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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3 ' CENTRAL INTELLIGEW `= P NCY REPOR COUNTRY USSR JI 4 JAL ACQUIRED The Andraav Tube and Metallurgical Works at, Taganrog 7619 0000NEWT CONTAINS i UFOR4ATION AFFECTING THE UATtOHAL D!FENSC OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE OEANiNO OF TI;E ESPIONADE ACT 50 U S. C.. 91 ANO SZ, AS AMENDED. ITS TRASSVISSION OR THE RSVELATIOtH :110tTEO 0Y LAW. REFRODUCTION Of THIS FORD I5 Pf.OHIDITE0. HOU- EVER. IOFORUATION CONTAINED IN BODY Of THE FORS IIAY OR UTILIZED AS DEEMED NECESSARY SY THE RECEIVING AGENCY. DATE DISTR. 9 July 1948 50X1-HUM NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS i. a. The Andreev Tube and Meta7l.urgical Works are situated at Taganrog or t1w Sea of Azov, and are under the Uinistry for Ferrous Metallurgy of the UUS15;L. These are old ratallurgical norks -which existed long before tho 1917 Revo -u- tion. At that time, the works had small capacity Martin furnaces. The first tube-melding mill was Installed in 1897 and the works began producing sl a.l:r. quantities of tubes. After the Revolution, during the first Five Tear Per".od, four MFartin furnaces were transformed and modernized according to the stan- dards of the time. A Mannes:nann tube shop was built and started operating during the second Five Year Period. b. During this war, the works were badly damaged; all the Martin f'urnaces', mills, and buildings re destro: ed. Restoration of the works started. 3ms- d _a4 r0zr after Taganrog was retaken in 1911.3. During 194 and 1945, the ? ar ti n furna1.;es rolling mills, Mannesmann will, and other shops re all. restored. The wort are still expanding though on a smaller scale during 1946 and 1947 than during 11344 and 1945. 2, as By -, '1948, the works had the foll.G .ng basic shops: Martin shop No. I with four mac' sized Martin fu-naves (sor(rcrh t vmodora :I.zed versions of the furnaces built during the first Five Year", :artin shop No. 2 with three large capacity Martin furnaces of a mosre modern design than the furnaces in shop No. 1. Shea trolling shop Thin sheet-rolling shop Tab?; lding shop No. I TLibe- welding shop No. 2 M nnosn arm shop Foum-h7 shop with modern equi ent Forgo shop with modern equipment Scrap preparation shop Oxygen shop. O yger, station started working in November 1947. Tire rolling shop Sever=al other auxiliary shops (engineering, P rsp o jf material prod? cir:!g.,, etc.) CLASSIFICATION SE. :`r CotT`r o5'-11.5 _ r)PT(T j ()AST STATE WON SPS iarmBUTIOhf (( Rh7Y AIP 0 C_z_1r cR In Class. Class. A L? t. Y: ; Date: y- $ 6 0 TS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3 SECRET 50X1-HIJM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3 T CL,Num1L IIJTLLLItJ NcE AGENCY y2- The two ':artin shops produced about 180,000 tons of steel in 1947, of which shop No. 1 produced about 72,000 tons and shop No. 2 about 108 000 tons o For two years, the Corks have employed the so-called "speed smeltirr Method" (skor- ostna;?ra ).lav'-ka) of steel, reduces the time taken for smcltinr by the correct and exact calculation of the burden, by speeding up the char i.nn process, and thus tier, actual smelting. All processes have been considerably mechanized. bQ The sheet rolling, shop nrodaced about 40,000 tons of thick sheets in 1947, The thin sheet rolling shop produced about 7,030 tons of thin sheets in 1947. .'he output of, the scra, preparation shop (r; zdelochyny tsekh) during 1947 was about 150,000 tons of prepared scrap. The tire rolling shop produced about 15,000 tons in 1947. G, The ",k nnesnann shop was under repairs during the last four rzonths of 1c147k. In 1947, the works considerably improved their production of tubes and starter Producing new types of boring tubes and. square rods for oil derricks. The works also produce the following types of tubes: Guide tubes of three different diameters 011 tubes of throe different diameters Boring tubes of three different diar>ieters Gas pipes Steam pipes Square rods also small quantities of other tubes against special indents ;,..act output- of tubes is un' ov but in nearly every month of 1947 the works dispatched 3,000 - 3;500 tons of various sized tubes to the Oil Industry of the South (Caucasus). In Vd'i Lion, the works dispatched mall quantities of tubes to works under other iiinjstries and to various constructional sites., '.'Len the Baku lbe and Liotallurpical :Ibrks are finished and start supplying the oil enterprir:es in the Caucasus Faith tunes, the I-,ndreev Ta' anrog :Irks will start producing more co 7 pliMated types of special tubes a At present, the Ta ;Soto f; 'Works chiefly supply the Oil Industz77 in the south and west of the USSR. 3., a? The director of tl~e Tacanrog Uorks is .1stakhov, who- has been hard a. t work there since 1943. By 1 Jwauary 1948, the works had 9,660 worn en, technicians,. engineers, and employees, qui ;,e apart from a very large number of dependents who are registered z-.1 -11-J) the works. In adds tion, the works had 420 workmen and specialists ermoloyed In the restoration of the works, b. r-par. d ra:ith t9' s1 44 , the living conditions of the 'uortcDen have un- proved considerably, but the r are still tar below standard. 'lost of the work. ?ten already possess their ot?n "corner"t, coat al r ut one-fifth of the r.orkmen are still li vin under ver r ;,.add condjtjons, .Some of the co7r lunal s fairly well or;,~Uiized and r-saintai ned, 'hut others are still under war-tine conditions, It is almost i m:)ossihie to find suitable accom iodations for r_eci workmen and, as a result, the now workmen are extremely d scontcnt z In 1946 and 1947, about 250 Caucasian L'yorkxxn, rrain`i r rlcorfrians. arrived at the Taganrog ;Works from Zakavkazski ( MQUI.'I.lurexca3, Works for var., bus tom, of specialized training. The living conditions and the food were c- oo bad that about one-third of the worlcnen deserted? The Lin_r.ster for Ferro,,:: Ji.:i3FT COLrrROr,.4r s ? OFT ICL. ONLY SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3 CONFID ENTIAL AR0 T ECl1T:T CCraTR?Efi 'f'_"I A1,S t1??LY tC} Tf L II'1~''L LG?'TICI :tor ucy. ?. etallur *~ Tevosyan, sent down a Commission of Investigation. All the. workmen are di s c runtled delays in the payment of wages. These r:ares, as well as being rea.^,er, are sonet -.:yes a month in arrears. The worlun ri are also dissatisfied with the organ zation of the children's kindergarter:s at the works. This had orsranization is nainly due to a lack of funds and the s a 1. . :aces paid to personnel.. Several serious accidents abler deaths occurred at the :works during; 14470 These wero due to bad li.,hting,, as the works are al.vay^ 1f e is bulb a" The works have- a very fare auxiliary estate (podsohnoe khozyaistvo, or i' odkhoz ). :~.~:out 1,500 hectares are under ;rratn crops, and lar;-;e plots of ;round are used for kitchen ;!wrens. However, the or^an:izai,ion of the ests-Le is `dad; dela rs in ?harvet tin?, etc., are always oect sting;. Thera, have been several instances of theft h the administrative ner: onnel on the estate. 3 17, C si CA-U.5 O FICIA1. i ONLY NTIAL SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/03/02 : CIA-RDP82-00457R001600640005-3