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Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 25X1A2g INTELLIGENCE REPORT DATE 25X1A6a _` ------ . _. 9NFO. Propaganda Activities of Spanish Cultural M1e,r ,e, J -y InA" SUBJECT COUNTRY Spain ORIGIN LtOCIJIIIlf'-t 1a hureF,.. CON rcy~aaec 'n ?AGLS 4 25X1 A6a 1AL to accordance w:th t )e Letter of obey 1978 from thn SUPPLEMENT- 25X1 A2g 25X1X6 Archivist of the Unite to the 1. Of the official organisations which are most active in distributing propa- ganda outside Spain for support of the present regime, an organisation subordinate to the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Institute of Hiepanio Culture, is the moat effective. It is extremely active in extending invitations to foreign politicians, journalists and professional persons, especially those connected with Pax Romans and Action Catolica, to visit Spain. Every step taken by these persons from the time of their arrival in Spain is supervised by some member of the Institute, who is careful to appear at every public demonstration as if "by chance,". and ostensibly because of his cultural duties:. 2. The relations of the Institute of Hispanic Culture with Latin America are carried on primarily through the Pax Romans-sponsored Aooeiaeion do Cultura Ibero-Americana (ACIA - Ibero-American Cultural Association),, which was created at the Congress held in El Escorial in 1940, and whose Spanish delegation has offioos at the Pax Romana headquarters. Although stress is laid on the apolitical nature of the Spanish delegation of Pax Romano, its most important personalities are also the leaders of the Institute, which is openly a part of the Goverxaaent0 3. The Institute of Hispania Qiilture is the successor of the now defunct Consejo de Is Rispanidad, which was created by a law promulgated on November 1940. The Falange, which was then at the height of its power, entertained grandiose ideas of Empire. The entire Falangist press took up the campaign for Hispanicism, and Franco frequently addressed thepeople of Latin America on the subject. However, the Latin Americans made it clear that their feeling of kinship with Spain did not extend to an enthusiasm for what was interpreted by most South Americans to mean the expansion of the Fascist-Falangist Spanish regime. It bceame, necessary to redirect the propaganda to indicate that the "Empire" that the Falangists were trying to establish was merely one of a spiritual nature, The Consejo de la .spanidad was not very active '.until 1942, when Juan Carlos Goyeneche Silvela, leader of a group of CLASSIFICATION No C gDECLASS Class. CHA DDA Auth: ,. Date: 9/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800160001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000000160001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP -2a Argentine youths of a nationalist-Falangist tendency, arrived in Spain, With the help of various favors from the Spanish government, Goyeneche attained academic honors, meanwhile taking a prominent part in the ac- L3 of several organizations, including the Instituto de Estudios Politicos and the Consejo de la Hispanidad. The latter organization, into which Goyeneche breathed some life, existed on the somewhat meager bounty of the Minister of Foreign Affaira until the appointment of Martin Artajo to that ministry. With his aid, the Consejo de la His- panidad came out of the oblivion into which it had sunk after the fall of Germany and Italy, to a powerful rebirth in the institute of Hispanic Culture, created by a law promulgated on 31 )December 1945. The flourishing condition of the Institute as an adjunct of the Ministry of. Foreign Affairs is reflected in the budget if that ministry for 1947, which allots 7,801,302 pesetas to the Institute. Even that generous amount is not expected to be sufficient to finance the Institute, since the expenses of the Americans who come to Spain at its invitation are paid out of these funds. However, Martin ertajo, whose Foreign Ministry budget includes over nineteen million pesetas for " other remuneration" (i.e., other than salaries of the Ministry), can be counted on to allot sufficient funds to the Institute for it to carry on its work, 4. The rebirth of the Consejo de la Hispanidad in the Institute of Hispanic Culture was largely due to the activities of Joaquin Ruiz Jimenez, who was appointed director of the Institute in August 1946. Ruiz Jimenez had been President of Pax Romana since 1939 and had made frequent tripe to a?nerica in that caiacity. Pax Romans was supposed to be an inter- national federation of Catholic university students' organizations united in the eomon interest of rostoring the influence of-homan Catho- lic doctrine on the leaders of society through the intellectual classes. There was nothing in its constitution concerning, )olitical questions. Ruiz Jimenez, however, had his own understanding, of his role as repre- sentative of the Spanish students, and used his post as president for purposes far removed from his duties. His propaganda activities in favor of the Franco regime have been reported in-the press of the countries which he visited. Ruiz Jimenez has been aided in his propaganda activities by his lieutenant, Alfredo Sanchez Bella, who was Secretary to the Presidency of Pax Ronsna0 One of their enterprises is ESPESA (Ediciones y Publieaciones Espanolas S.A. - Spanish Editing a*?d Publishing Corporation), of which Ruiz Jimenez is President and Sanchez Bella a member of the Board of Directors. Sanchez Bella comes from a middle-class family in Valencia, and is the son of the owner of a small print shop. He studied in Valencia for his bachelor's degree and for his Licentiate of Philosophy and Letters in the field of History, Jose Ibanez =*Iartin, now Minister of Education, was a professor there and became Sanchez Bella.'s sponsor, obtaining posts and honors for hi:a which were greatly beyond his desserts by reason of age or t agents, Sanchez Bella, who had bolon ^ed to the propa;;anda machine which travelled along the fronts during the Civil '''aar making radio broadcasts against the "Reds;' arrived in iuadrid at the end of the war and succeeded in ob- taining a place in the Students' Residence. with the help of Ibanez Martin, who meanwhile had become a minister, he was able to obtain the post of Secretary of the Residence. Its Director, Pedro Lain Entralgo, who was one of the pxinoi.pal theorists of the Falange, had little to do with the Residence and 6"achez Belle was free to do as he pleased and to cultivate assiduously every type of contact which would he help"ul to him. When he was only twenty-nfive or twerty-six years old, he became Assistant Secretary of the newly created Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. At that tine lie was a nember of the then : de la Hispanidad and had an additional source o' income 6 C retaryship Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800160001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800160001-9 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLI?..ENCE JROUP _Zm of the Students' Residence, which in 1942 was converted in-:.o the Colegio Mayor "Jimenez de Cisneros" of the Universidad Central. Sanchez Bellia saw in the manipulation of Hispanicism a way to achieve prominence. At gatherings of Jovenes Inquietos, and also through his ccntr.ots with South Americans like uoyenoche, he assiduously spread the doctrine of Hispenioismo 6o Another lieutenant of Ruiz Jimenez who is active in promoti:ag visits by foreigners to Spain is Francisco Sinter Obrador, in charge of the Department of Cultural Exchange of' the Institute. Sintes, who is Seorcetary of the Consejo Superior de Hombres of 1ocion Catolioa and Spain's rupresentativs in the new branch of Pax Romans for graduates which has recently been organized in Rome, headed the committee on arrangements for the Pax Romano Congress at Salamanca and hl Escorial. He is an engineer by profession. On 30 March 1947 the Official State Bulletin )ublished an order of the Ministry of Forei,;n Affairs dated 25 March, announcince, the names of the administrative personnel, in technical and auxiliary capacities, of the Institute of Hispanic Culture. On the Register of Administrative Personnel on the Technical Level, a well-known writer, Wenoeslao Fernandez-Florez, appears as Chief or Administration. Almost his only appearances at the Institute are for the purpose of sif;ning the payroll. He has little or nothing to do withx Romana but he has a so-called assistant who really is in charge of the Department of Publications. The latter is Manuel Jimenez Quilez, Editor-in-Chief of the bulletin of Pax Romana, Oficins de Information Ems anoolla, correspondent of the Agencia Logos, Editor or of no, irector of We_ridiano, Editor of Ya, and connected with other publications. Subordinate to Jimenez 4tullez are listed other members of Pax Romana such as Manuel Benitez Y Sanchez Cortex, who was chief of the Press z+ection of the committee on arrangements for the Pax Romana Congress and is the editor of Latrella del Mar, editor of the Bulletin.of Information of the Institute of Hispanic Culture, and Editor-in-Chief of Cuadernos del Mundo liis giie a new publication to be issued by the Institue. ernando Maria-Cstiella y thaiz is one of the most influential personalities. in the Institute of Hispanic Culture, from which he receives compensation although he at present heads the Instituto de "studios Politicos. Alfredo Sanchez belle is listed in the Official Bulletin as chief of the Seminario de Problemas Aotuales.. Subordinate to Sinter in the Department of Cultural isxehange are listed two members of Pax Romana, Luis hergueta sarcia de Uuudiana, a lawyer, treasurer of Pax Romuna and brother-in-law of Minister Martin Artajo, and Bernardino i'elayo, an employee of the Gerieral Cocmissiariat of Supply who is a protege of Ruiz Jimenez and who during the past Congress was in eharge'of providin; the food for those attending the Congress in Salamanca and in El Escorial. In late May the Institute was being re- organized and Pelayo was to be in a new department to be called "Distribution." Pelayo, formerly a follower of Gil Robles, to whom he continues to be united in spirit, plans the settin- up a complete file of personalities and groups connected with the Institute, and he will be responsible for sending then all of its publications and notices. 8. The department of relii;ious affairs has been entrusted to the man who was Secretary General of the Pax Romans, Congress, Jose Maria Riaza Ballesteros, the holder of several posts in various divisions of Acoion Catolica. He is a lawyer and is employed in the Rules and Re;ulations Section of the Ministry of Laboro 9a The recently founded Cole;gio Mayor Nuestra Senora do Guadalupe serves as a bteae in Madrid for Latin American students and-graduates. Angel Alvarez Miranda, Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters, and Assistant Professor of Greek on the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters was appointed Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800160001-9 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R000800160001-9 25X1A2g C .NTRAL INTElLIGINCE urROUP 0 director. He is an intimate friend of Sanchez Bella, who had hilt ape pointed librarian in the Colegio Mayor Jimenez Cisneros, Under thirty, his chief claim to distinction is his friendship with Sanchez Bella and Ruiz Jimenez. He has been selected to mana;e a "colep;io mayor" which is to be the model and standard for others. In addition, the directing forces of the Institute have appointed a Secretary or Assistant Director of the college whose position is on a par with that of Alvarez ;.3iranda. `the post is held by another Pax Romans member,. Antonio Cano Santayana Y 13atros, a lawyer belonging to the Luisan Congregation of Madrid. He was a special envoy with Sanchez Bella to Latin America to urge attendance at tote Pax Romana Congresso 10,. In late May, Francisco de Luis, the director of Editorial Catolioap 'old source that the trip to the Americas undertaken at the behest of the Institute of Hispanic Culture by Fernando Maria Castiella, Alfredo Sanchez Bella and Daniel Jimenez Quilez, was of a "purely informative" nature. According to de Luis, they were to gather information in various Latin American republics as possibilities and receptivity to propaganda intended to draw those countries closer to Spain. Their findings were to be made the basis of a report to the Ministry of Foreis;n !Affairs, 11g. One of the principal supporters of the Institute of uispanio Culture is the Jesuit priest -angel Carrillo de Alborn.oz, director of the Luisen ConGre ration of Madrid, a chaplain of the Lea ;ion during the Civil War and at one time the chaplain of the concentration co-rip of Santona. He, is an intimate friend of Ruiz Jimenez, who makes use of his great influence amonruniversity students and especially among the Llarian brotherhoods or Spain and abroad. Ruiz Jimenez alao can call on another vary influential Jesuit, I17iacio Errandonea, Director of Raton, a former confessor of Franco. Carrillo has great influence over tthe Jesuit priest Estanislao Ilundain Arreguip who is National Director of the Marian brotherhoods. :' "hese two, together with Errandonea and the Italian Jesuit priest t~rpa,i:re the principal de. fenders of the con tress held in Spain in the report which was sent to the Pope in explanation of the Spanish attitude. The influence of the publications controlled by these men, as well as their control over the members of their groups, is an iinportar.t bolster to Ruiz Jimenez. document contains nformatson , affect national detbibse of the U'.ited State in the imea~-ing of the Espionage Act dS t 31 and a2 as smended> Y t? ts. cr the revelation of its cant, y n r t e o asp rmathor3,Ee~ ) p rsn prohibited by 1 r 7,v,, 1 Approved For Release 1999/09/24: CIA-RDP82-00457R0008001' 0001-9