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lt~ Approved F W RAt e ~ G0P~,5TR0019001 COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT 1944P Investment Plan of the Central Arliinistratio of the Liciuid Fuel Industry PLACE ACQUIRE fATE OF THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORtl ATIGN AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFEI'-SE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE NEANIRO OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 90 U. S. C.. 31 AND S2. AS AMENDED. ITS TRAI:SHISSION OR THE REVELATION UP ITS CONTENTS IN ANY EARNER TO AN UNAUTHGRI2ED DCDSON IS PRO- HICITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORA IS PRONIE11SD. HOOT- EVER INFOR;HATTON COHTAIPIED IN SODY OT THE FOR93 WAY DE UTILIZTD USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS 25X1 25X1 Corr'ent: "Hoare Inverstrlents" are those earrarked for the Hone ?Market. es vents for Throrts" are those for :L- orts ?ror, abroad. For investment calculation, the value of the Polish zloty has been established as 50 to 1; I representing:; the 1937 value of the zloty. Rate of exchange In 1937 was 25 zloty to #.;1. ) Investments a. ii ?e~Invegt rnerts; 1) g Surcrev, k 413,726 29,215 4,703 71-t4Z`'- 5-18,1 ,122 P9, 34' Inwestments for extration of 7as and stabilization of crude oil in: Geological and geophysical survey in same areas Social welfare irivest? e.-its in sarrte areas Srrvey borings for rotassium salts in the Kiodawa region 2) C7i1 4irlix~~ irect rote at x'asn d:.+..v.u...wrnvvwn......emrv.w-wv.rv.mw.n. . electrification of nines in Sanok, Krosno, and 1onlice sectors (in thousands of zloty) 124 borings of 2 .8.150 meters in Krakov, Lodz, foznan, 3yd oszcz, Rzeszow, and Kielce 3oivodships) Sank sector 9,405 Krosno 9,021 (Iorlice " . 6k,.j Document No. NO CHANGE ' u 24,069 16,? a1 Class. CHANGEDA ~ oveWFor Rfeleas; 2006/02/01 : CIA-RDP624045Q~9Q8 100 DDA P"rr no, 4 Apr 77 4 L Auth: DDA REG. 77/1763 fatural gas ripe lines in Gorlice sector CLASSIFICATION _ C (z< /~ i L?, vIo1I hLJ JIty I' 1NGE in Class. D )ECLASSIFIED Class, f-i s,> CHANGED TO: TS ~-_.. - 25X1 25X1 CIA LIBRARY DATE DISTR. 24 September 1948 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. '"HIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH ODA Ps+ i_,' , 77117r--i 25X1 0 Approved For 1 /01 : CIA-RDP82-00457 R001900150008-1 Cam ` 4? Ic ONLY (iTT1 L I;.T :LL C:jv 1'.t~7CY pipe lines #n: ;lank sector 2,821 Krosno 3762 Central 14orkshops at Glinnik Mariampolsid. 2 9 260,272 3) Ftof3.mnez? , ni c :a ate a - _LM lWt Oil Refinery at Trzebinia 69,043 711 Refinery at Glinnik zfariampolski 36, ,.200 Oil.-Refinery at Jedicze --A779 105,713 .) Natural Gas ' ec:Ln to tAk . Natural Gas Pressure Station at Chirzaanow, Tarnow 14,10 bu 6) Naachinery an l dril.lir ff equirment for Sanok, rosnoa, Gorlice sectors Natural Gan Pipe Lines, Sandouierz 3ranch Jjj..tPesearch Instzet ffCrnsno Research Laboratory and Intistr3.~al Schools at T rzebinia C?ntaaa ?S ly Offtgq for 14 .04i 1ae _ Ynr us 3r as ?rI palter 6,583 81,472 _&, /i 18.95/4-9 17,634 299895 Branches: Warsaw 52,903 Katowice 1pt810 'ozan 25,394 Bydgoszcz 13,637 Krakow 1.3 Bialystok 10,455 Gdansk 5,173 L blin 2,351 Kielce 3,120 Olsztyn 147,643 Pransloadln? Base at Zurawica "?tation 94,896 Purchase of. 250 tank-,,m ons 261,577 Pure ass of pumps and -fire--fighting equi.ru ent O 523 w 286 Head Office of the Central Administration of IJ , M ml 19489,459 Investments for Imports ' M Investments Total 2,14,7,801 Grand Total (in thousands of zloty) CV _FtDE ITiALT.:'a. ':art TC1 AT ONLY 2..306,201 Qga MAL Approved For Releas /0 RDP82-00457RO01900150008-1