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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000400230009-7.pdf149.8 KB
Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000400230009-7 This document is hereby regrade CON71Dr..7NTIAL in accordance with loiter of 13 October 1$73 from the Divector oi.7,1entral intelligence to the /Archivist ot the Unilod States. cohn Not S. OFFICIAL-0NLY - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTEWGENCE REPORT t vo..ass. 60013,,1 ia cl cla"' ptll' 4 vot.? COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Military Information: Soviet Activities in Eastern Siberia ORIGIN 25X1X 25X1A DATCONriDENTIAC 25X1A INFO. DIST, 11 March 1%7 PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT 1. a. The Soviet Per Eastern North Border Garrison Force, stationed in the area of Mikolayervak (140-40, 53-15), consists of 50,000 healthy men from 18 to 25 years of age. b. There is a detachment of the Far Eastern Soviet Navy attached to this Force which is training in the Gulf of Tartary. c. It is believed probable that the occupation forces in the Kuriles are under the comaand of this Force and have headquhrters in southern Sakhalin. d. Contrary to current belief in Siberia that the former Soviet Far Eastern Expeditionary Force was redrafted to fora this Force, it is thohght that the Expeditionary Force is still in existence and that the Garrison Force is subsidiary to it. 2. The Coastal Defense Corps of 30,000 men is at present assisting the Far Eastern Soviet Navy which is based at Vladivostok in a. Three rear Plan for the recon- struction of coastal areas. This Corps is under the direct command of Army General Headquarters at Nikoleyevsk. 3. The Soviet Far Eastern South Border Garrison Farce in Korea is now reconstructing and enlarging fortifications on the Chaagpai Mountain Range (128-00? 42410) and in the Yalu Valley. There are 30,000 men comOrising separate detachments of this Force. 41, It is believed that Dairen and Port Arthur are under direct command of Harbor Headquarters Li Maritime Military Dietrich. Forces which apparently are different from those given above exist in a Far Eastern Detachment of the Soviet National Border Garrison Army which is con- trolled by the Peoples' Internal Affairs Committee and is not under the command of Army General Headquarters. This Detactuaext consists of two armies 0/%40,000 men each. Bureya (129-48, 49-48) is the headquarters for the First Arnalwhich controls the region from Blagoveshchensk (127-30, 50-20) to Khabarovsk (135-05, 48-30). Vladivostok is the headquarters for the Second Army, which controls Usauri Province, 6. The Far Eastern Penetration and heavy bombers fi hters 25X1A at mita and Enreya. the highest previously e CLASSIF1CAT Airforce operates 4,000 aircraft, including light and reconnaisance planes. The principal bases are ote: This figure is considerably higher than ..CONTROL U- uts swaila 25X1A opric ONLY 2_5 A -THIS 4114BUT Approved For ReleaSE2C01/03/11:2:ClAtRET89-0411111100230009-7 -2- 7. A Soviet mechanized unit, supporting the Mongolian Peoplels Republic Amy, is based in the area of the BayerbalanYllbtntaine. 25X1A AMMIIIMUote t Bayerbald Liountains are not Adentified, See 25X1A paragraph 70 reporting that the Soviet 36 Mechanized Division uts previously stationed at Delay Seyn Shanda (110-09, 44,i5247 8, Russian led guerrilla units it China are not under the command of Army General Headquarters but under the Manchurian Board of Investigations, a subsidiary Of the Far Eastern Bureau. The commander of these units is rajor General Warrov,. AsercT-ctranol, U,S, OFFICIALS OELY CON DEN-0 A 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000400230009-7