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L-)-1 cizcrivr Approved For Reig,.1?9 29ip 25X,1 COUNTRY China 25X1 SUBJECT :/s 1.4 'WI-% 0454 11 .mt? r 0AI k "fs -1:TiMp0457R001,pg7p(03 CONFIDENTIAL DATE DISTR. 25X1A 7 179332 Ar \ 6 Ap311 1948 . Military Information: Soviets on nantung NO. OF PAGES 4 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF WO Paninga14. 25X1C REFERENCE CENTER Auttli 4 ; NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) s',E,qh map SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT Na 25X1 THIS DSCHIJEHT CONTAINS INFORMATION P rsc.trc T1 A t ATIONAL OF THE UNITED STAI FS WITHIN THE !JEANINE OF THE ES PISHASE ACE C. 31 ANC 32 AS Ailli11DEN. ITS THAN SHISSION OR THE NIEVELA HON OF ITS CONTE:VS IN ANY LIA AtIZJI TO AC' SHAtITHESUED PENSIili 15 PAO. 25X1 11113 F3111 r"H teI 40 110A i g1 E0AJ0AV a UTILizao? 4? 1 AS SEEit F1tCCSSAStY TI:7. rtEtt4IMNG E3E505 r!!! 4 A 25X1X Ao stated THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS Noe: InZormation presented belom is possible evidence that the Soviet alaxary forceo on the Kuantung Peninsula have been increased) Of the 60,000 Soviet troops now OD the Kuantung Peninsula, 30,000 are stationed in and near Shihho (121-52, 39-21), taong.the 39-P0 parallel; 20,000 are in and around :Port Arthur; and 10:000 are stationed in varieue.posts along the coast-, lino and in the interior. 25X1 Note: The location ahd numbers of Soviet troops mentioned in the remainder of this report tend to support the statement above,) the Sanchionpao (121-16, 38-54) area there are 8:000 Soviet marines and 2000 air corps personnel: including troops attached to the airforce (see parivraph 29) 3, The/ are 230 Soviet troops gua.rding Peiheikou QPIPAhaitun 121-11 on the vestorn shore of Tachaokou Day/121-12, 38-57). L. In J1-,o Shoishihying (121-14., 38-51) area there aro 5,000 Sori7iet troops billeted in thE,, ?nlinhuang (i-o 5? ,CE) barracks, east of Shniohihyin; The barracks are guarcZed b3., thirty otthILAn and thirty carriege-mouhtal guns Tho barracks on the Th.onthora vide of Chikvanshan (121-14.1, 38-47) are snrrounded by twenty anti- aircoft gone and e.fl elfIctrically-chargeti wire fence, 5. Thera are 400 Soviet troops in the southern end of Paiyindaan (121-17, 3C449) couipped with twenty anti-aircraft guns. Thero a:oe :3?COO Soviet troops statioved in Tr,aivonckon ( ? Al?Taiwanqkou? 121-48: . 39-11.4) 7? Along the beach south of Langvi&nttrig (rfa1uilewark,?tang,tur4 1223, 38-59) there ere 730 Scniet troops equipped 'Ath five ,7.11ti?aircraft, guns CLASSIFICATION --11?Iireatg?, ......,........_,.........?...., ___. ._.......... ... -7:stirkii? T41" 1 NAVY # lx i IISRB 1 f p IA, , . DISTRIGUTION ? - - - c - - ? - 1 .1- ___ .... . .... ,., ARMY ii 1 il ;VP. I. xi I 1 I -1 1 ' ._ .... _ ...._ ..?..._ . . ..._.. _ . _._. This document is nerew regraded to CONFIDENTIAL in eacordance with the letter of 18 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Arahlgist of the United States. %est Review Date: MOB coNHDENDA ?. L NO CHAN Document No. jiDECIA C ass. C Auth: Du .:". Date: proved For Release 2003/4028gT I- DP82-00457R001400370012-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : ciA_RDp82_gatilei -giEERET- GEUTRAL INTFLLIGEN0h -2- 25X1A 179332 S. There are 80000 Soviet troops in Shitexpand in the area of Tuegshanp,o (At alek) ?1ungshanhou0 (121,47, 39-16). One hundred mountain and carriage-mounted Guns have been placed on the hill west of Haenhiang (11` Hisiachiangehialcono (123-57, 39-10). Soviet troops are using the former Japanese barracks there. 25X1X 9. As of 16 SepteMber 1947 there were six Soviet transports in Dairen Harbor. Two 25X1X were 8,000 ton transports. The other four were smaller, ' 10. Over 4,000 well armed Japanese and Korean troops debarked in Dairen Harbor (?from the six ships mentioned in paragraph 9) on,16 September. They were met by forty trucks which took them to Tsuchaitun (111 qe t-, ,14)' northwest of Dairen. 25X1 U. A barrier ten feet deep and eight feet vide has been constructed by the Soviet authorities along the seacoast from Hsiaopingtaotun (121-290 38-50) to Hsingkepu (121-34, 38-53). Soviet Guards are stationed along the barrier. 25X1A ( Mote: i ion 8 February 1947 the Soviet authorities began 25X1A mobilizing 3,400 laborero to erect defenses along the coast from Hsiaopintaotun to Tientaishan (?).) 12. Over 1,200 Soviet soldiers were recently sent from Port Arthur to Dsiacheishantun (121-53, 39-10,, 13. On 19 NoveMber a Soviet Transportation Unit left Shihchiakou (121,330 38-56) for . Port Arthur. Approximately 1,200 Soviet Troops and over 400 vehicles still remain in Shihchiakou. 25X1X 14. On 9 NoveMber 1947 approximately 700 Soviet infantry troops loft the Tashobg ( ie Al!. )0 Changan (qp 4L) and Chaoming (g 94 ) sections of the Tlienshent'ing 4,13 fJ,T) District of Dairen for Chinchou (121-43, 39-07). 25X1X 15. A large exchange of Soviet troops in the Port Arthur area has been made. Soviet troops froo Port Arthur have left for Chita (113100 52-01)0 Siberia. Soviet troops have arrived at Port Arthur from Hailanplao m lit) (Chinese name for Blagoveshchensk: /127-302 50-18), USSR, 16. Approximately 2060C Soviet infantry troops stationed in /angshukou (121-120 38-48) District of Port Arthur left Port Arthur on two trains, between 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on 1 November 1547. It is rumored that their destination is Chinchou. 25X1X 25X1 Kuantung Peninsula from North Korea. ' 15,000 of the marines are etationed at TUantao (4a (?)) (see paragraph 2),? y. During the first part of August 30,000 Soviet marines were transferred to the 25X1X 18. There are approximately 260 Soviet artillery troops with thirty-two artillery pteces (size unstated) stationed at Takouching (121-080 38-52). On 8 November 1947, cuinowa Approved For Release 2003/05#:KtDP82-00457R001400370012-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP82001?N'FIHMA3flAL7 CENTRAL laTeaLIGENCE AGENCY 25X1A 179332 ninety-four Soviet engineer troops arrived at Takauching from Yangtouwatun (121-07, 38-50). The troops are engaged in repair work. Twenty-six small boats and 340 coolies have been hired. The coolies are employed in eying end and are paid two catties of corn or flour per day. The boats are paid 5,000 yuan (? Soviet Army occupation currency) per day. 19. There are between 4,500 and 4,600 Soviet infantry troops in the Sheengtao Bay Area, in and around Pantai (121-10, 38-54). The troops arrived in this area from the USSR on 17 and 18 October 1947 (see paragraph 15). !!'). On 16 November 1947, 3,200 Soviet infantry trope debarked from ships at the Pert Arthur East Harbor and proceeded immediately to Liushufang (121-19, 38-54), where they are now stationed (see paragraphs 15 and 19). The 600 Soviet infantry troops which had been stationed in Liushufang ienerted for Dairen on 10 November 1947. 21. There are approximately 2,300. Soviet arMlery troops in Wangchiatientzu (121-09, 38-50). They are equipped with )nty-one extra-heavy artillery pieces and forty-two heavy artillery pieces. All feetillery pieces are drawn by vehicles. 22. The Soviet artillery regiment originally stationed southwest of Chouehiatun (121 230 38-55, 121-35, 3e-58 or 121-42, 39-07 undetermined) moved into a newly constructed barracks at Yutashan (121-'a, 39-02) on 7 november 1947. There are 1,600 troops in this regiment. 23. 24. Approximately 1,540 Soviet infantry traops landed at the Port Arthur West Harbor on 14 November 1947 (see paragraphe 15: 19 and 20). These troops are now stationed at the Kuochiakou (121-20, 38-50) Arserel which is east of Hsiaokushan (121-18, 38-50). On 6 November 1947, 600 Soviet infantry troops stationed at Hsinopanchiatun (121-10, 38-52) boarded a special train of seven cars for Dairen. 25. There are approximately 600 Soviet artilkery troops at Tuanshaxim (121-17, 38-52)0 south of the Lungtou (121-18, 38-52) Raltroad Station. They are eeuipaed with thirty-five artillery pieces. 26. There are approximately 430 Soviet,transortation troops at aangchiatun (probably 121-53, 39-08), near Panlungshan 4 a pq Manlashan, 121-470 39-12). There are VIII heavy cargo trucks and 206 Oiler vehicles attached to this unit. 27. 25X1X On 6 October 1947, 210 of the 450 Soviet eagineer troops at Machlakou (122e06? 39-12) also departed for pairen. 28. There is a mixed Soviet unit consisting a 16 Chinese, 19 Japanese and 31 Soviets at Shihpaekou (121-45, 39-07). The Stmlet:members of this unit speak excellent Chinese. 25X1X 29. There are 260 Soviet Air Corps personnel Alleted in the Huannelintai Branch Hotel fit) , The main Hotel is in the 3hingyehtting (Aobachl VS) District of Port Arthur. The Air Corps personnel Alleted in the Branch /etc are stationed at the Sanchienpao (121-16, 38-.54) Airfiad. 30. There are sixty-one Soviet Air Corps peruennel billeted in the Fushou Hotel (4 The Fushou Hotel is in the Ohlaojihtqw, (Asahicho /)1 8 firj) District of Port Arthur. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/05MilDP82-00457R001400370012-7 ? Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : ciA_RDp82Ampititom SECRET I"; CENTRAL INTLLL/GIOCE AGENCY -4- 25X1A 25X1X 179332 31. There are thirty-nine Soviet Air Corps personnel billeted in the Korean Pao Lai Hotel (li ). The Pao Lai Hotel is in the Naimutting (Nogicho /i5 t,Halj) District of Port Arthur. 32. 25X1X 25X1X 29 December 1947 Mukdan Flat cars loaded with tanks are located every 3.3 railway -miles between Dairen and Port Arthur (? an a. side track). ? 33. On 2 December 1947 apTroximatelY 1.430 Joviet artillery troops left Niuchiaoshan 25X1 (4- A , leight kilometers north of Chinchou) for Tangehiafang (122-10. 39-24). This unit of artillery troops is equipped with thirty-six 76 mm field pieces, each of which is drawn by vehicles. 34. 25X1X 35. Nine American-Imade amphibious vehicles entered Dairen from Port Arthur on 4 Deczmber 1947. In each vehicle were fifteen soldiers. Officers in the vehicles carried maps. The following is Soviet military information regarding the Hsiachiahotzu (121-29, 39-02) area: (1) The area between the railroad and the beach is a Soviet curfew area. Barriers have been erected one li east and west of the Railroad ttation, before pausing which travelers must present permits and submit to a search. Two Soviet regiments arc stationed here, equipped with five tanks, twenty trucks and ten jeeps. (2) Key to sketch (Attachment 1): (1) Antzushan (121-28, 39-00) (hill) Antzushan village office (3) Hsiachiatun (121-30, 39-02) primary school (4) Tank park (5) Soviet Military Headquarters (6) Soviet school (7) Soviet GPU ('IWB) office (8) Soviet (?military) prison (9) Soviet auditorium (10) Tank park (11) Garage (12) Villa for rent (13) Beach club (14) Shuimingkuan (AY, 0,g 14) (hotel) (15) Pavilion (16) Soviet military hospital (17) Artillerymenls barracks 18) ,Ammunition dump (19) Sungp'u 34) Paper (X) Hsiachiatun village office (21) Public Safety Bureau _4FALONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 200agga-RDP82-00457R001400370012-7