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Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00 COUNTRY Portugal 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT SUBJECT Arrest of Agents of Revolutionary Groups in Portugal ORG11!". 25X1X6 25X1A6a DATE: NFO 25X1A6a 20 MST. juno 1947 eAGES 3 25X1A2g , ; ID hAICA PjUPPLEMENT 1\1-1 LKLIILL LER) LIDki 25X1X6 The following report 25X1X6 is a detsiled acooent of the conspiracy eeainst the Salazarregime and the arrests on 16 and 16 May 1947 resulting eterefroa? as previously reported o 25X1A2g 1. It had been brought to the attention of the FIDE that several revolntionary groups in Portugal had had a meeting and had set definite plans of etivity for the future. The PIDE had investigated this report and the reser:, was that at 5 p.m. on 16 May they closed down on an apartment situated -e Rua Castilho 57, 4th floor, Lisbon, and found plans of the Grand? Conselho Nacional de Libertacao (Grand National Council of Liberation). Thi apartment was used as headeuarters for a committe, of proxies delegated by individuals and revolutionary groups. It was there that the P1DE found the constitution and plans mentioned in the previous report, They also found the charts of sabotage organiaations and maps which gave in (template detail how the military uprising was to be spread. The revolution -qthin the military was to commence at Braga, in the northern part of the country, and thence proceed first to tala Real, than to Chaves, :lorto, Matozirhos? and south to Coimbra and Tomer. Lisbon was to be taken over by having the PSP (Felicia da Seguranca Publioa - Publics Security Police) neutralize? by force if neceesary, the FIDE sad take police control of the capital? Plans had been laid to sabotage every radio station in fortugal ex c It the one at Sao Mamede, which was to be used to give insteastions to the. .evo- lutionary groups that were trying to take over the city of Lisbon. 2. The above-mentioned committee was known as the Organizacao de Govereo Transitorio (Transitional Government Organization), and was headed by CaLestino Soares, assisted by Carlos Lobo. The oonmtitution provie- that the provisional government was to be headed by Admiral Atone? Cerqueira, as President of the Republic; General Jose Coudinho was to be Prime lAinister. The cabinet'posts were to be distributed as followm: Document No. War: Gemmunications: Public Works:' Justice: Poreiga Affairs and Administration of Colonies: Interior: Education: CLASSIFICAr-17 !U1l ID NO CHANGE in Class. 0 0 DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DDA wiz! qaMor F.leagP 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600730010-8 Date: By: vlr Col, Celso Magalhaes Brigadier Antonio Maia Brigadier Corregidor Martine te Judge and Counsellor Diogo Sarmento Colonel Carlos Aftonso doe Santos, also known as Carlos Selvagem . Brigadier Santos Correia Colonel Albano Rodrigues 4. .4 witY Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600730010-8 Geeltiflettritel 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP .2. The ministries of Marine and Economy were not specifically mentioned. Two more names were discovered as proposed ministers in the Provisional govern' merit, but there was no indication that they were to have these poate. They were Brigadier Vasco 4eCarvalho and Colonel Bento Ferreira. There were two under seoretariee mentioned in the list without exact designation and only described as Engineer Gales and Engineer Castilho. 3. General Catmona, the present president of the republic, out of respect for his advanced age and his general popularity, was to be put in a residence forcee compatible with his former position. All other members.of the government, including Salazar, his ministers and sub-secretaries, were to be seized and incarcerated without exception, and all were to be tried. 4. At the meeting broken up by the police, the principals mentioned below were represented by the proxies indicated: 25X1X6 Principal Portuguese-Freemasonry October Fifth Political Group, October 5 being the day on which the Portuguese Republic was proclaimed The monarchists A group of dissident army officers in Lisbon Agate? Lancs. General Norton de Matos, an opposition leader of long standing Uniao Socialista The Catholic group Frente Nacional anti-Fascista Partido Republican? Popular Movimento de Unidade Democratic:la - MUD Partido Communista Portugues Esquerda Democratica Jose Domingos dos Santosa?now in Paris Pestanha, Jr. (full name unknown) Comite Essuerda Democratica Antonio Maria da Silva Domineos Pereira Colonel Hilder Ribeiro Centro Republican? Alexandre Braga Centro Republican? Magalhaes Lima Juan Lopes Soares Cunha Leal SECR CONT Approved For Release 1999/09/83%0F Lrcela Ramiro Reis e Sousa, solicitor, who resides in Carnaxide; his office is with Reis Lacerda Ltda., at Rua des Pedras Negras 24e Captain Carlos Jesus Vilhana, who lives at Avenida Almirante Reis 37. Carlos Jesus Vilhana Carlos Jesus Vilhana Carlos Jesus Vilhana Rafael Seruya Rafael Seruya Rafael Seruya Fernando Vasco de Game, a lawyer by profession and director of Victoria Films. Fernando Vasco de Game Melillo Cabral, druggist Bandeiro de Mattos Dr. Antonio de Carvalho, a.physieiano residing at Rua Rodrigoda Fonsoca 49. Antonio de Carvalho Antonio de Carvalho Pedro Bogarim, a lawyer Di. Silva Araujo, Silva Araujo Silva Araujo Silva Araujo Silva Araujo Carlos Lobo Carlos Lobo OL 94413Y{R000600730010-8 a veterinarian Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600730010-8 IINMITI5ggrAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP -3- Principal Emu. Centro Republicano Almirante Reis J .0 *R.N. Republ can a, believed to be the 7unta des Organi- zacoes Revolueionari as Naeionais Republicanas Geraldo Soares Geraldo Soares: 2 5X1A2g 5. All the agents mentioned above were arrested and were in custody as of 16 May; no action had yet been taken against the organizations or ag9inst the persons whom these agents represtmted. 6. Natalia Correia, the representative of Seara Nova (New Harvest), was not at the meeting and was therefore still at liberty. The agent of the Partido Socialista Portugues succeeded in escaping, was still at liberty and had not been identified as of 16 May. 7. Evidence was found that the MUD .had gathered a fund of over Esc. 100,000 for the maintenance of families or workers who participated in the April strike's. SEC ,T CON OL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY This document contains ormation nffileting the national.ns a of the Unite4 States within meaning of thn nopionage Act I U.S.C. 31 and 3. ,71,1 amended s transmission or the rcrslation o s contents in any mamma? to unauthorized person is prohlbi by law. Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600730010-8