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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578001700310002-1 CGNTRl~L INTEL { ~~~~~ . coUNTRY ussr~ SUBJECT PLACE acc~u{REa DATEry~ ~'~'0 ACQUC~~b .3isc;ellanet~ns Factar.ies in""'t~ lJe iJSSP THIS DOCUIIEIIT CONTAtHB 1MfORtiAT10N AFI;ECTIkG THE pATlOkAL DE~Ek3fi OF THE Ukt7fD 6TAT63 t711TlIIH Tff6 tt?ANIgO OP TNII ESPtOHAOfi ACT SO ll. S. C.. 3f AltD 97. A; Af0Ek0ED. ITB 7RAHSfdISStOH OH THS R&VEC:.Tt6N OF fT; COtdTEHt; tM ANY YAHNER TO Aft !lNADTSi0R1ZE0 PERSON IS PRO? EYE[i. INiO@NATIOk COkfA1HED 1!1 T40DY OF THE iOREf MAY 06 0T2LlZBD~ AS OEfiIE(1 HeC?SSARY DY THE REC6fYFHG AGENCY, ~ENC'rr d~EPa#~T ~' 2 ~~~.s~ 1948 Dl~TE r~{sTR. N0. OF PAGES ~ CVO. OF ENCLS. (Li5TEl7 BEt,?W) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. TH{S IS UNEVALUf~TFi~ lNF~}RMl~TION FOR T!-iE R1~H USG Dr TRA{NED iNTELL{GENGE ANA~.YSTS-~,,-` ~.. ~. Ei~tat km PTr. o.~ Talovka. s a n~.ini>;3.arzs ~'a ~tor*r c~rha.ch 1^ra a1~.os~~ tota`i ~r c?es~,rc~;~re~ by sahotae c:?ixrin~ ?crre ~ra~?. It etas ret~uilt ar~riec?~.at,e1~=r after f;1~e tJ and. began nraciuc~n~; a;;ai n in lbpr3.1 1946. x~f Jhc ^nd of Il2at veat'~ t~~e fa~'~~rr~r __ e.:~p1oL,~ed 1?100 tvor~~ers anti lro~iucac: all tyres of 'izunitions. Ix sY~r~.l7_ ~au~-e - railt~va4r eonn~:ets the f ctor~~ to the main ra:ilwa~~ line. NQads an~3 rs,_i'i~rasrs in the Tglovl,a area ~~ere all con3.i.cier:~i~l~r '~t"tprovec~ af'?`p ~ti1e ;arr. 'a. 1'~lE' en~*inE:erJ.n?' works a~ `.; ss~!7v~{r~. Dn v~'+G" lcst'lt'.3' Y'e~:tC''1~::5 ~J~ ~}LE? 3'C'loW'.a r7?vE'Z'. . as .:~:tendec~ a3'i:er the ~ra~ unc# ~ ~~ -~hP util?1z'1G:Y' off' 1945 ryas :irf ~ ~?.ll ?~rcJ?~.zC~;~,on~ en'~lo~ring 1=000 zror?pers. OP t,~zase, 404 .?rere lr:~s. ?'ater.~al proc~~3cer3 ~.~~- ,~T e~1LiCzP,d ~i'IrP,S.lin;';, sot`riri~?, a:2C~ rea.ein^ :Ttc~..ch.inc.r ~. c. nt t?~a end of - 3.947 a ~i,' factartr ta~ai~.ci~.n~ ~lras neari.nr~ ryomn~.e?~~.(~r~, '1 1~~,~ 5~: of Velovinskatra {on the raver Yelovl;a). 2'he ~'a'~i;or?r site env+~ref3 are ~:~~.- a~' ap~rraxi..aa!~ely ~. sq. ttri. ~. a. In t}ae torrz of ".:alo~rax'oslave~ ":s (5501 ~ I?I~ 3fr?2~3 ~ E), tirI?.ich Lies on Ihc~ ? TAsCC~t? ~al~.~ru 2's3t],~ c1~";OLI~"i ~~ kYP! fx'A3'2 ~?~s~OCr: $i1GZ'k? is d, l~.Tmn'E? '1"r'ifk ~'c'.Ct~JX"?T z:n"; cl-i in 3-~45_~a,et a c~ail~r procyttctian o`' x,000 fo 10,rJ40 ~'~'ic*'?:' ?~~r !~u;4r. T~~r. ~:r~ir.':;s "::ecre ~?t~do mostly' 1'ro.3 3.0~~.-~ aru~ cl~z.~ rtz:rtEZx'es ., ~ii-t th s ?t,i~e ~k'.~rP2"t; t?rerc: S50 I''~:s an(1 t' ~~a:~sian .?:-~r?;.~en erpla~,rec~ .in t,3~:i.s i~a_ant, ., :;~o Lor S'ae'tnrsr, :.il i. Ci ~ _s s ~~~~i~~i:ed 3.baut ~,~ree kM ~'x'ora Il:e cent,es off' ?..ia.~.0y'i.l:C'o$~.;:1:Vf;'~i.'.~'~ ~:.t:)V:rCU' `.~'(~'.e '~i''1Z'~Ga nf'~ll~~.rE? ~:Y:1. :i~~Cs}~~11f?':'1 i:e?.l..~i.' '.`??'r~.Y!~ S~c'.S ciestxoyed it ";~.a.d keen re'bui7.#, ~?? Sen~.e,~i,or 1~'G?~?. iihout ~9t?+74 ti?rc~rk"er, are en~alrs-red '~--ere anci' in Jurxe 1946 sr~oc:i.,-~.l.i sf, ~ori~ers~ s3.zch as ~~~ecc~;an2cs arr~ 3.aotcsru.ths, ,?,ere .sent ~ row P": ea?:-ps to t~~is f actarTr. :~ct~,~,~; ~,x o{ u(:~,~.or3 3.s rt0t l~'?ol~m, al-E;Y~?iz?r?~ at least i'aUr tr~~.ck7.oads o? fzn:is'~zecc ^!ot0rs c^re~ J~~~:~erved leav~.n^ th~~ ~len~ daily. , Document No. ~ ~~ NO CHANGE in Class. ^ ^ DLCL.ASSTFy~D Class. CE1A~:3G;~D TJ: TS DDA ~"~~c~, 4 Agar 77 Auth: DDA Ft~G? 77 Date: ~R 1978$y CLASS{F{CAT{ON 5?~:(;t~f,T ~o':`"~ Git ?_.t. St'i'x^~;:L~ r;'~F,v -~_~~~ 01STRi8UTi(JN ~ ._.. 50X1-HUM r Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578001700310002-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578001700310002-1 (~iT!5T'.~mill~', ~id`i'i?}',I_T+;'~,i'4C.~' i1 Vi?i'i (~i a. The Suse2ka coppe~^ mire is :Located same 65 males to tTte south of 5verd]_ovstt.. In X94?7 ~.t was proaixcin~ al^out 4.00 tans of copper ore ~sE~r clay on a has:is of tP;ree shzi'ts? Eo,ch shift had a rn:i.nimum requirement of. 125 tans of ore, i'he orer~as a co?~?~er content of ~0~ ?Lo ~0~~" Tn~; mine machinery i.s mr;,?3ern r~^~~ri- carr egszaprrrent, Tile ex~frac;tccT are 1.s carri.ed h?= light rai7.wa.Y,r? ?Go ~?~e main line i~eirre:en ~'helyairansk dsici ; verdloi~sk. Snore off' the ears contain`i.ntr the; ore were oz,served ?~o have teen ~~onsi~ied ~ito k(azin~.n;~rad. b. There,is art :~.s?on ore mine near Sraselka F?::~r;ernerzcar3 50X1-HUM T.`~,r~n~.tka) froth tiahich hick ?-rac?~~ ore :i.v rl~ineci 3t the ra -@ ~?~ ;~ g00~? tons ~. day i;y t;Tiree sl'ii.fts 50X1-HUM tx4 T:~ere is a ~.ar;?e fs,ctox?y near 'sar~rE>>tkc~. ~*nnlo?~~i.nr~ ~~,~, lrsast 3~0(~~D 4P,or'~ars. 03.d ':;e}~r?nacl?Y't '~antt putts art,' scrap o.r?e z~elteca c.?orm snc3 S~,a~.in ta.ntcs are rna,:~uf'actur~cd s,t ti:e rake of s`x to ton 1~an':s her day dt ?4,his plr~nt,= Ey. ~n 3.ron i'ouz-idry arra srnea.tanC ~r~ork:~ %s ii;uatec? a~~ T~erFZn?ki ~590~~0 ?,3 SF,or~~ ~)~ The f~ctnry consi is oS' seve*?r ~.ar~-e :bons a.~d coy=~~:r>s rare area n'` or~o s~ttx~.r?e rti.? e f~rur Mast furn~~ces sr~.f~n a cap ,czt:r a~~ ~,(i0~'7(?0 cc.~h:? c ~it~~:,G'x'W Aare in o~~crat.L~?~nn Inf-ots vvc;i~flxa.n?> 2-3 tnr_s are pros-~uced anti ci+_sp??Lctirrd t?:o a r~er~x?~;~r? x?a~.'.Lari~? rz%ll. t4at^r rnateri.a2s t;.;arae f'~?c~rn ?~-~~rious ].sad, ~.rora o~?e, :}xzca con~c;r rn-i.nc~;~ ~?-~.4~ nii.les nort}r of` I=ex`e~nxki . ( i~csmE~ox? ~.~1c'F5 ~- L~u:Ly 'i~?47 ) 5 U On tl?:e soufi?rern oixt:;ltirts off' t'er~iieTrev f 49a5~ ? N~ ?032 r ~) there :;. ; a t~a:,~;;:k asserrct~,lsl p~.ant arc? yin ac~:jo:irs.in* ?anic r+~p~~'~r slio~~o ~ruetr ~~r tanks :kx?c~ repor?~,~d ~ass~nt~~.r-:ri and tested ciai] ye i"~e z?op~,:i?~ ~~l~ops :ire on~;a~~d main].:~~? ~ n rlismarr.?',;l:tn~ armored vehicles. 'Tit~ez~ and Fant~lea^ ~,an'?.s~ tlozrever, a.rc repaired ~'or }?ed a'src~y use, I3sa;le ermines of sve?e:cker arrr-ored vohioZ.~;s a:~e sent to a f'act,orv for aHxyicu3.ttzx?al r~r~.c?z:i.rr,^y ~~ at Skv3.ra> ~Z~_ ~u.ns ~ ~xcepf, i;ho Cca~r7a.n "f1rr~, :1 ~ ?un ?'or?el 1~`~+:L~4~rpre ~:;c~~.?P,cc? ci~ana m}:e asser:rt;l:=.r plan?L srid tiJOrkshons er~~~l.a~rFCi 1~i0i7 r~rorneru a ~: E'ptcr~lbc??r ~.~~c~~ -- ci'tllgr 19~~5 Ua ~t Kof,?_asfC~7_o~.~i~ iss 1~,t'a?159 T'??~a *16c`tr {~T~e conf'l~.Yence of tP~e ~)vana a~~c7 Sirichrrn~t t~:ivex?s, t';.ere is ~;~ s? o~: f'a.rtorv z,vhich nr7plosr;~ 1.,2~J0 :: orkers ar+c3 Tkx?oci~jcc~s ?`?C1C1 pa.:i_r?s c~i' shoes arrc3 3~v~ pa:irs o e` i goats dri.ily ?, f3Jece~:,tact 1c1G~5 - ~7u7..T,r ~.c~f.,.~a) `~~ ~~ near h;lll t~ear3.ri?? fa^~i;ox?y ~uras scat rr:~ ~,f?$er? ?L'~e cY~rl r~3.' t?? e war mt rap~~.I: i!sr.c)s ~,~ rxorth o:i' trie ~~a:i Sc;a. she Y?all t,earin~;s prc+'c~~acecl there are sent ~c,r, sn enrd.nc~ factarz,~ ;~.t Ti~,tmrsihash i` .icy y ::rrl-.ex?s rra.^T~er?c~ti ~(?!? e~.vili~.ns anci ~'f7C3 P'"is. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25 :CIA-RDP82-004578001700310002-1