ntl,rr' work of the Political Directorate, its subordinate units, and the party organizations" which resulted in very unsatisfactory ideological- political education of enlisted personnel 25X1 to political duties of Soviet officials. Mars a o 0 ovs and his Army Deputy for Political Affairs, Lt. Gen. Ponomarev, addressed to ,.Soviet Army unit commanders, refers to the recurring "betrayal of the Fatherland, suicides, robbery of the German population, performed by members of the Soviet occupational forces" in Germany. The main reason for this state of affairs is stated by Sokolovsk t to be the fact that " Soviet military personnel were guilty of keeping or living with German women". Following this directive the Soviet security officials successfully limited the relations between Soviet personnel and Germans to bare minimum. There is no doubt that this segregation of Soviet personnel from the German population is credited with the now reported improvement of discipline and morality of S CLA IF1 TIONv- ENTIAL DATE DISTR. 3 Jan 1949 NO. OF PAGES 1 STATE I NA Y IB ARMY AIR JAI FBI