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SUBJECT 25X1 C PLACE ACQUIRED SUPPLEMENT TO 25X1X The following is a key to the attached chart of the CPN (Communist Party Netherlands) : ,2pWMsR which is convoked at least once every two years The jfttrt is nominally the highest authority of the CPN and is responsible for., 1. The Ut ,l__C_qrm t e (Partij Bestuur) sometimes translated as Party Executive. This committee, chosen at and by the Party Con:;ress is the actual governing body of the CPN. 2. lEe rte -Gommittee. Elected by the Political Bureau and responsible for every-day activities and operations of the CPN. 3. Ps.rty Bureau o b c etariat. All matters affecting the Central Committee and the Executive Committee are first referred to the Party Secretariat which assumes much of the routine work. 4. t cal B Receives international instructions and adapts them for internal use. 5. _01=gv> ?tiafU. B l i10 Way be considered a section of the Political Bureau which regulates orgrnizational activities of the Pr:rty. 6e 5 'entific Buie. Consists of commissions which study subjects assigned by the Central Committee. t SSIs iCA1?IC N; si-WT Approved For ~ A129RV&j8tIS -%E 0457R00 IN FORMAT E PORT throughout the country. jr ffim The Netherlands DATE DISTR. 26 October 1948 The Communist Party of the Netherlands NO. OF PAGES 4 nwa WARNING NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST letter of 16 Octoi er /8 from te Director of Central ,ence to the Archivist of the ~j.o:es, CLASSIFICATION SE PlAVY _ NSRB ~_. __ Du1k This document is hereby regraded' to CONFIDENTIAL in aeco,d3nce w'th the c a : 1 : ~...._.._ ...: Approved For-Re1easa? 01/11/23- : CIA-RDP82 WRGb~2000~80UU3-2 a usvr,~~ y,1 prij: 9)e 1 sarheid" (Truth) is most important CPN publication published in Amsterdam and distributed CONFIDENTIAL (O rd) 9 3. !::o h ? Uodicals: "Politiek en Cultuur" (Politics and Culture),. a politic,-l monthly, popular-scientific and cultural. "Echo van het Lend" (Country's Echo), an agrarian propa.g:-,ndz stic mon tnly. . "Vrouwenpost" (D>omants Paper), monthly for won:eti. "Statt en Ra5d" (State and Co ncil), org,-,.n for CPN representatives in public bodies. 4,~g "dg ~ervnl,A: "!Grg:nisatie j ieuw+s" (urgenizat.ion 14evas) , organ for the cadre. "Feiten en Cijfers" (Facts and Figures), press reports on important events used for propaganda. 5, is ellanm-P1b$ 3.c tions: , Factory bulletins published irregularly on steno lied sheets to spread propaganda among the workers. Regional papers published by CPN District Committees. "Kwartsal14 (4uarterly), contains speeches and statements of world Communists. ? Approved For Release 2001/11 ;(CIA-RDP82-00457R002000080003-2 25X1A CLi-`J.RaL 31 &MC&ET. r+GENCY 7b. Film 7c. Radio 7d. arts and Culture 1. ,La under Party supervision for the training and supervision of Party members. I M (Independent). "Pegasus" and "nepubliek 2a Pu_ g bj,W_ der t.etteren" (hepublic of Letters). Books and pamphlets for education of Party members. 1. Local Advisory Committees 2. Press and Propaganda Fund 3,. Local Theater and Cabaret Companies, perform for propaganda purposes. . nta g, ? . Records 10. Econo.nic Burg. for the study of econonic problems and for giving advice to party organs for the improvement of these conditions especially aimed at small, middle-class businesses. 11. industrial Responsible for the Deming of industrial cells, and distribution of factory bulletins. Tries tp :eep secret its close connection wita the Executive of the 1"v C (Unity Trade Union). 13. 'olIt cal `'rt 13a. anton Struik Training Funds For cadre personnel. Approved For Release 2001/11.3 ~: clttrr l Auu . "Echo van het Land" is the organ of this bureau. ITA-RDP82-00457ROO2000080003-2 Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R002000080003-2 coTIA~. 13b. Party Trainin;_! Center: School for the training of the /,fiddle Cadre (i idden-leader) . 13c. Cadre Instructors, directors and instructors at the Cadre trr:inin center for the higher cadre at 13d. Marx Institute: in independent institute giving written courses vvith particular reference to the teachings of i:Iarx an,' his modern counterpart in the USSR. I`?omen's F3ure i. IlaintPins close contact with the'Jederlandse Vrouwen Beweg ing" (Netherlands 6onen's 'ovement) . 15. P1a 'o r-1 E c1;o Bar ate}. Responsible for administrative preparations during general elections. 16. Yolitica.l ? Commission. Makes security checks on all facts and documents passe by Political Bureau nndl checks political reliabilit- of Fart; members. 17. Fjaga a Con-fission. Checks on Financial Bureau. Iienresentatiy~~ G ant Inst a ons. 18. 19. F' reign Liaise rith other Communist groups and parties outside the Netherlands. 19a. Soviet 11nb, ssy, The Hague 19b. Comin#orm (t) 19c. Communist Congresses in foreign countries. 20. Y2 20a. " lgemeene Nederlandsche Jeugd Vereenijung" (Netherlands General Youth Movement). the organ of the ,NJV is "14n" (One). The 6~orkers Youth .ibvernent (Verbond van 'V'erkers jeu-d) organizes members up to 16 years of age. 20b. OPSJ (Organization of Progressive High School Students) affiliated with ANJV. :+n organization of students (ULO and MAO) (sic) mostly menbers of the r,NJV. Its organ is "De Poort" ('the Gateway). Rata o j.g kgnci, Tiede: I ,r I (Raddio 3 orking :ethe:rla,:ds or Laborers' broadcast for the .detherlands.) founded to furnish CP,t with broadcast time and facilities. 21a. Tourist Dep..rtic ent 21b. rLdvisory Committee for Culture 1. nf, airs. Organ "Vri j" (Free) . 22, L ~g 5 st Choir and usical So ,eties. Lends support to Party meetings. 23. I Ski. , hnti-F'renco Spaniards in the Aetherlands. Org,'-n "Vrij Svn je" (Free 3pa:in). SECFLT COt DE TIA1. SECRET Approved For Release 2001/11/23.:: CIA-RDP82-00457R002000080003-2 Approved For Release 2001/11/23: CIA-RDP82-00457R 24. %;omen 24a. X ederlandse Vrourwen Beweging ( etherlands Women's Lbvement). The NVB is bee ring r.ore communist dominated. Urgan, "Vrede en Opbouw" (Peace and kieconstructii:)n). 25. ~sssociati~n y~ Former Span ;13 Civil tier C-,ribs.ttants. Purpose is to reg: in.2utch citizenship for those wino fought on the ttepublict:n side (luring the Spanish Civil Var. 26. Verenivinn dedL.rlr-nd-Indonesia (Netherlands-Indonesia Society). pro-kepublican (argtnization following the +bscov; line in the Dutch-Indonesian dispute. Organ, "Indonesie Bulletin". 27. liathgrj anila -USSR. Seeks mer:bers from intellect-1 circles, This orgnnizatiiin receives 3,000 guidlers monthly from the Soviet Embassy in The h ague. 28. "~~ an Ir dii esia", a C,mmunist orgFnizati -n of Indonesians living in the Netherlands. organ "V:arta Indonesia". 29. `retherlancis-Porlnc,,_5 ci y. Organ "Nederlc!.nd-Polen". 30. Trade unions >l, 30a. Einheids Val-, Central (Unity Tra=de Union). The LVC is an independent union but ib strongly influenced by the CPN. Organ "t .erkend Nederland" (1'orkin ; Netherlands). stritors. Divided into the 17 districts listed on the chart. These districts were Cori^e on 1 '.,lay 19'48 from 381 sections or divisions. 32. Prescribed orgrnization of a District Committee: Political. Secretary (Chairman) Organizational Secretary Treasurer Propagt_nd.a Chief Assistant Propaganda Chief Political Training Chief Youth Leader Factory Leader. s omen's Leader ET Approved For Release 2001/11I 'ET %IP