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Approved ForRelease2000/06/WRIE*1=1057R001600660004-2 218208 1. MAT PROLETARIAN ORGANIZATIONS (Masovne Organizacije) .?????????? xrows?ngsa?M.Mrr........osli??????.??mh?noIIM?x/Maoto?eleawulloM?? United Trade Unions of YUGOSLAVIA Duro Salaj GENERAL ORGATqIZA.TION 4?N Women's Antifascist Front of Yugoslavia A.F.Z. 'pasenija Babovic anerereasee^ CO2.4INTE1N , I 1 WESTER .ft......wumoaw,gwsg4slmre6am .4?0 .* 1 CENTRAL of the Q& ssk ? "';P C.P. Yugoslavia Union of Combattants in the People's War of Liberation. Josip Broz-Tito C.?. Yugoslavia Laza Stefanovic' ......mata".?aaltSmarKIIMMO.watineApacormig.c....,. Vida Tomsic MIONVIdeee0/10..1 PEOPLE'S FRONT Presidential Office & the Federal National Youth Movement. N.O.J. Ratko Duganjic Slavko KoZi President: Vice President: Secretary-General: of 14 members niA*1.1.....8...41?111.111111010.1?011.01e.61/2da.... People's Front of SERBIA Central Committee of CP of SERBIA w*IMOu Approved For Release 2000/06SQ People's Front of CROATIA; Vladinif Nazor Sec: Marko Belinic 77:riTira71?Inuattee of CP of Croatia F U.S. r____ Liberation Front of SIOVENIA ISecretary: Miha Marinko Central Committee! of CP of Slovenia mookrorax,...w. P.F. of BOSNIA & HFACEGOVINA uro Pacer "Seljo" P i MACE -..suarta"Ailp k, CC 1 Dmitar 1 , t! TaITITBYTAMMIT e of CP of 'Bosnia / ---gala-m--- pr001600660004-2 OFFICIALS ONLY ? 25X1A 4T 7 Approved ForRelease2000/06/6FWVk 8 -_0457R00160066000111111111111111111 U.S. 04 _NU 218208 OF THF PEOPLE'S FRONT X INA, "The People's Front being a ge onal organization in our couu4e is not of the nature of a bloc or c ition of various political parties, as in same other countries, which causes considerable diffi- culties there, but is a single limited organization with a single pro- gram, an organization, which has recognized the leadership of the Communist Party." From a speech by Mosa Pijade at Rakovica, 25.5.47. "The Communist Party has no other program. The program of the People's Front is also its program." Josip Broz-Tito, at the 2nd Congress of the People's Front at Belgrade, 27 Sept. 19/47 OTHER PARTIES AND GROUPS: re.411WAWM.o.11.04,01MMIWOOM IMMOIrS?TH/hibevAiliatiadiNd610110011.40. ccramitts YUGOSIAVIA Serbian Republican Party. Jasa Prodanovic United Agrarian Party mueraltOROMPF.640.01.12P400?111M Peoples Peasant Party Dr. Dragoljub Jovanovic, eliminated) IMilos Petronijevicl -41 Aleksa Tonic OF YUGOSLA.VIA. Secretariat of Committee. Josip BROZ -TITO Milovan Djilas Sreten Zujevic 10 are Communists .1:011,414 ? 3111.0414ftisala of DONIA of CP :member ? --lattov MOIffear. of ontT T4 .A.,..????????? Union of Agriculturists DT Milan Gavrilovic (Emigr IMarko Vujacid 1 Ninko PO. of MONMEGRO Petrovic Milan Popovic Para Rajkovic [1 elts Marinovic ...........rowpowarair , awit.,...... Dr. Vojislav atmaxlq, Socialist Party Zivko Topalovic (Emigre) ry.impispaNg.1.7...4 ? I Bogdan Krokic a Croat Republican Peasant Party, late Croat Peasant Party. Dr. Vlatko Macek (Emigre)IFtani-O Gaza.; Independent Democratic Part Veceslav Vilder (Emigre) -ree !Sava Kosanovicl \? P.F. of the ? VOJVODINA Dr. Aleksandar 3evic P.F. of KOSMET Secretary: Tea Jovanovic reirri?trairaTZtiet of CP of ie,,e Ii0JVODINA I! P, 11:4 Dia Approved For Release 2000/06/h1,* co-r ?' vs1304 001600660004-2 1 .1.1????...41.1......1 ,a114"4.80..????1......$4 Pres: 'Fadil Hadza 17 P.P. of DALMATIA Provincial Com- mittee of the CP of Dalmatia U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/01140457R001600660004-2 "Ss ? mirNLY 218208 fl ZATION OF WOMEN'S ANTI-FASCIST FROM! OF IDelegates in Central Committee of the CP of yugreeleve= Delegates in the Federal Committee of the PF of "Yugoslatr- ----1 Vida. Tousle Presidency 'Town 7-)Ercre7171-t-ra- -Office Committee of AFZ ISecretaria Exec. Cttee Plenum Sections as for country lUrban-district Committee' of az ;Weal en a I Office Secretariati Exec. Plenun Cttee. um. country Sections as for Central Presidential Office Spasenija Babovic Vice President Kate Pejnovic ,....*emx?????*aletammo...e Chief Committee of Secretariat H Executive Committee r ..Pieseldasmaqp...1 ?run Enterprise- Factory ICoamun- ist r 11 ELIprr 1 Active Membacs of the Traie Union Brtellh ? Town, loc-1 Day al, urban Nursery district or village National Youth Organi zation 4 115Z lea ler Kinder- garten 717:=1) ISjr, Physical chool 7 culture society National Youth Youth Movement - 1Theater ? (N.O.J.) j Street Committee of AFZ Secret- Commi,:tee of 10. ariat 15 Members ctive [embers as for 1612age atm. M.^ 'Waiting room for mother& nh dirs Delegated from town or urban district or from street Committee of AFZ SECRET/CONTROL nIALS ONLY ' ek,o, Approved For Release 2000/06/08: itt457R001600660004-2 etre Approved For Release 2000/06 . cts,,1 25X1A 0457R001600660004-2 and not a compulsory organization b whal utf, "In principle a Trade Union repregen necessary the principle of compulsion of thde YUGOSLAVIA proletariat in various other ways is not ex- cluded" IllAska Pravic2, organ of the Communist Party of Slovenia, 29-30 December 1945. Salaj Duro Voja. Laza. 1 Central Committee of the United Trade Unions 1 Secretariat: 1. Drago Gizoic 2. Duro Spolianif 3. Savo Medan 4. Josip Cazi 5. Pepica Karde: 6Boi vi ce ev 7. Radoje Vukic Executive Committe Financial Control 5 members nomonmes?MOMINNIM.M.NRammo....C...1* Secretariat IRepresentatives of all Unions se Skilled Workers Plenary Com- mittee. 218208 Delegates for the Plenary Committe of the CC of the CP of Yugoslavia eeeee f ecutive Comraittel klezegzmi++, ,I Chief Committee of United Trade' ?' Unions of Republic ritG;T=1.7 Executive Comeittf1151-6111?irf-'' 21Presidential ?Office Delegates for the Plenary Committee P.F. of Yugos- eel =nil:DAUM Departments. Heads of depar ments in all about 20. en esera on o "Workers of the Republic tlagdarieate... inenartmente o 9 M '41 iLocal Committee of Union Workers of a Republic ?????????**0111110410.021.04Sdnir,.......00.441.61.11111.... ident Secretary Exec. r++^ Plenum Pinnr!..4n11_^-."-- - ....v..=.1.anommrsteraTop000%4UM 8 Depar 0 0 el ---- . et go Trade Union Prin-- 1 ra : 11 S jug Press "Radt4 - ITroe.... 14,___ , 2 meee 'Local Trade Union Assembly i (neileeel Admis...44.? !...0 1 ...........*........??????Arlrograuxmcwergootherarft....11.= wry?. ,,,tigt.......snonmomonsyncmar. ,,,,APV,1 1 f Presidential Secretariat t n"0.4....... lExec. Plenum I i lee+.1 I MIIMMAIMANWOLOWAt?Vt...M ? rlar cc ?ti...111Piita0.41.,70C.4- :-. Active Sectinnn ------"?v Trade Union Branch of Workers Federatio in an enterprise. Coordination Committell Toj Cultural Qoeffeieht4e roswepropor?wmosetwaw?Lomr77?14.1 Art and Physical Culture Societies rAANDY.WP I Paid members i 15 members) less than tlesoloall1111.1.41.0111?41Nor .1615.611.11111111401401.1111101111611.41titt, ??????????10.,9 4011.18.1. im4-Kotrz A V 1 ;Local Come 7 fin Liu/vim 44,1(7- T Z411 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : 51MIL2-00457R001600660004-2 .V.410?041.4.4.....1)111.014/11.1.1,801.3%-,.. Local Peopl Committee Internal section I of U.D.B. Local atter, NT, , St:UMW UONTROL Approved For Release 2000/06/081144,AbgaT24649W01600660004-2 23.f:M8 pfT11E. UNITED TRADE, UNIONS_ OF Ministry of Labor 1.....00.0.4???????????? Ministries of light& heavy industries, Shipping, com- munications, forests, agri- culture etc. public works LI-Nic4-25taanc.- Presicent Vice nekovic xl? sctorate of 3ocial In- surance in the F.N.R.J. Director- ate of Industry / ......?110110061101Satiriaaar Director- ate of Industry (y) .0.aavavelammosaamaaaaaraa...X. Iess 'Vesnik Rada (Laszr--? I --grald) -WM44:3, Presidentialice xedlwaxl.tirlialWASTM. aaomaarawaaaaammatmealaramarxemaramtamamaala Ministry of Labor of Republic Ministries of light and heavy industries, local communications *-----, /agriculture, forests, shippingp fisheries etc., Public works in ??????cam,a abairlet .011.140 the Republic VONereelliaut?KOROMOAC., IRO [lead Insur- ance Direc orate in th Republic Head Labor Exchange Ad- ministrative Office in th ?public STATE_OP4ANI' Directorat of Indust in the Republic (y),' 'Social Ensurance Office .1401.111.1? IBranch I Social Insurance Office -.......---) 71 Admin. Office Labor Exchange Combinate - Enterprise - Factory aaaammam --assanstrareasammarmax a 1 Canteen ! Labor Exchange Branch Office aarrasameavanalsaataa "Maaa.aa?-) Itromerna, e , 1.1?1101.1.0?IPI.2 211221:2a2aIal V.MCIMIMS,A Youth Leader /------ MOINAIII.W0114.0,0000ilsta?4111?IMSOME100,,,., " Tr?OFFrioinee.der ICreches No explanation is given of this symbol Approved For Release 2000/06/08vog',.aw, 9A1600660004-2 Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : NfER001600660004-2 S ONLY 144, ORGANIZATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S FRONT in the'FEDERATIVE UBLI S 25X1A People's Front of Yugoslavia Federal Congress of the People's Front of Yugoslavia 1Presidential_i__iSecretariat 1-1 Executive 1 Office LIIE22ittee 1.??????????????????examoweltom....1.10 218208 Plenary Committee (Plenum 1 Federal Committee of People's Front of Yugoslavia Ex: People's Front of Serbia. People's Front of Croatia. Freedom Front of 1 Slovenia I Presidential Office _----. People's Front of the Federative Rn,h1i. Federal Congress of People's Front Ilarmi.wies?MPagraferrtmetwe Secretariat County Committee People's Front of Mb, ILocal Committee I of People's Front EX: Committee of People's Front of the county of Monica. People's Front Committee of Rural dLstrict of Daruvar. Freedom Front Committee suburb of Trebnja Total 9 Ex: Congress of P.F. of Serbia, Provincial Congress of the People's Front of Bosnia and Hercegovina. ??? -? ? Plenary Committee I (Plenum) ???????????????????????1?01 1 City or town Committee of Peoplois SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/06/08 : C (Urban District Com- 1 mittee of People's ,Front ??????????... Block Committee of People's Front ??????mil* ? 1 Street Committee ofi People's Front Tir1600660004-2 bInnICT/COMOL Approved For Release 2000/06/0bit431A(Maila4=2001600660004-2 CO ET ORGANIZATION OF THE FEDERAL 440 1?1/ - 4' a. 7UGOSIA CLUB representa- tives of the P.F. in the People's Parlia- ment of FNRJ 410.1111.100.11111* YUGOSLAVIA jPEOPLE'S FRONT of _ ___ 25X1A of the PEOPLEts FRONT of 4L CONGRESS of delegates of the People's Front of the Federal Republics, the Autonomous Territories and Provinces as elected in 1947. IPresident: Selection Committee made up from the Selection Commission and representa- tives of the P.F. of all the republicg 218208 Each political party, group and proletarian or- L-717,7isatiotioipoorrbotaled in the P.F. sends one ricvl eacrni-Aa Josip BROZ-TITO Vice-Presidents: Me bar of the CP Non mem- ter mulormowelosinaliftliTINIROW Plenary Committee of the PF, 174 members of whom 130 Communists Milovan Djilas Franjo Gazi Duro Pucar Vlaho Dmitar Vlada Simic Josip Vidmar Secretariat: Secret- aries General Secret- aries .........dAmomm Sreten Zugovic d "Cruin) Milo jovicevic _. Joze Rus Dr. Zlaian Sremac Bane Andrejev . Milan Popovic Marjan Stilinovic U. Approved For Release 2000/06/08: cu ve the P.F., 38 members I30 Communists )Ono 44 non- Communist ? Political ???????????111.1magml.406.4?MINION Housing Public Works Tourist (inicijativna) R001600660004-2 YUGOSLAVIA Approved For Release 2000/06/08: 87,R001600660004-2 IS omu Women's" Anti-Fascist Front (A.F.Z.) IMMOE.4,41.1.1011,11WMIli. Committee of the AFZ of Yugoslavia Secretariat Razumenka, Petro Panda Novocel 1 Executive ? Committee c "OLIMMINN. 7.. AFZ of a Republic -- Plenary, Committee (Plannm) Plenary Com- mittee (Plenum 41 members 1171 members .........sro...????????enw.a4r.oP0MVIO ? or for example: Central Committee of the AFZ of the Vojvodina. Provincial Committee of the AFZ for Dalmatia. Presidential nf inA 25X1A 21E3203 Commissions (7 permanent) i,...........sumrs????00, 1 1 ..400.0010.00**01,00.04 2. Ittootrfter.ser, 0 Provisional as required ??????????????????=0?10m0010.000....1?50,0- ' ....------------.Country Committee of AFZ - I 1 memnews. Plenum. '1 Secretariat Sections Exec. ettee. 4(.1.01100100.....S.00*???????=0.????? r The type & nuMber of sections depends on the t and number of activities Cultural - educational Propaganda. Economic. Social-Welfare, health etc. .1?16140.,???01.Waparougamer* 170.20001.6.0000.01?11.20.*