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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 14, 1948
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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0018010300p j4 7 j ,/C? 7 CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY AustrjnAs7,R SUBJECT Planned Cort unist Strike and PutschIONFIDENTl:41, DATE DISTR. 14 September 19.5 NO. OF PAGES 1 ,?1L? III acco'C3'?;~1ve WM t31B Ivv. Ur CIVUL.O. ACQUIRED 'eter { C1.. ('Wi'' (LISTED BELOW) 25X1X 1. A roneral, strike for Austria is planned to begin about mid-September 1948 in the tipper Styrian heavy industry area; the strike is to center in parti- cular on Kapfenbart* and Donawitz. The Co=iunist strateM.r is to start with de_r.:onstrations by women workers a,R;ainst high food -prices. As soon as the Governr?ent pat: a stop to the women's demonstrations, the on will intervene, ostensibly to defend their wonen, and start a strike which will spread through Austria. The Cor unists hope that many Styrian vorkors will be- than over the Cor_rmist demand for a 25% cage boost. 2 The Cor>I'n mist. plan to carry out a putsch in Vienna this fall. Plans for this action were 'ping discussed in a "oviet-requisitioned villa at 6 Laufen- bergstrasno, Vienna II, 'ro i 23 Aur u.st to 6 September. The villa L under constant Soviet .mard during closed sessions. Tvent;; Co naniat Party meribers were prevent at ;:h?: villa. All but Corriunist leader Franz Honner care required to main at the the villa for the duration of the session. Uniformed Soviets. UM s1so -resent. Besides Bonner, the Conriunist Party official f:epka (sic) was also identified anong the trienty persons present. The final step in the panned coup is to take over control of the Austrian Police. Selected Austrian ,auisl nos are beinr' briefed for this aurnose. 25X1 A ~~$ The a--,ove report is unconfixmd; sir.:i .ar stories i1,ave of ten as n 7Y? eta? ,^ 'fin t%.7 --+"N CONFIDENTIAL _ CLASSIFICATION STATE R j Sg NS?S DISTRIBUTION Date: Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-0q,4&71 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT Clas By: