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Document Release Date: 
January 31, 2006
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Approved For Release 2006/ ~ _(; :'AU 9 ONLY) NA1' Jv~9TtF R & C a D -RD"0NT j00840005-6 1. C-110 "61 Abrrs?imv has left: Wisi.ariarne nde and Yam been rnfl1.aced by Pro: eesor Ivenov., 2. The fishing cutters ("K?) which have b. constructed at `he Kreger Marft are 16 a> etere 1'- g, 4.20 mea .ers wide, and have a drsugh-, of 2.40 meters dhoti c rnr:feted, They have been constructed without en irie s but ace scheduled to be fitted with i*uts or M.A.N. engines of 95 Hp. 3* Tha f'ollowirhg new meahi nary h s ioen installed in the lirager ` erf'ts C troesi on in s l all = .ti o , etamp, evolving lathe, lathe, and iril1 thg machine. This mcbinei7r is beins; fitted in the Meschinennhello vhit h i s being r'ebu. l t. 25X1 25X1 This dac:iont c:ant -.Lns infor:.iatian aff oct tnC the national defenso of the United States wlth_n t-Jo a. I- -min- of the ;s,~;. ,.:;ale Act" 3, U. O. 31 and 32 as ar,ioi:ided. Its trsns:z:asijr. or the rovel.:t_on of its c utcrit^ In any "canner to an una:itior t zed nors,an is `wo-il'-Ited by law. REFERENCE qJ'jfp LIBRARY Ct,ASS S t ICAT;vN SjWtB~T %0147j , (U+:. OFFICIALS ONLY) Document No. 00(5 \ T4E11IG E GROUP 1-,,TE .U.1CEP1CE REPORT COUNTRY vertu ny (Husnipr. ?;one) SUBiE i1. The Ifz' ger Vlari t, Wttrnse! -ide 25X1 ORIGIN 1yyLL , y., v''TA T G 1 ~~ IL NO CHANGE in Class. ^ DECLASSIFIED Class. CHAT CF-D TO: TS DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 v U CON.FZDENTIAL' DIM. PAG C i em 1'347 SUPPLEMENT ATTACIIMNT 1 nu611: DDA. KEG. V-111'763 Date 24"00ovedFor Reluse 2006 A-RDP82-00457 R001100840005-6