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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/10/25: CIA-RDP82-00457R001700260008-1 CENTRAL I IN FO AT COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT tfiecel].aneous Industries In. European Russia ENCY REPORT PORT 4 x 1'I DATE DISTR. 'ugustQ45 -HUM NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) MATE CF f,.T OF TRH UNtTEO STATCS WITHIN 7145 NEAt11N0 OF THE ESP1OUAGE ACT SD U. S. C.. at AHD 32'. AS ANCtIDCO. ITS TRAlIDt1ISSIOD OR THE ROVE rLATIOt) O# ITS CONTENTS IN ADY DANDER TO All UNAUTHORIZED PERSOU IS PAD? 11,CITED SY LAW. REPC.ODUCT;OR OF THIS FORD (R PROHIDITED. BOTI- EYCR INFORNATIOII COATANISO IN COOT OF THE FO2:1 NAT DR UTILIZED SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH I ICE OF TRAIN1ED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS 1. Semievs i-P'osad, 100 kloi3etera NE of Moscow on the Yaroslaci railway line, is a mraail to*,an containing a spinning, a weaving, and a valve fac- tory. The latter was a]zaoat completely destroyed by the Gernaria but was rebuilt and again in production at the beginning of 194.5. At that tom, 900 Russians and 300 F'Js wore employed in the factory. The factory pro- duced In 1945 a daily' average of 1I.,000excese preo valves and 500 mixed in- and outlet and sealing; valves. Six excess Pressure valves wez'e tooted s3.riultaneoualy for 20 to 30 nintztoa in an hydraulic press; the daily average of faulty valved rejected IV thin test yawls 10. It io not kr,.oti to what pressure the valves, tyre s'ub jeoted. The rubber used in the valve production ti +1s of L' erican origin and of ext ely ,good quality. 2. In Mogilev (53054 t N,, 300201 01 the following . faetorie a have reoornenced productions the Iig n -cellulose o - screw, and concrete factories and the , finding works. The concrete factory 3s engaged In the production of concrete bridge pontoo..n. The daily production Is 30 pontoons with a c r g ca" i tar of char 100 tons, and 60 to 70 pontoons with a capacity of under 100 tone. Thy:' concrete is nixed. In turners, poured Into nou.'.ds, and burned; the burning process reduces the weight of the pontoons cot - sideraably. calf 3. Tan rm,11, nr iar ent works in Fonoton (51o13'Nx, 33?13'E) was airiest pletely destroyed by the Gemane. Reconotruction was completed and pr.?o- duc-tiori began, again in March 1945. The narr factory buildings are crudely constructed and roofed with tin; the compound, howwaver_, contains a na to trorkn, r. chine-tool factory and section rolling rail'. At this t2r,1,400 Russians awl 800 rats ,)cre employed at the uorks. In D000L ber 1945, prewar production 1eve1s werq' a a3n attained, and In July 1947 production was V+51 of that in 1941. Oaf production includes 2, 500 bcqomts and parachutist ?mIvo 1 and 800 magnetos of varioua sizes .0 or ttucko, aircraft and sral.3. naval', vessels 50X1-HUM 4