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Document Release Date: 
April 26, 2001
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Publication Date: 
April 23, 1947
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elease 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000 This document is hereby regraded to CONFIDE.:?:;1AL in acc,oA..anco with the letter cf 13 1C73 from the Direc.ier Liteihgonce to the AchVZ C.jis Stales. Next rieview Dale: 2008 eeteohltivJar CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT C0?;'\ DATE: rt.? .141 25X1A COUNTRY Geniareftussien zone SUBJECT Wilhelm Pieck on SED Plans 25X1A 25X1A - 1 'Li?:JA])N13 25X1A DIST. 23 April 19147 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT 25X1X SED e!aalecyeen Wilhelm Tieck outlined present party policy to a select group of party leaders about 23 February 1947, Pick aaid the SED derands a national asaembly are a centralize overniiIent ? with a deeentralized adminietratlea functioning in cooperation -with the individual states. 25X1A IIIIIIInpmment: Later Fleck aaggestud that a central government eould be frmed by the partea and trade unione.without holding an elactn'nen for a national aasembly, thus avoiding the possibility of an overwhelming popular rejection of the SED. There t to be no rapes of the states; only national and ?inter national questions are to be?eettlee uniformly by the eentral eovernment6 If an election were to be held today. for -e central 7wvernment the renult migbt not suit. the SED. Consequently, the TE0 does :let wish to overemphasize the formation of a enentral gevornment; instead, It will put the establiehment of ft central administration in the foreground. 2. Pfeeck said that the time is approaching when political 'parties may be lleensed throucAhout Germany. It would be better if the SED had. to ee tkeeee years moee to prepare for this. Th a SPD Will be re- admitted in the Russian Zone but will not be a source of danger to tbe SIT). The 3PD Will have no leaders in the Ruseian Zone o.tild like to see a party functionary who, after haring worked twe roar a for us, now would turn and work against us.. The KPD in the west will -join the SED en masse, together eth Any other pereons the -SED can win over from the trade union or from other suurces. Committee will be forned immediately for thte purpose in ?the 13. Zone In the Dritieh Zone, the SED will hold back until after the .Peril elections. 3. The central adminintration would be formed by the political parties and the trade unions. It could :be used to organize a plebiscite on whether Germany is to have A federalistic or a centralized govern- ment, CLASS FICATION 118WRMaTIAL iAL1 Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457RoltSbb380001-8 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUT 4. Pieck rejects a plebiscite on whether Oermeny s willing; to accept the peace treaty when it is formula_ted. Peck stated that there is too much danger that the treaty might be rejected because of unfavorable clauses, eg the eastern boteldary. 5.. To avoid forcing former members of the Nazi party .,...reto an anti- Fussian stands Pieck recommends a. change in denazification methods0 pieck stated, "We wish that no further steps be ta.,:en (examinations? investigations, etc.), if no ceine has beer, proved,. The CASe is - to be ..7ina1ly closed, Th5..s will cause us 'o.ne Leconveniences, such as returning homes to T.-azia, but we have to pt up with that0 lIe must give these people a ehance to parelcipate politics, to vote, and to be elected to office. Even so? we wiell still not be sure of these people. Le will have to continue to influence them ideologicallye and in 5.1L1(q1 a skillful way teat they do nct feel they are being spied on or educated." Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000500380001-8 _