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Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000700480001-5 ENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT 25 X1 a i.4M1a., . E'"~ CONFIDENTIAL ATE; eN.Ay regraded to d t is oc This ,...;omASlce with the 3,,Tj w1:"iu.A a .i U1L ?9i ~v.,..~. - from the i 7r3 the 4rv~t fir"{ -az . '.F T^" va"a? 25X 25X1. Lager Fortue, Heyoeraassse 2, View 17. This is the main warehouse, Of the GOD:-:v izal adinintration of US 'A. Lager Aakhlexko, Panig1gesv a l8-2O, Vien '. The warehouse of the tussian purchasing department. Lager d hr lanst genoaeenschaft Wiedener T aupstraeas 57, Vievas IV. For employees of Soviet organs ties in A. tr .a, DEC Cass. Lager Neisse, Tolbuchinstrasee 115, Vienna 1. This is the former isse & Co. X.G. X ziranffabrik, now administered by IV& and, according to sour?cc, open to Austrian as well as 'soviet consumers. ? se goods are cold at a mice iatcreaae of 4 to . Lis 25X1 NO CHANGE in 25X1 D#S`-2 July 1947 PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT 1~ U IVA operates the follo*ing warehouses for storage and distribution of food and. consumer goods: 25X1 A -Wcc -y x A s Not all goods delivered to these three war*- hu es are recorded by the general accounting office of the Food Industry Section of USIVA,, so it r assumed that goods distrthuted here are for the use of the Soviet occupation forces or for export.) A large quantity of aicohel, for the t am3facture of spirits as U as for induetr .al uses, is the subject of monthly trensactions tweon StAritme- und LikerfabrIk Wol tr , Vienne 11, and USII'A. Wol, Tare re 3 '-rte'. materials., primarily molasses, from the Sorriet.-controlled . TT Y uakerfabrik in Brack s~fd Leitha. The figures foUowi indicate the quantities of alcohol a spirituous liquors delivered in May 1947 through these channels to the various depots: Document No. Auth: Approved For Releg*Rj3/*jLAF~"457R00070048 Lager Fortus Lager Rakhlenko 3000 liters rum 15000 liters vodka Lager der Konsumgenossenschaft 3000 liters vodka Lager NNeisse 240 liters industrial alcohol 100 liters rum 00 liters vodka 100 liters liqueur Soviet 2000 liters rum 5000 liters vodka Soviet I I 300 liters vodka In the absence of exact figures on the quantities received br each concern, source reports the following totals received by the firms listed belows 18930 liters industrial alcohol 3515 liters pure alcohol 400 liters vodka 100 liters liqueur Chemosan Union A.G., Klosternouburg P. Beiersdorf & Co. G.m.b.H., chemical factory, Kemarschgasse 52, Vienna I Sghimmel & Co. G.m.b.H., chemical factory, Liesing. Gunther Wagner, pecking -plant, Tolbuchinstrasse 52, Vienna X. Lackfabrik r1egerle, Christian Bucher. Gasse 35--37, Vienna XXI. Lackfabri.k Herbig-faarbaus A.G., Wollzeile 22, Vienna I. Optische Anst?;lt C,P. Goers, G.m.b.H., Sonnleithnerstrssse 5, View e TX, During "ay 1947 the following firms each received from 500 to 1000 liters of industrial alcohol. Chemische Industrie, Rannersdorf. E.T. ulsitsmann, graphic art colors, `iebenstein. Gebruder Schmidt, colored printing inks, 7iienerstrasse 95, Vienna XXV. 7allenfels & Co., chemical factory, 3chwai;ergasne 6, Vienna XXI. Hausernann Fabrik chemischer Gravilien, Gars am Kamp. The following prices for the above products, were aged by USIVA: Industrial alcohol. 00.93 schiltings p+er liter Pure alcohol 8,40 a a " Rum 50?00 n sr ~~ Vodka 42000 1$ n n Liquor 50010 I1 n n 25X1A Su~.r D+e~veriea During the month of 11'ay 1947, 60,000 kg of sugar, at 162x63 schillings per 100 kg, were delivered from the Brucker Zuckerf.rbrik to Lager N isse. From November 1946 through ,;;ay 194.7, a total of 1,151,405 krg of suit r was delivered from the Bruck 4factory, through U3IVA, to various whcle- sale food firms in Lot.-,Pr :!ustria. I Comment: The a -mentioned 60,010 l are not included in gore, presumably because Lager Neisse is a Soviet warehouse open to both RRussisn and Austrian buyers.) The sugar intended for Austrian wholesalers, according to directions from USIVA, is sent to individual. Firms rhich are required to make ;r-yrsent in advance to U$ITh . Included in the .vrchase price is a commission for USIVA of 2,50 schillings per 100 kg of sugar. this amount corresponds to the 4.5% price increase which USI".VA puts on the items sold frcfia its wcreho eco CONFIDENTIAL 1REFERENCE CENTER UBRAR': Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000700480001-5 Approved For R00R?/71 C,!A?p00457R0007004800 after the 1945 sugar beet harvest, the Soviets 2tored up large quantities of sugar in aC sealed warehouse near the ,acker Zuckerfabrik. ON~ Ljeklveriaa ~f So Ca led ~Lvxzz I ec_ the following commodities were delivered to Lager Noisse in iay 1947 from the firm of Dr. A. Oetker in Baden: X88,888 forty-five-'gram packages of unsweetened pudding powder, at 17 groechen each. This powder is sold ration-free to the AustFUn buyer. 600,000 fifty-gram packages of baking soda. 1308f38 p .ckages of Seidlitz powder for Russian purchasers only. 7,7777 fortty-five-gram packages of sweetened pudding powder. This oroduct is sold only to Russian purchasers. 75,000 ten ;ran packages of baking powder; this is also ear- marked for Russian purchasers, allegedly because of the shortage of tartaric s.eid necessary for the manufecture of this item. 1,600,000 ten-gram packages of "Backhilfe" (baking ingredient), costing 3 groschcn and sold ration--free to Austrian purchasers, 24,000 one-,from pack-ages of "sauce powder" (presumably used for making salad dressings and gravy) reserved for Russian buyers. 6,000 kg of grade 1-A malt extract, 5 schillinr ?or kg. re- served for Russian purchasers. This product was supplied b xtalz- fabrik Schviecha t, Br. Karl Hugendubel, Eyismayrstrasse 6, Vienna XXIIIL Sr? a_eliveies t The following quantities of scup were received in ?'ay 1947 at Lage^ Neisse from Bruhn & Schweitzer.Unterlea. 63, Vienna XXIIIa 4,%-00 kg toilet soap (sue fat content) 28.70 schillings per kg 1,380 " laundry soap (40% " it ) 9.55 16,, 536 " sand soap (~ r " ) 1.74 19,030 0 washing powder 1.05 The Neisse depot also received 2,000 kg of sand soap (25% fat content) at 3,12 schitlingsper kg from Kalodorman ?e.rf"umerie - u. Toilettenseifenfabrik+ GmbH, K61lnerhofgasse 6, Vienna I. I are gtto; ar eafi e nt All goods contracted for throu:h USrlA must be paid for by the recipient at the Russian ili Lary Bank 42111 in Starhembarggasse, Vienna VI (USIVA) . So far, no discrepancy between the -prices' charged the A.ustr&an and Soviet civilian purchasers. However, a great dit?,exw ?exists between the consideration accorded the Austrian and Russian firms. The former are often obliged to wait weeks for deliveries which they Lave been 0 the case of an "ustriar_ firm in Leobert which had ordered 12.,000 kg of liquid soap; the purchsise price had been paid and barrels had been sent from Leoben to be filled Finally, -.-m d.eliv.:ry w t s not forthcoming, the oyiner of the fi'm app ied to USIVA and, after considerable discussion, received 1000 kg instead d the 12,000. ;7hile he was still in the USIV+ office, a representative of the Konsu,mgenosserschaft, a Soviet-a!'fili.ated firm in Austria, -as given a deliv ry certificate for 3,000 kg of so? soap, Approved For Release 2003/08/07: CIA-RDP 4 4'i 4.. % Liu WSJ, 25X1 s7 ?,,rat r a Approved For Release ~2,003/ 707 CIA-RD~6r~P~82T-00457R00070048000 CA LRAL Ili -'`LLI.IGL~:C? GROU1 ,_,.-_. -4= CONFIDENTIAL' Deliver d -Through - era.l Corrnunist Party district headquarters in Vienna have received Vary mounts of spirituous liquors through USIVA as follows; In the period 1 April through 17 dune 1917, 457 liters of vodka, 15 liters of rum, a ~f liters of liqueur were received by the aforementioned Communist headquarters. ri.ces carged were 42-50 sehillings per liter, or about half the current blacks erket prises for these beverages. The Central Committee of the Aus tri a:1 Cam t.,unist Party at Wasagasse 10, Vienna IX, which is also the headquarters for the !arty in the city of Vienna and Land Miederoeesterreich, receives about 200 liters .f vodka every month through USIVA. Proof of these t x us mtione with the Austrian 'am-muniet Party, such as delivery slips and claim checks, is removed from the '*Iles almost immediately by the Soviet department heads in USIVA. 1uatr3sazi ~ymIozrces-Ar UAIV1, Austrian employees in USIVA are forced to study Russian with an interpreter provided by USIVA, and the time spent on these 1'assons must be made up in unpaid overtime cork on Saturday afternoons or Sunday. Few ?xa,ra rations come from the Soviets; in one month, an Austrian em- -01 6. x ilee m -'eceive a little dark flour, a few bt ked goods, a few packe gem of riding powder a yid bakin aids, sev?3ra1 decagrams of sug r, and, infrequently, a rm*ll quantity of maralade. This document co"kains information affecting the nati.n al defense of the 11i,O.ted States within the meaning of the Espionage Act t-Cs U.B:C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of 11.-!- aontbnts in any manner to an unsut..;;rized person is prohibited by law, CONFIDENT REFERE NCE CENTER LIBRARY Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000700480001-5