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r*TE flP UFO
t:r KA.;
Approved For Release 20 I
Poljticat laformation: Pet
Ant.14311 Hsi-ahem Propaganda
ps rep Otztolgo
T., I ink.** A
q 'hunt *orals fss_st
.. s. a.. SI ASO Ss. as saisliss. 111
dr Its mortal*
a .1 ryas sts will to*
SIP Si: Sie TU
!IkTtCHISE, stem
stoma e.Cr SO
HUI inacuriaa
PlION/tWellk WM'
SOS li&V $iS
25X11 I
itilletoving is a translation of ant H$ lihan propaganda iseued by
the Shansi Stud:UAW Joint AA:soda:Lica in Peiping. The E tand -7an
by the isscolation naa chmeribel in a United Freaks divittch,.*Saring
thelatotaxitt on 12 lisnalrY 1%7 Aloft stated: The ottabined .
Andante occeittee of Ped.pir* utdirarsittos today (11 Jaruary)' ciw
Oaloted learieta deandlig that GenOral INN lisi-shan, the 1410 Of
Oktrasse warlords, be reamed fralt? his post as Governor of Shand Protrincte.
The leaflets protected that 40 was: running the provincealis. dietator and
dolaanded tat h be replotted by a person who Ivo:11.4 intoiducte a more
dapooratin .fors ce provincial, irpverncent. The universitdaw:ropreeented
by the ocabined ,studentel sominittei are said to include the lietiong
Peking Universityil the Tenshing University,, National. Tairghua Unirersitys
and the, 8ino4retch Collage.'
,n.s doculhont is hereby reg!aded to
CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the
letter of 16 October 1973 from the
Director of Central Intelligence to the
Archivist of the United States,
Next Review Date: 2008
Approved For Release 22EQS3
t- LAtM
*ki l.*
rklt, It A
Approved For Release
mom nrOzzaws AGM
A True Story of tbe Tyrol:I..' of UN 1st
lee Seoul Students! JOint Association (4 )17 Igi lr 30 4-j ) of the
3isto4renekSnisurnitit1?PokinCUr4vereitt, Peping Drench afthe Chiaotung Universi
ty, Darnel 8ehoo4 CI:Joshua Unive1mi4 end Trehins University.
Civil oar is raging all over China sod everyone is forced to endure: untold hardehipt.
Yet, even in such hard tiLee as thine, the hardships ondured.be- the Shensi people under
the rule of 'N Rei,shan are unbeletevakty were and a thousend tiros nore terrible
than those endured by the people in tlei other provinces of China. 'Under !re tyranny
tha people of. Shensi have become *levee, :rove than horsee or oxen. Terror, grief,
famine and death haft thrown Shanel into t.-rkriese, into a hol.l on orith. mit the
pe0216 of Shansi are still human beinge. Shall we utand by nod netch then struge,le
through the deep, whirling unterewitheW.kgiving then a little assistave? RIther?
shead we not try to leOd them a legoing hand, if poesible? That is why we walt to
raise our voice* .ogeineet the tymeny of. MT Bei-sham' 7.4 are ae...eal*.ng to non of jlie-
Else in China) ve: ere appealire to peer:Z.e all ever the
To strziream tsik dict4L,riaI fopieletic goverretent epd to ecA4t5;rw reaping the
benatita to be acquirLA from feedelik Lie eystez,ht_-''atlitt-,:kner: were eat ashen-
ed to boo before t.he ?ileponeee end !to betray their cor4,:atriorbs. Durikt the Sino-Japa-
nese hottilitioo, thOyHeecretly, but bcWy, Jclree farces with the Japapases,1010-311:
them mit dorm any uprising of ate' poen1,0 Jormese amreesion. .*ifter v?-! Dank
they shoved theaselvee in their true eelor fat only hiding the Japanese soldiers
so that they would not be taken as prism:era of war, but eleo giViog Preeteetist pp:m.1Y
to Chinese trate:pre, :ADO they are nets ening in the civil czer. The *tee of %tnnsi
are being appreeeed? ekileezed erxt even .ourdsred by %We eetret. service men. mo7 'are
being .treated ware-nay arkuour, emon .Vge fen= 001i4tryTle:11 of theta peer Sifterom
They' WWII parents, sisters and brethezel, just as tie have, long as they erenot riek
theme:ayes of MI Usi-shona them emt lei no real existence for theM.. Times 6.re not
tbat they were. ,The CCM= alt31 1:10.8t st;kend on his min t o feet. Freedom is his.: The
Chine ee pecplevreed deMeeraey and frocor4os, and this need is rare !tree:4 felt by the
people of Steinai then it is by Close it: the rest of 'chine. Thorefere, ae:we demand-
ire; that the people of Shansi be ruled no longer by =1. ilsi-shan, a despot anct
tyrant, or by cry other dictator, 41i.etk is needed is a democratic' government cottpoi-
rod of lenders who are ocapetent and hpinust, so that the peals w enjoy freedottrnd
have aufficient food eril clothing, '.e) .431 not give up the ctrui3.? until o have ?
ettained this
DI Ws pamphlet we hava tried: to woes the atrocities cot fantod under the daseotie
rule of lisi-shen. In realty, cal ,u4 have done is proof:Mt but a feW eeperficial
sloieploo of the taerhartlehips endured by the le, ople of Shrnal. Oho are in a Veritable
vAtizIpocil netting for relief Iiicb ehcitild be riivon them by n11 the rightooue ',,eople of
310..T4T 3.2211'1C 3 oRacrt.,..vetasiD1,ca.riar s OF
3 the beginning of the ::ar of Resists:tee against Jnpso, U Ilei-kehan, behind a veneer
of democracy, tricked n large weber c.f imacent youuc poople into believinz in him.
That no -Awn his secret service orgarAsations end dietnterial government boz?-n to
flourish and when the generr.l extuative became serious.
People's Revolutionary Laltena
This is actually a seeret service or isation under the le:/orship oft..1: Vei-ehno,
al of Y.Ve subordinates gaiet, be rzeb..re of the inrme, the dejkivci or uttiiti is to
penetrate into all places and all vrallcc. of life. IiLiforrte a veritable "net above am:
enare below" in ?41tenei. The abr.:Irma? of the tenLeut is LIT; we nay mu:i y Vitt
Approved For Release 20RESIRKIE1182-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release
Is the 1640V.e.0 Do matter bort trifling a problem, the LaJcue must pass judgment upon
it. The members must be absolutely obedient to MI, evun the cost of their livee4
Itis loyal hotchuan have been streOgleally and sosretlyaneei in every sub-group of
the Le no to guard against disaffection an the =bum If a mamber
diefrivOr, orders am givon hin to choose bet eon beins buriod alive or beine list to
dant& th sway he chooses, It is um organisation or Leitch the members are guilty
,af acts umek,ualled in brutally even by the German Gestapo. regialto ctvtlins
and nb&in 0164`VAZte of 61111110i have become auspicious end distrustful of one another.
w.a13a bete serail has becotte their motto., This is extremely diettusteful to them, but
they ars toreod to be eonstantly vizAlent.
Committee of Five
The Oannittee of Five is the organ of ewer-one authority in Shensi* It is composed of
the I' five rten: 172! lbsio-slian, Lula (#i ), G Ching-kuo
),PO Tu--ohbeng (111 gt. ), end CHAO Chtenc--ehou ( ix., ok.
rt OPII be =id th,It the Comittee of Film Is to &mai Olat the &looa.. rationA. )c-
ranee" Council is to the Contra Governtmnt. The sinilarlty to only auperficie.10
owl? for the Cotnittee of Five hoes much nore porter aver Shensi than the supremo
Votilkol Defense Council has over the Central Government. totttero par mint; to
the administration of Shansi Province root be submitted to it for final dectoion.
After a decision Ma been reached on a given rntter, the Coemittmit of Thirteen 114.11-
11.141ting Officials is notified clui. is held responsible for putting the decision into
street. At the sane tire, the rorele-Building Conmittee? an erg= within the People's
l'evolutionary Lergue? is secretly ordered by the Committee of Five to supervise the
entoreeoent of it? decision. Therefore, the Committee of Five is, undoubtedly, the
nest,ponwtul body in Shansi; it acts as administrator 46 VG3.I. as au ;011e1001% Its
utlicated pcextr enables it to commit whatever atrceitiee it wishes without paying the
elightest heed to papaw ?platen. The Coumittee of Five stoers the "ship of stntoit
according to TX's pereenal wishes. Y./Ps wishes are commute. If he times cn order,
it to carried out immediately If ho wishes to rewind on order, it to reucinded bs-
medintely. The province of .ihensi in in the hands of Tr Its1.--4aan mad tho Committee of
Comittee of Thirteen ifigh-Rezedng Ctficitas
Thin is the central orgaitisation of the S1143381. PrOVillOira CAVOMIOnt Lnd the hiL;hout
executive organ in the revince. F.ach of the thirteen persons in 41 1:07 mon of the
;see:gels 2evolutionall DAN*. This committee to directly subordixtol,e to the Committoe
of Flve end controls 13. governmental organizations in the irovince, lt 4000 alateaver
it or the Coemittes of Five ulahea. If it decided to call a door a horsu? no one would
dony' the truth of the stateftent, it pays no attention to the aurrering or the people.
It in the executive organ of 31101181, Province and, therefore, the *puree of all evil in
that province.
Steering Unite
heSs are directly subordinate to the Committee of Thirteen Iiigh--:tcntring Luc',
actImillq superior tethespecitl commissionerst offices. There is tine military and one
political. department in each unit,. The persons in chari..:e of the politic 1. dewttmentc,
bends of the branch committee Of the ThrOe-Building committee. Those in charge of
the military departments are the'sonorals holding military commands in the province.,
sailitr:ry and political activities andn:rfairs are directed :-:.nd,controlled by the
3teering Units, an examvle of 4.7hich is the Southern Fen fti StheriMG:Unit.
Branches of the ,:ecoplets aevalutiunary League
There is a branch of the League in every special coamaiseienerla ?tripe, and there are
also ,hsion? district, village district, etc., branches, Lvaribratoh nas a chief who
is wstedwith,cepplete authority. al of those branch chiefs Are oitherr;:ts dis-
tant relatives or trusted rollovers and c rry out his every uish. ;:ithough genunaly
inefficient, they are matters at flattering their superiors, 21 tho.Lexoutts members
are emtftthrcete, vasabonds or opium-smokers uho have been epectally trained for their
Approved For Release 20RESTAKIED382-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 2449TfIGEOP82-00457R001400850008-9
masa Itnapzems AQ=
3obo? Thoir trainbic consists of stet ling road from the people; collecting contribu-
tions Ortho Imagmos consort:Alpe men for the army, und other ouch aetivitios. The
ob3oetio0S of their trainthg are othree havete and 'lour ablest': Wynne. Mune
tips:4411* boos, uolt-like heart* aod outrage natal!! and they Oast he *AU/ to riuht,
to draft ahle.bedind men or women for'tba are, docoive the people ars' natter their
emporia** I% 10 044y to seo bou the poople of Shansi are ae chick** are to eagles.
In 'a *Wage dim.riat there ore four or film rilloCovi to eath villsec aro cent agents
of the 1erole4hillthie Committee, whose duties =otos supervise the &WA:17,11104e
it to Witt in the ackainistration of vil10 affairs? Wel Ooolt vinoCei tha're
crops, one of the duties of the gra* chiefs is to souscriilt?10110
&Irish tiOitobtho toolPagr000moo6oro plague and squad larders are 313iw,ed the privi-
? ef wissesing mid mercilosaty boating the valorem, ulio beAr the heaviest burden.
Mu of Shansi politica and shoos clearly the uslimitod 4Ind ante power of
the ItsVolutionsry lases?. A local sone says, 'It iu ze,t thutht4i Route
"tratv tio it in the locusts. It is not the Japanese se fecrs it is the vinseo
Roliof Corp.
Originollyp this organisation Ins mode up of disappointed officials c44 officers 'hos,
bob* in a hopeless position, two susceptible to persuasion and viialis to risk tiir
lives in any venture. I= took aft-ate:se of their zvsition to give them secret eervice
ond thorn wont them to ("mallet the Japsnosop SO as to stronolum his position
is Bisamei After the Japes:woo surrender, Japanese prisOnera were added to the Corps.
Fighter? Corps, Ilome-Loving Corps and Armed Civilian Intelliconco Soaloty
Time throe ro*p e modo up of persons eh* cassi.ttoci tworms during the Japanese
committee. Sufer Include feroer PuPpot garrison anit., PoPPet trocTop otoo Thy nro
by Tabor* P000100 vdtharlainal tendencies 6to helped the ?ToPolsos. Oolt,rout the Poor
people, tind now they are helping TM do the anmo. They aro hard-herrted car; cruel,
but they two nits 1141 support. They are autocratic mad pontious because they c*.n
? e the mega otill under their heels.
Progroesirs Seeinty, a miborgraisation Atkin the Peopleta
rlivolutiOnny lasgue
This is a group of hangers-on tar' thugs belonging to ITtif iisi-ohan. Their business is
to WAR* pardtions sitel grab money for themselves. They try to please their master,
TX, by fighting sst pomp? which are'troubleseco to his, thereby stroo3thollik;
rim= wer
This is 4 Izabian under the command of one ( ). its
orgeniretion is J7r?1tdcl4 ens can :is at the top, and each echelon in larger than the
COO 40114. Thus one a= Sas under his ecarend several use Ito In turn occiansi others;
this Wet= Prarides a compact oseanisation of nen %toos obedience lc bsolute They
are meted suttiortere of 712:
People's Iovolutionary !oath Corps
The oicisterne of this intricuing and poisonous eacull sho-as thLt Y.Z: does not n::n to
inVOilINO Oar the present generation 'of Shtutsi people but also to irri'fms on every
young and insocent heart that they Wore born to be his claveo. Scads of evil have been
am in Overt Young and .,vure soul. ,Students of the Chin Shan ( ) and Pe l!an
)10 ) =Ale Schools mil the School are antaioticully =hors of
the ; Quo a child (mtere one of those schools-0 his rtolo life raid his poosessiono
baceg to the .Corpo.
Theoretical, politics should be baoed an lav and order, ...h4te wo sap In 3hansi todv,
ia but termites.. .At dominates tho uholo province. There are no rid llvs, but
order* aro 'unreasonably onforoed. The terrorist organization p060000pa OntranoUs riouer
tmd is a supreme body to which everyone must be obedient. It ia evi(!unt thm. tbu
Approved For Release 20 _ - 82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 20RERK4-E6082-00457R001400850008-9
noopist .tevolutionary IA.ague furni2bk-.0 the Dotiv;..ting ot.Qr in Sii:trt3i. politicJ.
3h1noits violent autOcrocy isunumablythe result of the looesuote policy. Tho
fallowing nerds went spoken by 7313 at 4 WAthoriAC of officers of ail rake in
rwoluttai (1$ 44k 17 Klenanplo (1. a ), in Mission ), mato=
Stoma, during tho oar collude &spent wry connedes? in the t;orld of toct4, it is bad
to bo loam A gentleman ie holplesc, If wo fail to ettein the way of riglit,
roeahou34 et least gp the .riap of statocant une once tleie by the
arsh-traterZG Ch. ino-riel ( ) virr ow cannot echitnre evorlasting
remembrcrice, one should ct least as ? ow evorlastinc hate." The abaft olo: r3.7 Lodi-
otos pcsoosabro ambitions nod politica dusigne. Because ho is change Of the
1.0ople00 aMoolutionary Lava. his order is oorpasory. The revelations of the Lealgoo
forbid A oubordinote to oo$ that an onier io impoeciblo to carry out, Ameese audacious
emu& to violato those rogulationa Weal either suffer 4 puniehnort of his orm choos-
ing or be killed. Lon appolotod to ootriandeer cereals and levy t:.xes fully uuderatand
the difficulties of satisfylog tlx govionnont? but they km: they must carry out their
M./ninon tahout blundering, aureing this, hOw can thuy refuse to db07 ardor.; even
thourh the volt)* of oonnotanco c47. omudomillyory out to thun that the poopl: aro
redly too poor to ON another grain or noothor nonnn no matter hoe Duch they are in-
timidtted? Theytre forced to teke ream* of their nthroe havelett and 'lour able's,"
torrifyine nod inbirvnty beating tho people without the leest commotion. TEN also
ho other, subtler lays of mcouracing hie tehordinateo to work, Thom who succeed in
tarning in tho roqeired-encuat of grain and money *att.": are reonrded with the title
of obonernblo and anOoliont Sorkerso amd a better position, uhich enables thou to grab
men) noney. Those who are linable to tocomp.l.ish their raieolons !..re ffinforior eorkorso
end ere either put to death or lnprisonod, th short, in jhanai, OthArr0110 uutit oheY
the tuoj this roans they runt ob." Chaireska Yirg. Ha aiVes wivtowr ardor he plelses
expects it to be obeyed iscilicitkv, for Shona ja low autocratic,.
A FAIDAL T.I:411*3 7;1?; 0.3CLDLZ-F .1V. a MICE"
1. Reapoos for this system
e. TO went tho C1dnes0 Coax:nista. In order to shook mut eixrent preemainc
Avower*, it is imartant first to euppress thu Chines? Comanist,.. To
313alre35 tkKfl1, UI beliorveo thore aro t a s41ya: one is fascism 1=1 the
other is agricultural cocialisms 11121 has stated, Ifxr onu c,nnot achieve
the lira, ono is sure to fail in the second. It ,ino wiahes to reaire
the second, his pro34mina7 atop is the fir?rt, Therefor) the Lo asthods
not only do not conflict, but also support eauh other.n 6onseAtently, in
order to 'suppress the Chinese Communists and safejuard his autocracy, he
has painattskimglY almod the revolutionary uSoldior-Patomer LTelonsti a sys-
tem of feudal agricultural socialisi.
f.ro consoript I On evi to comendOer &main. Y IP a di' is to strevthun his
position with rizht. It is therefore rioceaeary to draft co r.r.nar in as
;)osaibles, but he intonda to fool the natives with a new term. Instead of
conseriptine LIM from eaoh household, ha uses tbAJ nScaclior-Purcur Union,"
*Joh is, in :cot, a form or fess conooription. Instead of comnandeeri
grain =lording to tho drizu of each fare, he uses 44e 401: aystan to atom-
riandeor it utolesale.
o be lot?un ac an invontor, 1 has aluaya ;irided Ltizisell on b,.ing
invontor. His t.t .ful oubordiaatea Clatter him with uhe term. Ia
stored for a short while in Caroni, which %Ian then a Jape:woe-loaned
territory and whom ee wrote two books entitled unietributien of /abort*
and "Cooperttiva CortificAoa." Upon his return ho rublished thew tuo
book/ turd thus a,..eraed to have co uireol the alt.:action "inventors". Then,
dUring the Vrr c.1? inat Japzet, he copied the fe:adal t4.1nant system
of the Reclaim czars, claiming thu system to he his oun invention. Not
only uoro the books I.mbliched, but the vote= ativoct.ted in them tee
also put into 14./..ctice....by force, This system rtaa c ilod the "Jcadier-
Panty Unicn," a source of delight to T.E, but of diaziay to tit,' people.
. co hribirt .11 his recorii. Loot year, taa felt his emote.
woo forced to leave his old den, Shona, arid proceed to Chunatina/t) par
Approved For Release 20RESIRICNI82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved ForlRelease 2
his reopocts to'Oonervliaoimo Slai-chek. He WA: the
trumpet tor him imvontion. HO told'thdGenoraliosisto of the
oxitellont,rOnalt:i cibtaincd tram the enforcement of the 11.1oldier-
Parner linices.s, Thu Generaissfino opprovod it and %roto on a
dominant *Mining the aystom, triNit it cat trial," wach law, of
course, the attalout that I= needed.
Tito deceit at,h4oubordinatos. To flattor hit, Ws otSaordi-
notes crostOd Moe publio opinion. Stories extollinc the
"Scoldier'.rtiMar Unian" aPPar.rad ?in PraPacande. sheeeta.
People have fOrgaiipotitions to UJ asitift him to permit the
establishannt of Use system in amt.! ober* it had ant yet been.
instituted., Sir*t2tconsidero thO rtatives his onecies, thew
forged petitiatto pleased and flattored hla, ard ho thithe now,
thct he hao conspored them after 01440 ;45 a matter of fact, this
local empomr, Sn Whom opinion the idoasi of others are non-
existent, believeo Woolf alMighty whon he sivs, "I am Mona."
Thom is onky hie Will' leaseas aro rub4sh to Wu, 06'46 ciMmot
trot his bOhavior aciantifically. Tho foregoina five items havo
? boon. arrived at, through an4ysis of :his thoughts, I./cards tad doods,,
so that the roader might the rktre c1ear3or undoratind Hai-shoo.
2, The ItSoldictr-Famatar Onion!!
a. The division of nada: one villago digi.rict, made up of severcl
villageo? is Won os a unit * the division of fields into plots.
A plot is a trent of land dila* hoz a yoarly output of 20 picas
of corn or *oat.
b. ntlitia and ctnaUr amp tal.ting tau ',Map district as r. unit,
rI! recruits all eh sea in the district betooen 17 arxi 4.7
for the cattle. Zoch militiaman Is givun a plot of ind Three
it4oiaori 411410, Up le* :;rOupof ahich tne b(400003 noldioer iis tit?
regain* any. and tee must till tho land allotted to the r(4?e1ar
Soldier, and each year the t:e militiamen must also give two outra
'Atlas of comas arid ten *attics of cotton to him.
a. Chief tillers =1 assiutint tillora: a militiaman is called o
chiof tiller; thoo* 'who are not :swatters at taw r.dlitia but sti31.
capable of a little produotioN such au the old and weak,. tint
women and children, are coal* assist:a* tillers. Land is not
allotted to the assistant tillers., One chief and two assistnnt
tillers form one production tem
d. The ftSoldier-Parnor Union" is oothinc but a now feudal tonent
eystem. Let no ,,Luote T.41; bArvalf: "In this division of fields
into plots, uo must first define clo:Tly the bountivriaa of each
viilp0 e orenot opock of loud or1)ori,:capart frau the
viLlage. After the boura,ries of the CS are fid, one
oust belong to a certain villava. If cue is not 4Uin to do
so, it moms he (too* not amt to ,te: his share of land. If
thore are not mum& vloto for the nilitimen, tact may, sharo one
plot. A militt,tant nay not ler.vo hie v4...13.k:o Athout rt.taei .n
Those who ciumge thuir ;rofeoolona obll bo dcnrivied of their
plots. Thome nho move to other plias with their 16,.milies
not be fivesi any land. plot is gr nt.ed only to a rdlitieman.ff
Enough,. enough. TS not a militiaman, no plot is Gri,mted to you;
if you aro unwillik: to live in a certain villago, it means you
do not vast to take your share of the?lad; if you settle in 4
certain village, you aro not allowed to leave it... .if you do
:aft= 431 be deprived of your :l
ot; if you change your profosston,
you lose your land. :13.1 those rules ave doeignod to tie the far-
mor to the land. Too aro made to stick to a tortilla piece of
land- Tan amce4oa to be born them, i;rovi up thero, live
and die there. This is idaat the Ruosien Gears practicod long 4.4;e.
Approved For Release 20_ _ _ 82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 2
This is a: =act cory of t1 feudal tenant system (2nd nothing
else. have named it the Sou Teadal Nowa Slam. The
oaanalfation ot the t Taw aid the lagrologasnt of accriculturo
oeborsullai aleeseised es the ty?say mat for the Chinese
VIZ has *woad
0.4atiant ar the evideted NsFouck.1
MIMI* at Abis *ads ceppreseirc the
itegaii maim of los* svisethip rIrjato.Was 4
tbssor Lu tliad to * Pie** of lee? hi* *can asto oat be
*PIO as it. Wa. ehildren ead pen*bildren r411 ell be view
laroa the*, 10 be opprossed mad *venoms* fleeced by him
The moats of the eatereetoset a, this vetoes TN ones mad
Cf Ma oat* licersaitas testae eau* 'te laborers at the
birihmint bator in tho md. eoldiev-Peraer Mims
too* wilt otto$03.01 Jew* le thie eseetnehm? The tollmdtt
remesies Lode by =Ps eabesdinatets aseser the fasuatien:
*Thera are ems ailitimen abo are tammillinc to till the plots.
=times* lo IttriCnin *Mee", WOO alipOniod to ths viUnry
peals; ottimiale to be alloued to tuna in the re uirerl arein
bat 104 riligoad to tilt the 1aso4 Seas at the
sre reread by the oppreseies Walt to Wu their fasiiioe
to other illaem, The &tossers We On Vadeveteadlaj Meng
tharaelmee to till their own lands end osci the plate a.Uoested
by the govisreemats, asca unitise*, tag r tint loade 411
be divided *to plebe sal giveb thou for ttUbv, have
thelv tote have been khan tram VIPs eta itokrarasst-eaa-
trolled mempspers,,, 3o, .r, TM* Irak comet *my thom and NW
that they'll* limo tieoted by your eisedis to dim:0SM ,yaa.
In tuts tbik 'obte.hoillaii ton are loaLtarim ryabom the
old *ad toe* are etorilsess fields Art b04010C berm cod
dosorted. Collator hoc ;Wok his hods, it is la-
Air Tat to sev4 up these Vote. In t'sie dietreselag
reso a slit* has besa beats 01300.dier4orsor Vacs'Ia
goads Cabe 'turbo* La 4-eed; but mode are growing in evury
fields and en teurreet is :wasted iss the VAL* lArtayeau In..
Shensi whole elilo to move is re:0J* MVO* loavinix only
the 'who 041.11eahle to de *es The .3att..r are forced to sub-
mit to their Zeta etei aro being grodtally stripped- by yar
trts SIL2SLIUMilit %WM.= CL11:4CTI01:3 rzra: LT
isrortant Liave ocaurrted everr.bere in Ulu Prta tart/ Yoore,
litirothan hoe remained the solo occupant of the loorl Shensi throw, Dr 1110:044 of meaning
ahmses pat autaidoI bo haeuseatiedad Se gabning absolute ecetrol of nhenef, panties,
?d far thirty yeas* has ecettinuausly died the blood at the Swazi PcsoPlea LAren his
blachtme have beet no one tarn tioh azvl qest amler hie keit? 4'44 fonk? Oa, the other
nomaa he hoe duals kill tos toad tem with the JOponnino. Ce? .14171.937 the trePaneee
esenes aroused the an?i peoAe troll Ow* deep *Unbars and Lim mos:yeas in china
losinsua his intention to oppose the ( T ) Division. :ixt agroopent was Imuloo the
nwilaitininil GC *it* Were 40 follows (1) The *mud Pacification Anaky ima to he rear-
__- Into the NOtaineso .4nti?-441XteSee iforni and Drove Vanguardeo end stationed around
(111470 3744) ubOre two, oere to cam out anti-Casamist aniLltanti-Japoneseit
returns the avow* tamp; weretoeveatat G ifeiheima (NN )a
Agit, ion (110-54, 3640, ruilaa (,* ) and OW ionhaiangehen (4 it for Y.-,14
t73 The tlapaneec Artiar ins to 01 the ShanSi Pacifimition mar in supprossina (-11 other
co in Mantis thnt in. the Zighta Routes the DOrooto-Dio Corin Ord other 1. rivue
anii-Jopanoso AVOW. 0) ilne Japanese Arm Weed to aup:av' thO 3nuL n.cification
t4th voetrPeoend temition. (4) The JaPrinono Amy .13.30 1.14-xecei to ruturr4 o.1.1
Mesas OM prOpOrtiOn if the &dist loaders-The.
anptirg (, f ) conference: Irt ::arCh 1%1 LIAM ren.va:( A) Y.:, le
. Approved For Release 20REOURICIIEDP82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Releasegq,,Ityl7M482 00457R001400850008-9
LIPtoitiod, to
Or the 36'verttt
bc sags Josneware,
11*-.35, X(-52) to J/ 10C:033., ern on
10.41k )0 bLI:0 ii#cflit it, in the :went
oOktuln C11.40 (41) oomlry couraander
:4104, AIMS :-asso tivatabed to Taiyunn.
T cad Paat?tor avs70:eozzinit
i? to tzko eVer IWO the Japcsies0 the, houses of the
I shosla win tin* battle ordloosstsiaostua
to** Wotan. tter that ezeobing, envoys
,to 21Ayeark, Peipleg nnd
). Chitunten, ultero he
?tart Clo.chai (4 JO ),
41( ott ), the steptietsontad the
ilapoose Oroposala weret (1) VII .hgto to denounce
Qcoetuieob, (2) the ford et lisinochtuarrav (A l% was to
forOoe. (3) Thp was to camerae with the Juoneee in
Oa! _n_at ii4nOnnesoll elfileateo (4) was to return
M activities of torth. Cithuto rzl a ProPo-
*age et *seat and, othor soroas writ to bu giver. to the
tine Arey* by the insnecol (a rive tauxtred lk:ht **labia% guts and
COO ?Mae Mro to ha oupplied to ?the *tali Pacification :irnn? tRy thy Japanese.
lamed by the dewed*saar Zone liOnbysarters wore to bu 1'ao0goi2ed in
broke off became of WM clittizeittier; en both
*Mee Oattferneteu ere lepartant m4In Of altos eollaboration with the Japt-mace for
Ike eche
of mieziatimeas &wipe the tis he 111,8 in exile: Other *all zwetir,gs, toe
IILtM1Lto aro crati.tod hem Xn snort. 44 141te tt3 he Una 44,14aPd_a to exist,
boo Or triiithercee the oriole:lots nay have been, um *as rot achamd
pieyed the rule of extInd emperor on his lotive 4 renonpro,
**bei?$t*s1 of oeureo* Ida enemy* tbay also tookv to join
thair witt,tt how** But, alas. War aeon dosanired.
troop. torn dealt bowl blows ,at ,Ptletekingkuaa (123-52,
9 3943), and who* tha alti.44/**00431: torr was realising
ram*. ' To eansarve his eon 'power* bto &WA:tad to
Jefenooe troops owed into Shansi, turning the nhole
nmentitins and adoOla Kama Into A 011itria of blood and
the repte[ of Japaneee buileteb while nis party
lecantesionceh, lt one at this tiro that VW made sham-
Japagene, searetly and diroatly. 110 arrciagod. for a gi.?coup of
tiltit the Japeneee; troops ant to act ae hielgo.hetiopen with
cad jtia man raiment axwb he toott to the moun-
t *ere he cOntinsed inseLle his lawkrioa existanae as
not forget that use/1g them who follmsed hio to wesstern
*tap both young and eld.)
441(161"" 'h4t1 Obi" 415 loth 4,0441-14 Shansi to the
Fir a *Oa. VA'
01.0000he woad hew
IOW*, Poo* ma
arietencee and of
Salt one
re stop end attacked the romiaing amid
tiwovary at tho onPonse of the Shansi
Mow adborod to 14*et itunconditionza
NW*" lie 901110d
suec 4aning the to-
lerance* of the Apsomeei egothat heme spo-ed, 'Ord 'ho rebuilhj# atee. 'XieaariPros ii
illeateca thassi. Vero again he his beet to grab for hianoIS 0",b1,ft he could frora
tliedroodybalsam lands and iterate popUlAt His liaisch work unts v40 olavar3,y
earrieg tilarth, thine, and he lihed t teats paradisoi majoring a teal! vIrttri
Th Ch't'4it ( ) the first Years Of the War of Resistance
at the Mao lkon the antio?JapanOse
vissaproa4inglike ifildfire throughout China;?
OPOrrg* Patrietia load:Laar4Ot to a on caerrilla warfare behind the Japanese.
lions, la the eprjd Z9 Ittfi called a acnfirenco at Obi IOU .at thMblie outlined
40.51440144441478. "tor OLtatienuoi. evaroatize should
ilartuottly, 0421110340 flerpa vine amani-
ta. f011oced. ore more.scarot *orate* Organisations
Approved For Release 20R3FORICIEDP82-00457R001400850008-9
Apkoved For Release 20 4E082-00457R001400850008-9
tiO 25X1
Mei". araLICMCE AMC!
4.1t tho dectruction of the :4ti....1epanese front end the poarvtic*i of VW a
oiss power. A Orbit* of his tree*, tommovor, Wan rcoxi4zs4 hatothe 3Anti-
ilePemeee !Mel end Dew* Veeltuarde", so OrMY %gash yess iD reelity, in League with
tie 41 and *kb spocialised C4 'j off all iinti4apousese elongate where-.Tr
it ?
WINO (13341, 3640 Qxas ji VOVellbor 1939 Ulf after Iv.vine betrayed
Mee and the aedisess, dispatched t oUttstrf sdaolon omelet of eoe LUX) ),
of the 19th negro ant ene g et un 6104 AM" to eadth Ai Ching-Jen
4:0.11 represserbative or the nratirstraltor* 9;1 Vinj442 Ls. it 41.-- ), in
(123pe Matta. illse teLectes introhmed there to Triaisitrn,
(%M ), Illtittit officor of the uaej/Main cooperatirst with (e) the Japanese ar.c.
psysts. 1s tIonrishedg erdie theCOO_ AV people of Shansi., loog since forgotten
WWI, suffered* 110 also forgot that Chinn at that tims was stragslinz to carry en
the 'Jar of Resistease. 'Dot bon the iplood of the ;mega* was drained to the Diet
the Jellielesse besco,to doubt *Vs lorilty? and in order to *Wu prectica1
oar mu the begi
set 1945. It sUmel.itr the storywo tell it as follow: Ch tho ovo of th
o e
its tread kbor_thOr *mad a Mow Ire,- This happeeed in nnin g of
emondition al sarrmator of Japan, to m 1945* ILE still nursed his dreum
of booming Hirohito' s tattle soirtzt, as avow nom with the Japanese Arm
le- dere. Ms moos sae tunfolds (I) ,31.1xwe the *Yapese.* wore losia heavily in
the Poothe arid also Using control over th3 imppet governments, he fbund hinaolf ui
a penitUn fres tatish ho oould arch; nOTO "paler, (2) -The Prieute Prerwtiee he had
lest could be reoesored, from the ago pesit.lon. HO announced a nftece Jaroemont4 in
the firot dare of Mout 1945* and Cition (Ad teens of ,southera SLIMOis formerly oecu-
pied by the Japan** lay, sem the fpntrenee of tho 61st Amor, iimpoltanoeuely, the
Japmeeeo ermilgeteta "'easeful Solution ot the aina-Japanolo, tocidentn. YEN rta3 z00%
to return to his throne in t2iyuan-. se rate Would have it the atonic bomb sud-
denly tore vast the heart of every, &gnaw. Up aualeened from Ma dream by
Rirohitobe unoanditional surrender. fiewever* the recapture of Taiquen nolo no great
differ.** to Ws he wan adoptable. Picot cutely* he returned* Zf he had returned
tinder the Japeneeos he would have been a toaiteroloaders this My, he returned as a
level eoversermi offieial. The SbartotplIRU, tar so MR, years *teased by the
Jaspouseest thought that at last th.; ma ens to shisse upon 'Memo and thy greeted their
tortur "4eadier vialdor eavection him,to britie OC440 co he
mfort to their raunded hearts
They :glee ilognestad that at last they weteld be *le to rebuild their devaetaed homes,,
WU 'XV* troops permed throe* the streets* theme innocent people welcctied them
heartily* Ahedding tears of joy. Cut theirjoy was transient. Clue MOM were they
disilled. Ogee sere did their Itea re of joy *ease to nom Ones more were the:),
to ho misused by him. Their c3othj13g, shoes =el grain 1oro tt.ken from therm. They
Malted that their leader was no better. than the Japanese* But, though at present
thy dare not coos* Miss the day of voomkotoe shall *QM*
Ambitious and lustful desires can never he satiated, Ho mere appropriate st3,ement
oan he mode of T311. Someone has doecrihed Males the enhodioont of testiest, but ve
think this insmfficient, His lefties is thv meat devilish on earth end it hell. Tbs
jhpamose aid the treitom 411 of uhamtha people hate ac mush is peozle can hate, he
treated as if they were au wet henerable CLant.3*
I:4 NM of the Japanese surrender ever readvd Taiyuan before the puppet trove wore
enstlenly trans:termed into ration4l:0 troops, ih Taiyuan the Japanese eoldiere re-
isainod the imetere of the Chineee sp1e. ttor put on cotton enifonass i.ed no one
mad diStAnolish thea tree Chinese sailers vithout herring them c recnn
mons the Tientsin aditinn of TeKJ vast an !cleric= corrosporaderrt wrote about
his laproasiosisof Te.tyur4. He sri41 hfthis time Taiyuan trae occuried 'with
*three burs.* *bum" taking ever gimme* *bumf diettredne the flap:meson r.rid nbusy
stealbac property". As a Matt4r of feet, there deeds sore porpetraod may to Impress
the Central Oweernment. At the 84130; tbos 321" tics collectine overpthine he could ua
for batnning civil tears in order to lu3Si.11 his pc/roma deeiree* river no trembied
at neve of his activities. It 03434 43 s4r ThI 7044 pretect everyone and anyone via()
had ocoperated WO the japazuso, 'alio tea one of the nest profound cririou he commit,
tad. FrOg2 the for highest remkin*.officorkdown to the secrot service pens evoryDnz
am kept on 114,12We sopior, ?Cti the othot had, public somata or tecehers? who, f%Ar
patriotic r0314010: had not joined the puppet goverment, as well 44 those uho had
Approved For Release 2ASIRICI
Approved For Release 20R3EOSTRIGEOP82-00457R001400850008-9
carried on underg;:oui;d ,.:o4t for the Ceara Governmerr, v.,ere in a iiiison.ble
They were called ',false and dangerous dements,' isad arrested, Those .:?faose nguilto
133s:consi4ered were first beaten then forced to cooporaLe, (4.hers,
Vhose nguil,t"uca considered carious, ware forced to choose their min rc.::th:i.on or
death penalty. From v.That, we know, a few patriotic youths who had carricc'. on Liati--
Japanese underground ;;;ork during the r vere arrested the day after ,l'anTs sur-
render on charge Of treason. Up to the present, their fate is stiLl c-,,;?stery,
Ifo *.*:ever, such arch-traitors as SU 11,1--jen were protected by nen personLL.ly die-
patched by 73311. and escorted back to -Shari via the Cheng-T'ai )
Probably SU 0.now enjoying a lwairious life in the bLek garden of the .:.1-ovincii.1
. government in 'Taiyuan, in the conoanar of his concubines. (17,e-s:Japers re!:ortd It
3i had run awaY; however, ,,:e doubt. t4ii43 st,roniay.) es ret service nen of the
nese tend%rscrido interpreters and unde:7aings have all .L...evained n continue to en-
rich thernselves, e have not 302. IC./..o3ii; apace to list evi..2ry one of r,ritt crimes,
but we hope that those vrho have ;:mfferod personally will eventual,- bLre the fact..
to .the oyes of juaic,
In brief, Y21: does eve.rything for hixisulf, Tory, :Jith the country torn .;,y Civil
Mr, he should .try. evorytiving t.ossible to relic:ye the raisory of his 3 t cot:lit
oom, However, .he 'is doing, just the op. o:.;ite by keepirk; the J%panese c;.V;:i.ves
protecting the trz....itort.i..lijO aim,- of course? is to use the r in his illog,a
ties and to avail himself of the bonefits of corruption. A want to ask, "Is he ow
of the Shansi people? .by does he not repatriate the Japanese soldiers? Why dor.?3
he not punish the puppet secret service hien and tr:itors? ,,hat mU thQ
moat of the fascists who throw Silansi peolae into misury? Our ,%nswer to these
ztuestions: let MU ia:L'Iself choose his own punishrlent etns.. mods no .ate h, em-
peror. ?e aro here to a7peal to the general public,: are raising our voices
aggnat tyranny.
SIMPI:%:G OUT TM; xm2:.e3
LI!, the local emperor, has. al; Jedat bec aling a millionidre and stronci,hoLin8,
21011 foudz-1 tenant system.. To attain thole ends, 'his first at tras to monopolize
industry and coizierce,. J. priw.toly op3rated indusixies ;aid coranerica firm
to be destroyed, 30 that. all factories v.,auld be in his hands and evta7 raz,.rket,
part of his monopoly, No one could be allowed to have a finr in his
else could die of poverty, so long as he remained rich.
The economic life of the .whole province under rala strict control, Tao North--
welitteiv Industrial Coq,:any, the Shansi Trading Cor9any nnd the cooperativ,-;s Cl
orcanized with the sole aiza of monopolizing ShallSi coimierce and industry.
Tho Shensi Trading Company is the largest comercial trust in the orovir.,., It is
divided into many depa,--tmenta? which buy and sell gole4 cont..-ol cotton cull
Market& and even those or such triviza items as chinaware iTid toilet tissue?
methods are used .to diSOOUrn,, 'e coMpetition from the oi,er.J.ed fi 7 is er,!:3
is to set. up before; stockpiles a sign which reads ".7.1ilitz:ry 3V.,)- lies for the
Covornment,? SO as to avoid payment of taxes; the other is to levy e-kcessiwt t.1:;;.os
on theprilv_teliir owned firms until they go bankrupt. Thus 43 all of the r:1 aro fome
to ClOse)the company becmiies the only source of dLily nucessitioa, ;:fterard,
uodity prices are raised or lowered at the whim of the occiny. .This speculation
is the surest method the cc4may can use to make money.. Durinc the last 1..clf
there have been tremendous fluctuations ia the price of Gold in rfaiyuLra, rc1 sort-
modity prices there have broken the natiasal record,. Everyone in Taiyum Imovis
that these are H41 tricks ,played by the caupany. The conmon co 'le aro diztrosse.,
Their burden beciatles heavier every day? They live 1iat animals. Even thcir 1ive2
trill soon be traded off by the corvany.
The Union Cooperative is another organization controlling the ecommic 'if:: of thc,
people, J..l the people's :produce mat .be handed ov(a. to the cooperative ,,
troar,, rim controls all goods,. .Uo matter what tho good.; or how largo the wtritity,
they belong to the. cooperative* which in turn distributes them to the people who
receive just enough to prevent than from at;irving; they lire 'rept in a state of
starvation so that tney can never become P. threat to mil,. ?hey cannot do ,Jithout
his help altozetherj, and eretherefore,as:submissive as sheep and turn ih
and product; bch 04,7.140:47is greater :profits Jar )72: is indeed . genius in
Approved For Release 2010SI1RIGIEDF'82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 20 TRIGEDP82-00457R00140085000,67a,
mond= 20A1
applying the screw end making money. In this, he is v,..r;f proficient., r'If I don. c,
Mat ertY deeds- te enterc.1 certain villace or leave it, it shall be thus,'? ix
to have ead. fle is very hardhearted, arx1 for almost thirty ye z 2":".3 he hus
his private den in Shansi., cazwing out a blockade policy aganst the GcDray Ci
China, The policyrs line of fire has no1.7 been shiftk:d toward the people C.f. Shnnzii
and, we hope, May therefore eventually bring about it3 out destruction.
Born of a miserly merchant Vally, IN learned e.-rly to value mcney abov. E.11 el
If there is money ahead, he is willing to take any risk; however, if the ,-;zofit
moll, or it there is none at all, he 17111 not lift a finger, even if by ding so h?
am benefit tho public* :e can cite any number of er.-,:em:ass to illustrate Ur--; fore-
going statements; hOwever? the foLlowing line43 til bo sufficient to givs U3 1;11,..
'general idea:
Loather shoes talon over from the Japanese appeared in the ..art:-.ble tlie ,i1o/c the
streets Of Taiyuan. They came from the Gevernment storehouses, It is
they wore not otOlean. *.the ouwx, hand, shoes needed by Yi;i0s troops wen:: conde,re:i.
from the coos= Shansi- is a c, :oel-producing region, but now theve shert..4:
of coal. Eike In the coldest diva Of winter, few houses COSI afford any he. J Hut
trainloads of anal are being tranaportod from rangch'sen( fe- ) to Tall-earl and
stored in the backyard of the provincial goverment. People are freezing to death.,,
it is a "to$41 matte0_#, :10 long no tql makes profit I In-Ilovomber.191.6 the cot of fleu:c
vent up tgkere 10,000 per bogs and the prices of various grains went up t..c times tite,S;
in Peiping or Tiontein. This was become flair and amino of 43i kinds .suddenly
appcored from the Taiyuan :markets, having been bought up are stored by TIM:. Ile later
sold -then at even higher prose, lie Osnaged thus to murder people vrithout drawing a
drop of bleed. This JAI life in Shanei#
hasdhec.rted militarist, a cunning and, *palliative merchant =I a promot r of the
blockade sYSten of
mcsiopolising &mei econony...these throe pereons aro ccw:bined
in the body, of rillt Iist-ehast, who is Weld:1g the blood of .the Shansi people id daprjv
thaa o.t their Howoiveri, o firmly b.rlieve that tho mason ril1 one day awa:s
and clasiolith. thisHinenepolistic structure. ?
SLAV:: MAIO ;TILT: .11) CULTIfit';;1114:;41. 3.4:CZT 2VIC Ci.4:TROL
During the twenty- thizty years of= lisi-ahonts rule, educc.tion in Shansi has deeliqe,
Tho polean of his, native political system has infected and rotted the intellectual 210_4_
Young men and chiadren havo boon overwhelmed by it, and talento have been stifled.,
*Slave eduontion? is an appropria...o term for the "learning" doled out in Shlnsi. Yv.1;
has often told his subordinates, is dangerous to enlighten the L044060? They shouic.
be kept in ignorance, IgnOratt people are simple and therefore loyal, and they can he
welly onslavod,ft However, =nothing mast be given the S!Ielnsi pee le in crier to keep
them &mastic and easily controLlode. This teak ma entrusted to the PeopLos Revolu-
tionary Woo vihUh decides what to teach the xaaaaas and what Lathods are o be used111 ,
responsible persons in the schools and the students are mitbism of the League.
Courses such as a :ftatelinsents moral trulin.144? .nprinciploa of erg: nization, liconmdi-
tioo and labor problem," etc., are included in the curriculum of every scho1., o-
Waled experts are appointed to teach these courses, and students who fr.13.1.ao exeraina-
time in theoe subjects are not -.rork.;..ed or graduated. Genera secoiords called
every Laming in the schools. Local officials or dimotors, of the i'.eop1e7s aevolution-
ary league are invited to give speeches., Lvery seesitai ends with the cheers, "Long
live chairman Milroy 'and Meath to chairman r.Z31. .:edneadays are reserved for the stw
of organisations wad all teachers; and students spend the whole day in discussion.
Tho students! thfeldre is st.rictly Limited to what TX 1:ants then to think. Children
are also teue,ht to, net according to what they are taught, They sat4t LICICO periodic re,-
ports on their gains from the. toatzblnaL, Thus the pure, innocent souls, fron the
de they start to think, aro drilled an how to serve and 1:Kcotre faithful slf_ves of
their lord, irr,v Hai-shand Conse.Aentay, they aro accustomed to atrocities 1ties from from early youth and become hard of heIrt. To include all ..3iscnoi youti
progrz of nslaver4ent, ti eirictl.y forbith,*, then to study in other provinec.:., r=
despicable tricks have boo= uood to keep them inShr.nai as his slaves,
Approved For Release 2010/A161-611'82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 2CONORI(iFP82-00457R001400850008-9
Dictators arc alvays enemies of cultura. S1).1h Haan Ti ( ), .ne
ChtiAt ) dynasty, 'VAC Shih-kIai 31), the first president
and Nitler aro typical exnmplea. ZH Nei-ellen is en even beter ol:anz2le.
drugz are sold openly in Shanai, but there is an acute shertace of books ,Lnd
Beeidea to low-oleo*, novrly obscene novels, one sees only such books ,1:;:th c.
time of speecheu Iid other eorks ty Y411* I:o one buys the latter wiles:: Ls
tomcod to. There are four or five neuapepere in Shanei, ehich erint only'.4v1t
iligna to hear or vhat he bee ordered to be eubliahed. Thue the neez ia 014 a p_c:%
lice.eben Ynu 034y3 acezethina, the newspepere dare not contradict it. Tluy are.
rote uhich speak *3 they ere trained. Occacionelly, a man orll beztr no rove of thj.s
suffoceting etnosehere and speaks the truth. No is irmdiately accused ni beinL, II -
her of the Eight Dante erey. in Shawl, dogs are allowed to bark, but noi LAA
7"xtoui -31ceTC11.ei TYR..1271 3*0 Jallte .FUT, .35X) --
nn,r)artu,T OLICi.3" it! 5111:1:5I
Local ersperor, ter }13i-shon, 17nnt- from ,the.Shnau.,i people everythine tree eee
be turned into money'.
2e ee are terrified to henr that grains coonandeered in Shanai fall into sine
categorises collected grains, borrowed grains, supplementary gr ins, credit
pains, substitute vans, transportation grains, -oat greins, hsion public
cecina and villWeeD public veins. Thead names are so strenge thet we have
never oet the like anyehero else, The ye ?34' quota of eech kind of ge..in ee
not Cone-tent, but it seems thet people must hand in aome quantity ?yore day.
COmmandeoring at grain ha z Weans t Wetness in Shansi,? The zen who lsvi
grain are villege district aseiatants. eith ropes imcl clubs in their aendee
they gts to every farmer's house, Xf the people hand in the quiztity demand
ad they are left in peace; others-lee., they are bound and beaten. Irregu-
larities? ofte0 occur. Vilincoro freeseetly do net remember how nuch oy
Lust turn in and aro cheated by tho collector,, The clever fereore bribe
the collectors end aeee up to halftho ,uantity demanded. The bribe, we-
aver, Wade gOod for On4 one collection. The next time, usually the eext
done the collectors uill have forgetten their eriendlinesa, and anethec
bribe issummeseary. :len the renew have given everything they have,
their houses are searehed from top tobottom. This forces the termer--; to
hide what little crein they cen in the most unexpected elacea, It. /J4Y Se
hidden in the cellar, behind the oven or in the heysteck. But ...het Ls the
use? The collectors bind and beet the fee:were until they ergo:Iliac to borrow
meneY and boir the re _Weed sr in. Under Yxte rule, no one =peaty to set
his fill.. So lnrge a eortion of the harvest Goes to the eoverueent? th:t th
farmer are satisfied if they ha ,e enough left to prevene their &terve-Lion,
3. Commandeered grains are intended ter ya: only. The een in ?hare.? of the
uerk cermet do their ?lobe an enety atcancha, so a vet= of "allotment of
*NM*" has been arranged for theme The poor peoelo must serve the eoeLe.
If they are served late, or if the quality is bed, the people are fined
and whipped. MO Earch and reoril, ehen the previous year's erein is ex-
hausted and the new harvest not yet le, the poor -people live 04 whetever
odd* and end* they have; hceever, the collectors demand lacier of superior
%laity in their, food. If they fail to eet it, the people, uho eat exile*
stoup theeeelves, are puniahod. There is no mess in the villace district
offices, for the meals are prepared end sent by the villagere. Lcou-
=deem grain utile his subordinate:: forcibly demand food. al that is
last for the people are hunger and the scouree.
Ale TM* also demands clothes, shoes and stockings from the poor people, for
his 300,000 illegal troops are not only Led by them but also clothed be
them. A family in possession of tun care? of land is forced to contri-
bute one euilt and two uniforma. Everyone, regerdlese of ace MUPt COn-
tldhlt0 ono pair of shooz end one pair of aloe:zing,. even nee-born
tease are counted. In elothine, the sloth !mot be of thu bust uaiit
and the souine uell done. The quilt cuzt be =ado of new cce.ton. ,hen
Approved FORelease 200ka1Rai18 2-00457R001400850005-9
Approved For Release 200R/E0 KATIE1082-00457R001400850008-9
RES ICT143 25X1
articles turned in for examination ere .,found to be if crier euelity,
they are retuenod for remenufacture. 'exit this is nothing ceeeared to
the .;1.iihpingc and fines sem unfortunates get for having "deleyeel mili-
tary operation". In October and Lev:ember, he mem falls 4:xid the
biting wind roars, the people tremble in the bitter ;tole; they
fulfill Yaps reeuiremente, even if it mans th t the ehole foxily Ilk/St
sit up every nicht.
- comandeere carte? horses, donkeys, oxen and cooliere: Tod, y?. eith
the generalacercity of' cettlo end carte; in Shansi, eceele ere especiealy
terrified when they leern that these eleinge are needed. There is e
villac,,e in,eouthern Shansi where a fee more th:n 200 familiee live, T2ce
? fore the wer? tlis villagewes fceaouo for its per capite weelth in cattle
and carts. After the eight years of -ear and the one year of Y :Ws poste-
war plevidering? only five. donkeys, Deer skinny horses, ten mules 111,0,
twelve C0173 were left, rnece are now used .both for tilline ..nd for
official purposes, and since the latter are considered nom import:Int
than the former, the fruors aeldom 1.WQ theme Coolies are drnfted every
day. They carry hay for the hovernuent, build houses en6 repair roads,
$0me oven work in the hsian governmenes,or army camps as water carriere
or latrine cleaners. In every hsien government there is a Coolie Bureau
for the drafting and distribution of ezorkere. Farmers are colveiled te
leave their fields to become coolies, even at planting or harvest tlee,
Thoy must bring their oral food, which usually consists of 0044.1 coarse
cornbread, and isuot work at the appointed task, watched over by a wolf-
like superintendent who carries & club. : litJ,e cold water c,nd the
searnbread is their only nourishment for the whole day.. They must wo):.k
continuously ald are not permitted: to rest for one minute. The work
terra is not stated, and a daily coolie is a COrnon sight all over Shansi.
In short, VT. deranids 'everything. frora the Shansi people that c?eu be
turned into army, 1:hroryt1ing, that is, save the heo)leIs lives, which;
in Shansi, have less value than those of dogs. The 2henei people ere
nseping....averping silently and without tears. The tyranny of -E,1,!
increased their sullen hatred and they ars _waiting only. for the (ley Olen
they can avenge themselves.
"COOP:0:61(1" Id) "L 21,IAL TO TH..; :IGI1T1j"
The terms? "cooporctionn and- "botreyal to the eighth" are used by Yei iii-shnn to
opproso the people and to swallow up Salami Province. Figure.tivoler, theex, tee teree
. any be reprecented by tho two attacking: knights in a chess enrz,....ltackinc in con-
junction, guarding and supporting each other. "Cooperation" is a tern ueed by 19,-;ii -4-4)
camouflage his robbery of the people., vzhile trbetrayal to the Ehth" is U50.1 to inti-
ridato mid induce "cooperation". :Avow nafusing to "cooperate;' is charged with
"betrayal to the W4ghth". 'Thus the people ,!ire forced t,o forfeit to MI ehee, little
they still have after eight years of war.
'bat is the Litialatig of "cooperation"? Of "betrayal to the eighth"? In tei ir he
the people have their on understanding . of thee teres, but let us see wiv:A.,
"Cooperation means .elzaporation of the government eith the people. he po)ple neuct
cooperate fully with the. government in order to raise their standard of see5.3
sounds. plausible because cooperation conquers all difficulties; Loweveri, peoele
SOO it in different light. `1%s them, opopration raunriu a sharp knife,. It is silvic-
bladed and is benefiolal only to LIT. Ho wants gr .n, money, clothes 7.1.1d av,31-ythitiL,,
It is "cooperation" that demands zible-bodied men coolies, carte 'no nCoopc...-
tion" orders the village women to undergo triini;:c and, .:;.ux,inet1i t uroc hey
often, raped by unialown persons, nCooperationn stands for ,ir.that is yours Le, his."
Weed, when -TIM says ncooperation," it simply merms that the peo.,..e shcead
everything and that ha is anti-U.0d to ask for anything he eente. To Spez_q: the trut
rna is versa than the Japanese, and therefore the peoAe auffar more umlor Lf.m
did during the jape:new occupation.
"Betrayal to the 1:ighth," according to unezms betryni by 401
over to the aide of the Chinese Communist Eighth Route ixm-,,f." If one does net n(7.
ate' t7ith him, one is .charged imediately ',/itn having tIbutrayad to tee LiLceth itoutc
Approved Forkelease 20RESIRICIEDp82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 20CliKORMIE1082-00457R001400850008-9
Thus tho hau no oileico......o..ither Icoope-faLionri or lbut2Ly.11,
1ihth". can better- un.?:,:..:ratcznd the 1):'..cd.:...c;,:,,,Lik.;;.??n; of -Lii(?.) %?Ineti 1?;.-?:?;,
the numi:or 181 43 a syltol ,of the nost aerietu.; or:4;Jc in C..Lnat,oda?y,. 'fra.I.Lers
titles be for,givon,, but be.tr-;.yers tc -"7,11e, ?accounts' h,e
can the poor people standairuz.t raioh aysi,eip? :Chow b.r.ve to boar
because, if they show resentment, their lives iXeC "XitiU2C.G,
offered all they possess, tut numerous 1ivo 3ti..L i lost
? OUGUS 137;1111102 OF J".2.:113'.3?; C?,ITN 5:??E LOC:I ;Z:?.:30.,?14;1-
3trn.rit,,e things occur everythera? bt.t novherc C.:1;30 as .E1-1 TaLyu.s..ti
Icranece aro still seen in almost Eve,ry troet, ?eapesl;711.1,-,..
(Soo tiriya sc.,o? when Gener..-:".1 Georg( C. ::arshall, apec;:lal. envoy of i.he
arrtved- on an insi),tion tctir in'2c.i:-/v.an? these Japr,,ne...e i.ro hide1..41 in YALI...zt-u. 50
7:ri could avoid... :.11:ies.-ic en cx.;:itioima.) on. dares to cril:t. them "J:i:);....tiobe
bt:ICC.U.Se Yalt: has oid, Yon are nkycaibord...:;r4a._?es? and to thi:: Ja.:tx?--Hnese) ;??;c- Lre
they., ? You a..K; all ,.ror iacn End fli1OUii. not look da,a; upon or..e another?, ?he. dares tk:;??
dorm upb:a tho Japarieso?1, ries:von !kr,:o.,?4-s,..Lprerycno Isioasre,el-k-
ganication oJ thea:7W, the ilapanes?o werec?.,:a promoted ti.n..ee r.....nkc byY..."-,?;.?_?, and
'double pay, The Chine:;e .soLdiers? oi tho otho,r iand coe.:..C.? hardly get ?!:;?ay on,
time, if at :2114.
Mood Elowed in China for efiliht 10n3 years c.rid innumerable livos nero lo;.;L in Lke
struaao uuit the eneav.. 'iric-Lory has at last ecti-:.e to us, but 1.1.ra-vi:,
? In Shansi, the Japanese captives renin masters and continue their forL;er? atrocities ?
The *Shansi pooplo 2.-esent this but tlo Japanese aro undor Lisprotection., ao the.
dare not show even a trac:e af anger, Their rc...3entment is like a bo,mb exp14:?,..iss
then certain torp(;ratture is roach 3c1.
The civil administration oyAem in 3hansi is probably thk,k; aiost C0114'aC_'::
voree th:..!n, that of the J:Ta!esc.: occ.4ation. The peol,le
official perilliC,Si011. In a-..'?emocrz-i-t 'Lc ,cou.a???,y, people bvr tao right
cent; ho7.1ever? this right h?;,..s never been r?:c.igniced in eiliansi? Torouh
gate one raubt obtain a perm.it which rawtbe:.1...::,.pros,?.ed by ei.?:int ?or mine clif'ent
One rata gat a permit from t-listiot office, fr DLLJL1.101.iet
One nnot have a glial'izitor bef.ore tr.:,..telin3? md f iiy17,:cciLk f....hiefJ and ?;?,:reei.;
raust issuo oertifioctes. Leckini::: one of*...he above-mention ;d papers, a r;,11 can ?-i?
.'.?Jhere,,- Those 1..,"?..to return hebie to 3intrisi frar. Other :)37CiVirte aare 1:0I`Ced,
th2 coneus office, tut they ,nro not allowed o cancel tliei 7 names from it am.
uceri this i.,r000durc; to prevent l? X3n. .7:rora oscai; to tnc;
r-Ind to contilcdo his endless cc: tic );.orig as ther,1 ax..0 ?:?.)e.pia,??;
sucif their blocd?,
Shansi 1.4?.?; full of .riTsc,..134.3, 'butchers and p.17oatutes. It in no place for a cicx,...ent
beinij, .e met cot rid of tne devils so we on :Live :7.;.,elcefully,
;.; .Y:"3 11:;.::.;.; ?
T. returned to iikr native tomi from wl,i;ch I ha.1.?;:?;cc,Ped ?`..t:L1:13?;?;:k nine ';'-';zi?e
appearsi ice had elle:wed trernea.lcusly dari.nL; tne eight yez1n3: of wz?:_r, 1,ut ti-o one
victory had wrought even riOx clianr(s 7f::):raer- this
? bitter and sweet, lingered in ay 11:11;CI : NOVI :13,0 1)Q(.10.Z !. source of infinite tvii
3cr...te of Ely farni.y have died, Others naveT?bc.:seiao tar inar??:?,
for a livelihood, They have, become tood.s, m.3u.E.,:e:1 byoI.cas. They h,.Ne i,:?)zt,
.," fiuld;arnental right3. or a humcn bsiag. r olOt.r brother 11.2 niumb??.'r ,?-:.f? the ?
? rOcular army; rw you brof.her has Veen i.A.u.thed into the corps; a,:).6ay si.st
in-law? younger aister and rot'n???,:r weire -all force,1 o jo5iithe ,,O.mfml's
year-old father and ten-loar-old nephey.I ire al:.;e lost ?:ht;ir frcodai;. I:;?;
?thc.?? deputy leadok' of.biio OJ.:.!".en a C 0-11)6 (In iy r.ViPhf3%; . is a rLb.r of Yout;1
t4xtx,732-74; azido a:thool bcoks romairz ;..rcran-d?.in the country . mis.r.7?:,nt
forced to join one or the other of the orgart:,..zatiohs e:on.tr,::_Iled by y??;:".:. one -
sonai freedom,
Tkklrict dook=", ayfathor b evar5; day? heEdtatc to tc,
gy 111)5. I esnxist s.,,ieako.. ihe U L n1,:-;?-?.an...Lr.:6 -.Ho !Ty- ;4;der
Approved For Release 20RESIR ? KIED382-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 2400610 P82-00457R001400850008-9
CENTRAL zarauGam
goadina rifles and bayonet3,? Ath tears their eyee, they 7..nd their free',2joee have lo)
keep on building fortJficaions, trencheS toed ernes for Y.777 ere te Lereeie hio reede.
flour ift givOn to TEV. arid Ais bUbordinates? while they eet ferfey conebe ond dried veee-
tablec, Their beloved, fields aro full of eeJedeo. Their horse. which they boveht fromthe
Japanese, runs wild tto whAs day long, while their two leree end hefty oxen have bot:1
disappeared. One ox vas slaughtered by the Japanese cartives and the otheoe by the "leee
Loving Corps" at the tnd o.r .1lay, when the wheat harvest TILL; at hcnd, not'ffer sue ehee
oho wept for two what nighte and that rey fethor maintoineel ef.lence for a 7.,.;esk bee 7110,1
What befell the oxen,, ;!oung.:r sictce? need l2? told Le secretly tire; or sistereioe
law ?nurses a mortal wtund :Ln her heart becae of a Celt in Lac:Wont of whi_ell she is ac,
tamed to tell ..?.nyone, On a cert%in nlight,1 re sister otelO, e'rl'ivo of the 12 women of tl I 7
Corps were raped. Our sister?-in-la- one of the mozrt beautiful worier of the
O:eoos, was raped first by t,h,.? dis,.,rict assistant then by the subeeecietene,
:Soo mturned the erne nigheo weepine bitterly? 3ho? wee too wook to rico the ne..et Ly
She would have committed wileide hod :t net beeti for her eregoancy, yo3te:AJ..y, the v
laee district officials car9 ...eeelin to esceeble the women for treinLere rocl not
refuse for fere of being beaten or othorwis: euniohed," I Coad not listen ,-,ny loager.
to this tale of atrocity against a ..lerieer rer own I...mi.:1y,, I ruched out of the house,
hoeing that the etoryI had just hoard Trc'.2.2 only a bed drean.,
Our neihborhood has changed v.;:ry molt. To the east, the old paenohop Ies ie2come the
her,d.yarti.rs of the "Rome--Loving Corps." The officer of the former hsien KucreIntang
fieed;:uart ere is now occupied by the :.'-orelte:euilding Committee, and tile f erne Ldueette-,
Bureau now houses the Poiit&cal Defense Corpe, I ac a afraid to walk eroond 1st I ohe:116.
lose my wa3c The uniformed men who stand near the crossroads look very re.r;h like Jepene ;; ?
such a vaill town, identification conle are re iuired , rote compelled Le 53eenz.7. fe-e2
for such a c: rd, everr.though I was to sty onlr three days, 3hou..d I hove hem foene eeee
out one, I *would have been considered thal,T.:::70u3 vnd any amount of troublo ;.0..oht have ee,
The second day I wc...3 home, I tolrl iv father thrit I 1ntolido6. to pay oy re3pe7t,s to re, gre-ee,
arendmother, who lives outside the ton c trouble?" he eeicio "Do yae Om; .111e.r
procedures an ro:luired to ob tam n eorraieoion to leave the ton?" ttnret, L'OU roost be
guaranteed by someone, and then you rust zo to all offices concerned, eheee :esur papae
meet bo properly otenzed, You rut fill out. c. form eith your name, addreoe?
LAireese of trip, dey cf? departure and return, ;al your fineeeprietc must ;...eee.r enth:D
forms oithout just one of theoe item, you may not leave or return to the tcee, yeee
mother has not visited your treotegrendruother :xi more then helf o: ievr anyenc.:
exrives from your great-gruhinetherTs vtlla,i;e? Z ask him to twico a ne-',:e to h:3r, payi:a6
our respects." This little town has b2C coo a :,..)rir.;on inviliph the leihebit,e.,t:i enjoy lose
freedom than re%.1 priconer;%,
richt fell. Seven laen came to our house to the census, One ha a na:?:(.;:d ,diatol; th.L,
rest were armed with rifle, I opened the clooe? Since I 1.141S aneeeemer (end :v. clothes
and dialect Vivre different from the other:, tieel were raturaree ?:Istonf!..ehed. Fortenet.ely,
ref father came forward to receive. then. Doing used to their :lesulte and t'oe trouble teto!. .
make? he presented tea and cigarettee to thero end rial.0 ccnveratiori, I ha, j. jeeneeeie.
cation cr.rd at hand; othervice? Great treuble :mad hove eneued. Later,,
bed, "Stay here one more clay only," my father advised,. "You. will he :e no peoce here orei
it .is better for you te go to !laical the day after tomorrow, is no piece for yoene
people, especially those *ale, come from the interior. Officio-as end officers are 1-,ere
unjust than the Japaneeo,? If .scx,ething hapeeno, the -,!hole 1;e did
not sleep that night, Jut talked until daybreak.
decided to leave, end the next day T. vrent tirough all those bothoreome but hecuesere-
procedures and at last receivi ry trt:vol On the :.ernthe of the t;ii:el dey,
leave of my family, leo one accompenied no to the city kes,..too. ..e were- ell Tee/. sad,
not a tear was shed, In elle:Ince, I left this once belove:.? nov; s1cLon
TR.] .:..O.O'fo OF ? LDIIC .0:e7LIDA:
Eewapapors under Yeres control aro very ee7s..cient Voilc Or.t.o1),J
they keep the peoele i thc dark end, on c4= her, they ,-3eleelo and thee; ?.;lvee,
dcZr the papers publieh co:Leone., of eetitions allegedly .eeitteo
ta.;_n districts. These petitions ask for the irstiteeece "Oeldiceoreee,r
system. Such articles are without doubt ..J.r.itten by the edit C41^:.; of the pain:; DI
Approved For Release 2046,SCUKTIED82-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 2O4. I TE082-00457R0014008526:419
proctehn-c 1 com...gidored by so::::,c1 to be insufficiently thc.-,;.'01i.i.;11, o other, kierc,coiwineii
mets..ods are thovcht up, for instance, opinious. loreed from the public., this is
dene by force, it can be .co.-U-31derednothirkr; -else but rape of L:ublic opfiniaci.
DI a certLin hsien of couthprz hrii n novsl plan was aLs.-rieci out by 17.1;c,t henchrx.:n Li
the sIlring for the successful enforoestent of his "soldier-farE10:,' ? IC story is.
knovn as follows: lctier f petition were arawn up by the hene1r4on, These 1.;ere then
distributed Secretly zioi iil pfdriary ochool teachers, ;to werci to .force tif. students
to take them home and Vleir paronti and t?elatives D) ;rIte out two copiec of thea..
One was to be addresSee. to loner_liesiao,OHL4':(.1. Ktai-shok? statinc, how the (Alnesc,.,
Comunists wore Lialtrezting the people and hot; 5IciIliuJJrChai:lars-i was
handling everything? ho niy under ;Ls Aection tould the peoie enjoy 1:_eace, The
other was to be addressed be LL, st tu ho a the "Soldier-IParier Union" 14,"13 t.11.0
OAT, to .relieve the people frOrn their sufferings,? not ehly ridding them ci the Chincsc-
Cormunists but ,a30 raaLing their lives happy and rich., The 'Millman was thus re ,11(.-.-stc.,-;
to put, the system into prac;-,ice 1,r2racdi31;ely. :Iv(-Iryono 1.yas supposed ie write auch
caid those who could not =.7rite ':ere ad :to approach 81.'"3 i 1):30.:Liate!. po.v:one tc vric
for them,. iTe envelopes 'jut th3 stationery h to be t)urchased by the
-hen the lettere *.7ere vritt 31-1 and the. 'fillaLe district c:aiers Ilaci.atiproved them, they ,:ere
siGned by the writers, tho ILad to sta:,o he ne:11,4es of the,tr villages end haions. Finger-
prints, tere added beim: the sigketures,. The letters uo collectod nd fortitrded in ..t'er
big haskets,, In the tctriss, the ..>ricusof stati.onery 320C3e irlEettir.t., a:7;k and prisrry solict13
Were given a six-day holidkr in order ,:o thic; toxtc.
.Those who had napped out the plan had :'-ndeed racked thei:: brains, But it turned out to
be only a masterpiece Cf se:lf-delusio4, for ...;hose confused were not of the geberi..1 public,
but those who received the ...etterst.
A ina3T CF 131.a.,D
lt vas an even1g in e:rly ;ipring. Dmic clouds hung in the sky awla light wLad
CHT.G Lao-orh t ),taU, tamed, with grayint; hair und boerd, 4a:1 sitting
bufore the ICtuan Yin (%J ) Temple n Shihtsuhsiang ..k/adealy he
a chill4 ii.sPiN hiC 10.1,y ca .on zInd the stone on '.fhich he sat '+'ZI6 11 i old
No ono was around to chat -a:.th him ted..y.,, mid he at alone, LII30::inG 111.3 ,)t-, then he in.d.
rested enough, he rose to so home, but suddenly the villt;.;e district assist...nL. appe.aed
around the corner cominz tem.rds hii., CH,,LX1 s:arted at the sight, but int cond, had'
regained his composure, He lost no tim ingreetiny, the assistr_nt but no sesaer ha.J. he
done so that the latter begz:n to scold hitt:. oSo? you are resting here, Cli.'1:1jG Lao-erh,
have looked for you all day; but you have been ,hiding here, srao:cing your pa De
and go home, Lend your mule to the city., There is grain to be moved 7.4) Ciaoshan,
Beware if you are not 'present by supper time in CILI:Gls only -,ins;:or was, "Yes, you."
wife had just returned from a visit to her daughter,. She 1c4. idi'on the tufo, ..hen she
heard that her husband ilex, k,;othe, to more grz:.in with the tired title, she WU:3
rebuked hii . 'You have z,,,one ma." she said. witty did you not at !.-4- hove, of 5
tine': on that damned stone In front of the teriple? Low you are drafted?"
ciun Lao-erh did not reply, Le Imew that it ms of no use to scold or acct,s,: anyone, Ile
must o, Better not delay ny further. Talt.ng two Icaolf.ang loaves, he uenbo the stliellb e?
knew that the animal had not ec?..ten any crass the -,rhole day, but he was ilk a hurry, if
he was late, ho would be wiltpped., Foroinz the reluctant t)h3c3 ,out of the stuble, he sttrted
out in the dark, moonless nf.ght, The -.dna reared.
Re liaa five m4nutes lats. Eis reward -:;as,a bca. on the ear. ills 1.14:Z he Zirilaile t u
the share allotted to him was 50 cntties heavier than th.-.1 of the others., ]ie tried his
beet to put up with the unfc_ir treatment, lalowing that it would be useless to apl)eal. The
total weight of the load was 200 cattiest He took 50 on his shoulders and ..ut the rest ca
the Laxlet The two set out in the dark night, while the ;:irri continued to hcei
They shuffled along. Cl LG 1'ac accustomed to the (i.. rk road, but he w.1:3 afr1:141 for hizi
mule. The winter snow was Leltini; and the read was slipper:7. Ifs drove the :_rate
lest it fall dom. .ita a tetvy hetrt, he fcllowed the rmle On the rocy row., arid JLUa
day broke, he vies relieved,. He arrived at his C.o:.3tinaLdon und wac, 11de,d
Ten 110:03 crt4:, were cletia:sLed thr.n he 11?d rcceived, and he wee told Le i>ay ,[e
had not a :Anzio cepDer in his purse, tut fortuutely, one of his eeiwpazio:Le
Approved For Release 20(REST7RKIED382-00457R001400850008-9
Approved For Release 20
loner, nrd the affair wan settled. He intended to find on gri.;c3 Lor
he Could start on his 17.32,' home, but the anival boonwe ill 1,.nd fell down. it ro:ued tt
ent or drink and ley panting on the Gratladd rte eyes swelled like thoc.; a dead fii
anL it leaked at CUM. lie kept silent, watching hie mule and then his co.2)anionn,
Pinellee ho took Out hie Pipe and eabmitted his fete and that of hie :elle od 1
his oaf animal and he could not live without it. ?hen the sun rose to the euunit of he
nountaln? the mule died. CR.Te Lao-ere returned to the en= )1ace he 11.;:ii bJen the dazi
Wort), still smoking hie pipe, silently eyeing the distance, which me of...?)n dkiied
the amoke from hic eipeo
:Sight fells but there mas neither noon nor star. The wind continued to :oar, mixed
the haling of the hungry reilvee. To the teeming of the third (1:17, CITCP3 wife ;Yan
aesping bitterly at the door of hor hou000 C'!;lT'e do zT' tiody? covered with Lztting, wae
being carried to the core tory.
0'2. Is ii3 1101eLi
Derr fellow countrymen* 3,ou probebly west believe that such storiee of blood and teere,
as described in the :)recoding chapters cen really be true, Let w3tell f011 all. .rzot
agar are they txue *Amu* 0 TErte despotic rule in Shansi and facts of hes tyrcnny,
tut they also represent only a small fractice of the vest mis .ry heaped upee the
12,0006000 Shansi people, They are crying, groanine'and struggling under -hoe hell;Li.
eenditioes. ee are etudcnts in Peip:nee hut our naeive hones are in Shan;:,.. e have
gyeeuitneesed the tyrmexicel polieiel Of thiu ruler; see have pereonally taed the
Suffering he hop pub upon us; ne here been =Welled to le ye our home becum.te of th:t
*roil dictator, After mere than 20 y00= of his despoiling, Sivaasi has deLorioraed
greatly, and the van following the eel* of Resist nee have meee it worse. Tee has ec.
suned hie vele, ehiehele more.dictetorelike than over, The enforcement of his reoldLel
Union" eyeteeth= deprived the Shensi people of their ea as of liveLlhood. The
old people uhe remain bOhtei in Sbanei have nothing to hope for but death. "hula
is Struggline fees peace Lnd denecrecee yat itsieshan continues to eneerce feecist auto-
cracy in Shansi, -Wee reople in the thole country are returnine eo their home toms,
the 3hansi peoelseare either driven frem their homes or tryine to keep away, khey bav
suffered more than enouge fran the Japeftece in the lezt eieht evere, innueereble
merge have lost their lives. The one aid a half years since victory have not chang..;d
anything, The enndoring natives of Shensi are unable to return and live eeeh theielde-
folk. They canna even receive lettere from them. The Shansi. people are n'All being
killed, net by the Japancee? but by a man ?faze-mi. ?hen will their blood end tear
Stop flowing? thmuill the tyremnicel rule cease and when eill Lees vorecieui deseee
be fulfilled? Ao =timed 'before, t4s took touches on anel a very suael fr...ction of
122:4 atrocities, Those V8 haw nentiened are the exact truth, eithout the least ex
goration. Eany core incieents occur eei1y0 the mere knowledee of which weLd make any
deeont-mindod person shiver. Our 12arotts, aieeoro, brothers, ;Ind wiveo L..0 suff ering..
eit are appealing to the thole country by exposine the c uelties of LI.I ,e are sineux:ly
hoeing that people uill to relieved from his tyranny.
Ltietory tolls us that 73 fisc jot rule aennot lest forever, Just reeenbee Hitler
the Japanese neliterists. Thor both helm ceased to eeist The ,deo .le, overburdened,
uill rise sone day. ee cre neither rebels nor bandit; we donanding caL:'..; justice
for our 12,000,000 fella:. counteymene we are only .trying our best to do 11--,,t
fl' duty'.
The ehansi people, as well. as those from other erovincee, are v.ry censiLle and capablL
of self-control, Althea& they are being oppressed, they keel/ hoe to cooperate with
others who are already on the tray to democracy. ..e c'eznot live at rendez and eizt ,ey
repeat the tragedy. ,hen democracy I pre. dm.. everywhere? %IC) 01101.1.1d eur:zelves
the opeortunity to achieve it. Undoubtedly, the last of Y I* 3 CLC.:JO are at hand.
*013. not be another de....pet, fascist or crinieel in hie 'lace. .0 w at an:Jatcaricwit
and cepable man elected by the Noel?, man sue can rule Sizenei dettoct-LI:_w_aly, 2h5._
is our erecteat hope end eur met sincere 'caro. Chino ie iew contini ei:ey tern by
vare It pains lif3 t3 s:".X: the slaughter continue :e7ter the lone ;ie le.; of
Chinese should pr: y for euxe, and the Jhcalsi -,:..uo:ae should do so c7,31 intanctolz
CZ is doisa ovoriur:ag omtmry to the interest of Chwa c Ila;) LO'.r..;1"
Jepanece cz.:ptivee end nev,r eunizhed a traitor- Cu the other !taxi, the 51v.r.;.i co.t.e
forced to artizipa.ct in he civil war which is being proraot4 by IR The nJolaer-?
Approved For Release 20CRESCRILTED82-00457R001400850008-9
: d000 nt curc if -11. t.lic: SIvau,i,
TAW IVO at4L. ilk iiiiriaSi4 For
iple 1 that a rldithrog through ape--
to 4
icae. at the *Venda of ?:,ha p3o:).10 by
Pktte Of a ;maw tad they hat) 'var. Tb r.
tin) t Ad ot 7(LIE. , justice L. Irkfiht ?Ind cooperation
Let . ei 3eittinrecla for th0 bit of our native home i* our country?
co %moo prkeal, xpIiaoe any Unger and aro aakins for syrIpa-
1100323,0 'Ai hay. the follodoe El "acts to make:
tome azi connolaulon et the htvsnei pact4o.
of the Jegolooe mot time naci the donetivation
patiehroca of traitor*
prohibition of opium onoldr4?
6. so of *WA. oar
7 of Iowa 0/1,76610107XJ oitablionnost of n derioantio
Approved For Release 201IFS, I CiAWIRPF2700457R001400850008-9