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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R001800360003-4.pdf136.27 KB
INFORM rIASSSII=ICATiOi' ;~,, ' jj 25X1A Approved For Re1D9ELCWBPI?82-004?$A C'O!JNTRY Germ anv (Russian Znne) PLACE ACQUIRED Carrara Production in :Zresden Area 25X1A _OATr_OF INFO Zeiss --Ikon A(L, Dresden. 25X1A CIA: LIBRARY DATE DISTR.30 August 191.,,E NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO I This state--ovmed enterprise, which also comprises the IKik-r;'erke, Dresden, Ernemann, Drescenr~~nd Zeiss,, Jena, employs a total staff of 39,000. Of these the greater part are employed at Zeiss-Jena, including 400 apprentices; and '50 are employed at Ernemann, Dresden, which was at first Iareely dismantled by the Russians and later rebuilt. IKA, Dresden was badly damaged by bombing and the remainder of the factory has been dismantled. 2- The Dresden factory oroduces only Tenax 1, Contax II and Contax III. the latter of which sells for R" ?40. Er.nemann produces large film projectors, complete with accessories, for which the Russians pay 1,030 R" each. A contract he .s recently been received from Switzerland to supnlir 30 of these, delivery of vihich will count against reparations costs. Iha ee, Kamera~-, -rke Dresdpn..KPlsevrit erstr 3. A state-owned enterprise, which employs 430 men, working in two shifts. Produf:"-? tLon is limited to the photo a*-):oaratus ; Exakta" , fitted with the following lenses -- Trionlan 3:2.9 and 13iotar 1:2. Production is 60 per day, delivery of which is nermi. t led only to the S''A at a price of R" '170. Ce to--Kanner wark2? _ t-IsdcnMKieln-Lschachwitz. 'i rnasci cn Lands? r. 170? 4. A private business , now completely under Soviet co,itroi, I mpl_ovs 74 men work"ng in one shift from 0'300 to 1700 hours. ? onthly production of cameras is: 30 Certo-Dollina I (miniature) -70 Super- )ollina (ri niaturi:, lltted with a range finder; 20 Super-6port-Dof3.v (6','.6 folding camera). Production not regularly achieved). The entire. production goes to the S?.,,1., which pays F /4.0 for the R" 90 for the Su.oer Ubllina and N." 26 for the Super--6port_Dolly; these nri. ces corresporn.. to the peace-time SC'-:-LC of costs. 'Materials are delivered by the Russians ? short measure and sometimes not at all. Certo--car'eras are fitted with Zelsz--, "eyer-C6rlitz, Ludwig-Lassa and Zack lenses, Approved For Release 1999/0 P SRB DISTRIBUTION I1 C -- Document No.- - NO CHANGE in Class. ^ 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CI-L T'; s,J) 9,0: TS DDA .,, 77 DMA. ` _?,., o uhuth: n`~,1~MC^ Approved For Release 1999/09/08 CIA-RDP82-00457R001800360003-4 CONFEUMP.Nn TNT '"IT T 7EA CT, AGE M7 5. Kamera terke Niedersecilitz near /)rest?en. A state.owmed enterprise, which employs 310 workers, working in fro sizf_fts 0-,-I production of the following equipment. a. Praktiflex, 20-30 cameras per day, fitted vvith Vietar, TrioplanLank-- Lalytar 1:3.5 and Eiotar lenses. Selling price of these cameras is not known. h. Pilot--Su-oer or Pilot 6. Production insignificant and irregular. Fitted with Pilotar 1:3.5 and 1:2.9 lenses. Selling price is fixed at 8:?`.200. We;lta- Week Fre i.tal near Dresden. 6e This state-owned enterprise produces the following: a. Welta-Gaa-ant, fitted with 1:4.5 lens and an automatic shutter fo. 1/100 sec. Rate of production and selling; price not known.. b. ',delta miniature, fi-'Uted with Zeiss and '?ieyer lenses 1:4.5. Rate of production is 15 cameras per day. Selling price has not vet been established. c.. tieltini miniature, fitted with 1:4.5 lens. aIly production 15 cameras,. CON FIDE c* 'CURTER?L U.S. O FICIAI.Z ONLY Approved For Release 19?Q1#-W956wvCTk=RDP82-00457 R001800360003-4