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Publication Date: 
April 1, 1948
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Approved For RMWe ONEIDKMTTIAL "tiAUCT FROM THE ANTI-SOVIET RUSSIAN LANGUAGE N1uiSPAPER "THE SINO-RUSSIAN M;vSPAPJiW' (%ITAIS -RUSKAYA GAZETA), DATED 1 APRIL 1948. A year passed since the old administration was a lacted.and it was decided to elect new me tbe:rm to the Executive tiommittee and the Revision Cc;nni.ssion. The meeting (a year ago) had been dull and there had been very yc r emigres pre sent. MIL. bierhulov took charge of the elections., The administration elected at that tine did not take any direct political action and took no measures a ainst the spreadiri; of ?^'r +..,,r. !'e +rA Y+C f^. {` w=v ~_ -T;;. r`{ 14, 4'k% :`rW.i eradicated ri6htaway from the Y(.ussian colony, which had become divided into two car: s: white and redo The Soviet propaganda "We are not tihite, we are not Red., we are Russians," - was believed by those who wanted to justify their actions. At the same time the Soviets fenced themselves off from the ecni; x es, This was quite natural., for the agents of the NKVD had a job to do. The so-called "feelin of conciliation" engulfed some of the er .grey. The administration did not consider it Its duty to watch over the political life of the emigres. `asunder. standings occurred and an initiatory ?:romp of 30 Rusasiaa end-res demanded that a meeting be held accordin? to the statute of she Association. On 25 January, with the,permission of the authorities, a general meeting wiz held. There were very many emigres present, During this meeting N'< y. 3 erkulov, chair-- ,:tan of the Executive Committee and all the me sbers of the .executive, 4oz2mittee and the Revision Comnission gave up their positions. N.N. Merkulov tactfully Managed to avoid any further quarrels and discussions. ltiktor Petrovich Kamki.n was elected chairman of the new ex cutlve comet ttee., G. A. Kosahut, vic e?-chai rm an, and 3. F. Yakovlev, I . . :.,ar.kelov, N. F. PAbaiko, F . i . Gub.e s and N.V. Kuznetsov were elected members. L .P. Ratsevich was elected chairman of the Revision Commix, ion and ' .N. i uz- netsov and Dr. Khokhl.achkin, marchers. V,k. Kamkin, 45 years old, wa*o born in St. Petersburg and finished high school there, completing him education in Harbin. In 1928 he was gr.-ideated from law school. Fier participated in the White !;avement In the Maritime Province. *Frorm Harbin he moved to Shanghai and had his own printing and newspaper office. Later he want to Tientsin and became the director of the bookstore "Znnnie". In 1947 he came to Tsingtao and was made director of the pr -biting establishment which published she American Army newspaper. The new -aembesrs of the administration are mostly :tones st.mding citizens of Tsingtao. One can be sure that now the emigres of Tsingtao are free of the temporary conciliatory path. We are White Russians. Those that left us are H