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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 20, 1948
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5nxI -HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R001300910001-3 ' CENTRAL IN INFMA COUNTRY WS8 SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED ' DATE OF I CONFIDENTI,A,j, er. -, Bridges TMi5 DO U52MT CGG1 TAIIIS IN?OAwI.tTIQU A"IffI %a THE 14AVUALOM 'alit OF US UHITIED STASFD '.'.THIN TRft ViAi,IN5 01? ME $a PIClAGB A:f 3D O. D. C.. $1 AND 32. As AU#s'!D. 113 rPA"U13ii...ti Olt THE DS'YgLA TIG71 OF 1T! COMM UI A36T IIAIrUSR TO AM CRA:ITHDAIZcC P71' i! 15 F'R'J, BI$ITSD OY UAC0 J: tPRO.^.UC`10it of 101i FcA18 IF PR7k. i kc. slew. QY[A 1sF?t1lATt0# CDNTAIUID IttNO? OF THS PORN i.AY OS C 1L.I.D NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION FOR THE RESEARCH USE OF TRAINED INTELLIGENCE ANALYSTS 50X1-HUM 1. T h e of the ' e r n b r o a d g a u g e ILno into -Rumnia fry the Soviet Union to at 2 , r 1S il. 2. The rails yavft at Sara , tho min rail junvti for am thorn and w? o teni kwula e ad the UVD.1 arm, are vet1 equipped with now rolling stock. The in3eri of t freight care have a load capacity of between 50 and 60 tons. (2 Deoet er 1947.) A d ihle-& al ed sidoix a U:a bui. i at the end of the Uar . r? ov to fa9VL,*petrovsk. 4. A sideline has 3reeent+ r been coWle? fd between fl (dish and julb cbev. (2 000601*r 1947). 5. The double-@racked Gorki4 ocoi line is in full operation. (2 Decembor 1947) 6. The fc 11o xLng ] inee have boon fail- repaired and are c rry ng traf . (prior to Novombe:c 1947): Vitobrsk -? Gil 24W 116V - Borisov Sera.stepol - Kl2arkav - Xursk I-. Polt41a Yaroslavl - 1oacow 7. A dcuble-track line is = der er construction from 2ionotop to Xrwonl g. (Brior to November 1947) 8. The main station of Gorki is being enlrged and modernised. (Prior to 2Ic 3.947) A side ling between Selul-uneei"haV =d .Shares wa competed In 1946-47. 10. The line V!il ikh-Vitobak? t3as fully operating agsin in 1946. ll. A new raily line is under construction from Dardichev to StaxmkonstaWdno,=., (1947) 12. The rat]. id from C ECG to 13alta and Olgopol has been eon leto:ly robe:.:Lt. CLASSIFICATION (Ov YTi;.o-L-Ii.s. Document 'No. NO CHANCE in Class. 13 C7 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS DtS?RIBUTfON Li - -7-111 CWrj:D9NTl a e. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R001300910001-3 7) t ^lAV 1A' JJJA Am" F Auth; DDA REG. 7 liail'f R 4 tinv-i _ui inn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R001300910001-3 just n ecr1et#c1. and a ouryinG cc d of m %m that above, mce m Pt bbrldge bas 1 bu-lit ever the 1J i r In t tl,.^ct cr 6 is t 1ncre . c,.rxI I ms a d caracit7 of 150 tou. 9Lsri tom- Zimalm t*1 e1i ? c destvoyod b vo br a bti t it, f.? of 60 to:u,,, (1947) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R001300910001-3