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23 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP82700 7R0007004700 W5- - ? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE -REPORT CONFIDENTIAL COUNTRY Germany (Russian Zone SUBJECT stattui of the Zeis Jena and Moscow 25X1 ORIGIN This document is hereby regoded b CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the lIttoillpf 16 October 1073 from the Director of Central inteUigeace to the Archivist of the United Iltates. Dale: 2008 TE: INFO. DIST. JCR July 1947 GES 2 UPPLEMENT utoirocrumirg I-- 1 X #X R&E C&D ALZ Arfra I j 1 ? I# STATE WAR NAVY JUSTICE 1. 31n,.7.e completion of the dismantlings at the Ziss works In Jena, only opfical and photographic production hav3 been resm,ad'onder 25X1 the.aew factory diroctor, DIpL Ing, O. Schmidt,. The settion for 25X1 ? the .production of microscopes and mesuring a7,4aratue sufferod 25X1 moOt during the dismantling. ? Schmidt des not articipath the resumption of microscope production before m1d-1948. Measuring 25X1 . equipment is being made only to fill the factory',eds. In- ftmaticn on the status of the spectacle glass and field, glass SeciAons- is not available. ? 2. 111:the photographic section, the Russians are placing great emp'hasis on Contax production. The plant directors .are trying to offset a change in the Russian requisition orders for some of the machinss,no, being used, 17ince their removal would cut production in .half: Smployoes in the Contax dopartAent fear deportation along with the equipment as soon as primary production difficUltios. . have been overcome. The section director, Windel, fled some time ago. EP AO. ? 3. 'Prospects are favorable_ in the optical section, which In normal.. ? times produced twenty-thn4e percent of the fntire plant oixtput. This section still has at its disposal over 105 tons of raw .oTiticel'glass in eighty types, which V;GT1 ascignod to it by Major Wainer, a Soviat,official whose brotr i t highmvr; Tunatiopary et Waima?2. Machinery in this sectibn, part17. dareged by fire not subjct to dismantling, will be reTativily easy to _?Diroctor Schmidt,a monthly Co of 60000. Awo:r hovrs by theend of 1947 and 1209000 work h.ours by the ond of 1948. , These figes are twice those previously planmd4 kt present, ? the optical section is working on. a Soviet oTdep for 22000 Tessar lonSea (f 35, 5 em) to be used in the aircraft machine gun camera, ,Take, developed by Zeiss in 1945. The delivery date for thfs order is, 30 July 1947. 4. -At the Schotterke-(Zeist), dismantling is continuing if machinet . are in duplicate, one is retained by the Schottwerke. In. contrast . to methods used t main Zeiss niant, nn-attsmpt Io being made Docume NO CHA DECLA ?? ewe ???? ss. Ih?Dc! Assinc4-1,toN ; "C ANC TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA RE .1. 77/77 Date: -11-7-44464W By coNFID!IITIAL 5/16 : CIA-RDP82 ?????????=?????............???=111101.? Approved For Release 2005/0134 :CIA-RDP82.-00457R000700 =TEAL INTSLLIGLNOS CROUP -2- 25X1 ?.0011141DEFTIF: by the ftssians to obtain specialized workers through voluntary tontraots. The form of the contract was worked out together with the factory director, the plant councilkapd the Free German Trade Union (FDGB). This contract has not been completed, but to date its provisions include the continuation of claims to German social insurance and the right to send back to Germany seventy-five per- cent of the Money, reckoned on a dollar basis, earned in Russia. Close, if somewhat strained, relations still exist . between the Jena business directorate and the former directorate now at Heidenheim (571, American Zone). The slight tension stems from the statement of Dr. Kappenbender, of the Jena directorate, that his colleagues had made too few nreparatione against the possibility of dismantling, so that there are no reserves of machines and equip- ment available for production. Dr. Ktppenbender is said to be counting on the return of the Heidenheim staff to Jena within three to five years. Until that time, he feels it his duty to hold the group together and to influence them against receiving or accepting 25X1 any American offers. Dr. nppenbender, in his twrn, appears to be unduly influenced by his two counselors, Dr. Gassier and Meyer. The latter is the former Zeiss representative in the United States, 25X1 25X1 a. Former Jena sections for optics, astrophotography, surveying instruments,and fine grinding (Peinschleifereien), as well as the development laboratories, have been installed. b. Research work interrupted by the end of the war has been resumed.. Foremen, for the most part, are still employed as machine workers do Factory buildings for a new plant have been constructed according to plans drawn up at Jena. These buildings had not been oceunied ut to the beginning of April. enes uoceeene eeneeene aseeeeweeeen affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Act, 50, U.S.C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any mannel to an unauthorized person is . prohibited by law. coorNeSqL; ? i RI _I.Fori4(7 1 Li\LI Ifildl. %-oLi I i Li\ LL) Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000700470005-2