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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600200004-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP name. It is supposed to perform union and welfare activities among local businessman. The following categories have been asked to joins Businessmen of all kind, grocery woners, small food dealers, bakers, innkeepers,, coal dealers, artisans, carpenters, fishdealers,and In- dustrialists, _Lr_aqt There are 14 new contractor firms which are either owned or controlled by lugoa..ava, these firma nave been especially active in the recon- struction of villages of the.Trieste area, under the AMG Public Works reconstruction program. Now they are trying to infiltrate the Trieste market but with little success, up to now,, since the Italian contractors have better means, equipment and experience. 7? The local Prefecture authorities have been extremely careful in granting permissions to new Slovene firms., This difficulty is now being overcome by the Slovene firms,, bb using the name of an Italian as fictitious owner,, while the Yugoslav elements have the functions of general managers or di- rectors. O U~~ o The UIVOD (Uvozni Izvozni Zavod) has recently been importing into Trieste goods originating in foreign countries, without paying the required cus- toms. This was done by importing the goods into Zone "D" and then into Zone "A",. thus making them appear as goods originating in Zone wB", and therefore customs free. As an example, large quantities of dry fruits were recently sent from Czechoslovakia to Capodiatria, and later imported into Zone "A" custom free,, as a Zone "B" product. The UIVOD is also fi- nancing the buying of real estate by Yugoslavs. On 15 March the UX'OI) changed into a corporation. Its president is Mr. Mario Kociancic, of Italian nationality, but of Slovene origin,, while the general manager is Mr. Giovanni Pretnat, a Yugoslav national., Another manager is Mrs Feriancie, a leading figure of the local UAIS. 9. PR.~ 0A; Another rather suspicious firm recently formed in Trieste (12 February 1947) I an . the FRO? concerned with Import and export from and to all countries Administrator of said firm is Mr,, Arduino Schoen, while the administrators are Ira Ivan Cok, Eng. Ivan Gorchie, and Dr. Vladimir Turina, A great deal of activity has been noticea in the office of said firm, but no 'business transactions have as yet been concluded. 10, Lim, The financing of the activities of most of the Slovene firms in Trieste is being handled by the Banca d'America ed Italia : bank vaguely connected with the Giannini ( A.P. Giannini not to be confused with Giannini of Uomo Qualunque) interest,t . Directors of said bank are Mr. Vincenzo Richieri, from Genoa, and Mrs Francesco Koneany, formerly director of the Zivnostenske Banta, who Is suspected of being connected closely with the local Yugoslav interests,, 131, Another source of income is the clearing with Tugoslavia, which Is being handled by the Banca d'Italia, Somehow funds manage to be utilized for Sanitized - Approved For lq@V@ ` '#" DP82-0045'7k""6dobbblo od4 3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600200004-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 3 local political purposes probably with the complicity of some func- tionaries of the bankv 12m Real ?atate The buying of real estate by the Yugoslavs continues even though it has considerably decreased in the last two months. In this field also Italian cover names are being used in order to avoid opposition from the local Italians. It is estimated that Italian real estate property amounting to one billion lire has been bought by Yugoslave in Trieste. Some Italian elements are he#ng these transactions,, among whom Avva Moscolin, who handled the sealing of the building located in Via Battisti Nos 2, where a branch office of the Belgrade National Bank will open shortly. In the same street Yugoslavs are trying to buy the Fenice Theater, the third largest in town, which would be used as a Slovene theater and for propaganda purposes a Among the other Italians who are favoring these transactions, are Dr. Mario Trausin, and the notaries Sandrin, Iviani, and Sandrinellin Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600200004-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600200004-3 25X1A2g A Tj:CHL: INT "i0" 34358 Sfl D0LIC Vaso Via Mazzini, 2:, 34399 "M2tCATCRO Paolo Poitmac Via S!.lvio Tellico 10 34419 RUSSIAT11 Radislao Monf alcone Via IRom., 13 34462 RASICA Mario Via Ghega., 3 34480 ADRIA DESSERT - Antonio Vidic 34599 KUZN i Nada Monfalcone Via Cosiil.ic; , 23 34629 Via D. Bramante, 10 34630 CN TALIA In1 o Nino Pet rovi c Piazzale N. Gianni, 8 34634 ZAJ Boris Via Bellosguardo, 9 31+882 JOST Branko Via J3albo, 27 34889 KC)VAC Ingo Enrico Corso Garibaldi, 8 34977 FALE NAMEIRIA F.lli bVEFANI Via Castagnetto, 1 35061 rIRELIN Francesco Via Valdirivo 22 35098 JURISSWICH Tonnaso , 35148 Fa1.1i. DUKCEVICH & Cot, Via. Corsica., 9 35412 SCHP, Da, nay ilo Strada di Guardiella 52 35447 HREN Dragutin Piazza CAlberto, 13 35455 STARKEL Riccardo Via F. ;evero, 78 3552-7 GERES Giuseppe Via Palestrina, 35531 BIASIN Milan Aarlsina Cave, 51 35566 KUVACICR Carlo Via Molino a' vapors, 6 35629 SF. CXLICB Carlo Bivio Aurisina -- Gamiaix , 17 35736 PAllOR Francesco Piazza Ponterosso, 6 35795 ID1CHY Ferdinando Via S.Spiridione, 12 35807 ICt 1101A Giuseppe During - Aurisina, 29 35875 11f,H0ItCIC in CHIRASSI Maria Sesana Corso Vitt. Fan., 31 (non precisata .is, naz onalita) 35695 TJRGIOTE Soc.Costruz6Edili aural.? Corso Garibaldi, 8 35854 SARE & B MJDE Via 1.1azzini, 30 35148 F?111 DUKCbVICH & Co Via Corsica, 9 a 34371 POLYTEMA - Salehar Rajko Via Geppa, 17 35076 GRU WJT Marcelo Via Valdirivo U 35182 , Ing. JAROSIAV SIKC . Via S. Caterina, 1 35306 ICUREDTP - Ing a Franich Krum Slav Via Pieta, 24 25315 Prof, DIRACCA Antonio Corso, 7 35370 Dott o VELI SVJEZIC Vicolo Scaglioni, 5 36240 36847 Soc. Via Cadorna, 17 VEIA Soc. Aas8r01ap~ p~ tp~q~ry~/~~ SDC0INTERNAZIIONALE COSrRUZIONI C01" CIO TRASPORTI E ATTIVITAa II TSTRIA Via Ginnastica, I Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000600200004-3 Sanitized = Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457 PRISTA1EC Francesco r PAS UALIN. Antonio Dot r Marjo ?L EC i POMMEL EI rak yo ROL ND ROB TO F. LT11 SARI" CEI ` i l N'TULLiG: .1GLNQE, GROUP IaQ.MPOB 0 IL --ing g.jg)i,%a voic . SC IO L PA. TA di Zagar . 1 ten mate iron Sc1 oll SONIC Carlo SOSSI Mario SE Z Francesco SGPIPNAC Francesco 1"01 tr TOPOIOVIC .1yco TEPRO TRrfSCH Carlo 111.rico ZAJF!.C Box A"' I Ines YinBonedetic ZM R[ Dott. Vojko ~y ~y~ y } x k~w~g p~ ay `~ b tn~~2'C-1!Soc. ~6~r esRd ha Ini .Espo . a0~y B .. o COMP ,;. c. a. ra 1 h ZRNCIC V;F.WICh This documin' the national do Via 4 tobre 13 Via z inl.' 30 Via Vnidir TT 31 Via 32 Via MV Maggio, 6 VIA mbriatd 2 Via Conr r'ciale 9 Via Mega 3 Vila Opiclm 39 Cpcim vbl:Lonte R 4 Via della Zonta 2 V XX Settembre I Via Torrebianca 25 Via Trento 16 Via 11a, hi sc1li 19 Po q ja V. Rismendo .,1 Gdoyia Orseolo 8 Via ahega 3 1' del Borsa C. Garibaldi 4 V. Roma 30 tams information affecting within the meaning o 50, U.S.C. 31 and 32 as am or the revelation of its conteir its transmission to an unauthorized person is prohib manner law. Sanitized - Approved For Release,: CIA-RDP82-00457,R000600200004-3 _f the United States Espionage Act,