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Approved For Release I 999/09/0 1Pdg?00457R000300B bQ3-5 COIF "TF.A.T, CO L U.S.?FFIC S Owly CENTRAL- INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELUGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Egypt SUBJECT Ahmad Husayn'sr.ssion to America 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 DATA 25X1X6 INFO. ? DIST. 25 February 19147 PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT 1. Before taking off for America on 13 January 19147, Ahmed Husayn declared to the members of the Administrative Board of his Society (Misr al-Fatah) that the officials of the American Embassy in Cairo had been most helpful and had rendered all possible assistance in arranging the details of his departure. 2. By travelling to America, Husayn is believed to have'a dual purposig under the pretense of patriotic motives: (a) To gain prestige in the eyes of his compatriots and the Americans, by impressing the American authorities in 'w:'ashington of his importance. In this field he is expected to defend the cause of Egypt on the basis of his social principles, including the establishment of an Arab Union stronger than the Arab League and the wu:Fion of the Nile Valleye He will contact Arab de~.e- gati.ona and will approach members of the Security* C=qai .. (b) To exploit the prestige he has gained in this manner, for ostabliehing commercial contacts and possibly for obtaining fads from American capitalists by interesting ?tt in lucrative transactions, as soon as the expected return of N'hxstafa a.1.-Nahhas to power matorial izes. f In the name of the Society he was able to collect but L.E. 700 of an estimated expenditure of L.E. 1,000 for his travvil to Amer .ca.~ In a declaration addressed to the Egyptian people just before his departurre Husayn said: 14My Counttxgmens 'It is now clear to everyone that Great Britain will never accept the fundamental claim of Egypt with regard to unity of the Nile Valley. Quite the contrary, the British are striving to separate definitively the Sudan from Egypt, to convert it into one of their col oniess o WW 25X1A9a CLASSIFICATION IAL 25X1A9a ADSO Z A DEP. FBT VTO DADSO FSk FBV SPDS B DEP. x EXEC. FBL: x QPDT CFCs CONTROL FBtvl FBZ Soo CTRB PLANS Fg SPDA IRS Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300680003-5 25X1A2g Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00451000300680003-5 wow MNTRAL 4T [ IGE? OE aaouP 25X1A2g "The National Party, at first, and : fisr al--Fatah, later on, pro Lai d that there could be no negom tiations and no treaty could be signed before the complete evacuation of l; yptian soil, "~3ow the time has arrived when every Egyptian Is re- peating the same cry. Every one is convinced that we must carry on a persistent struggle against the British people. It is trae that we have no fleets, no guns, no atomic bomb,, but we have a weapon which is stronger than all these; it is the weapon of "right" and our indomitable will to live in liberty. The British people, more than any other people, know the effect of this nc.ral arm* "In view of the above, the Society has decided to. delegate me and a few of try colleagues to visit America, to defend the cause of leap t and to oppose British Policy,, We have advised the other parties and organizations to send their own delegates to join-as and I hope that my departure vd l encourage them to follow this advice. "I am now leaving for America to defend our just cause, includ',.ng the evacuation and the unconditional union of the whole Nile Valley. For this journey I have neither money nor authority; I am travelling ap.an ordinary Egyptian, who is going to the land of wealth and industry.. to raise the voice of nW country in that part of the world. Although I am undertaking a most difficult task, yet my faith in justice and my convictions with regard to the cause of my country, make me confident that my mission will be successful* All that 'I ask from youp my countrymen, is that you support me and pray -to God for me. We will force the British people out of our country and will achieve the unity of the Nile Valley. This is our will which' can never be overcome* I take this opportunity to renew my pledge that I will remain faithful to our. aim; that I will fight with all my energy for the realization of our objectives. God is great, and glory to Egypt" Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300680003-5 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300680003-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP 25X1A2g -3- h. Earlier, the General Committee of Misr al Fatah had assembled and shaving listened to a?report of its Presidents approved the following resdlutiorls: (a) That the country will not retract and imsists upon the realization of its vital demand for the =ion of the Sudan with Egypt. Any negligence, will be regarded as high treason against the people of the Nile Valley. (b) The General Cora iittee b$* decided that it will never agree to the dismemberment of the Sudan, nor to any of the various-schemes advanced by the British. (c) Egypt cannot accept a conditional evacuation . and tolerate any restriction or alliance. The evacuation must be speedy and conplete. in both .Egypt and the Sudan. (d) The Co.^.mittee agrees to send a delegation to . America to propagandize in favor of the Egyptian cause,. preparatory to submitting the question to the League and to the Security Council,, It will invite the other groups and parties to 25X1X6 support this undertaking. Comment: Ahmad ?#usayn's political career in recent years has been characterized by pronounced opportunist tendencies. Although be holds the distinction of having been subjected to dis- ciplinary action'and imprisonment more often.than any other Mgyptian political personality, his outward patriotic stand is motivated by personal greed and Tnonete -y benefit, His. participation in recent terrorist acts must be viewed in this light and it is therefore for this reason that he has finally espoused therafdist cause. after falling in turn under the influence of opposing factions. fie failed to form a lasting alliance with the Communists because his price was not commensurate to the services he rendered. Although atone time he had delegated a labor leader attached to his Society to conduct propaganda along Con minist lines, he was discouraged from permanent affiliation with the Communists. During the war he, was generally considered to have acquired a Fascist, pro-Nazi outlooks The following events are in addition to the outstanding phases of his political career: (a) Before and during the war, Husayn conducted an active campaign against the Wafd. Approved For Release 1999/09 8 : CIA- DP82-00457R000300680003-5 lut 'J 11=2 X" Agaircm Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300680003-5 CENTRAL IvrELLIGI !:CE aR 1 A2 g -fir- (b) When Wad Siraj-a1-Din finally obtained his adherence to the Wafd* Ihwayn attacked- the cabinets of both }iahmund Nngrashi and Sid4a (c) In 19J4i the r`a d bought Husayn with 60 f'addana of Eoveranent land, which 65ra Dan, then Minister of the Interiors donated to him. (d) Wishing to make . ftrther contributinn to hies and in order to annoy the British, iho had restrained the pro--Nazi inclinations of Ahmad Husayn, the :'afd allowed Husayn to circulate freely. lQwn his movements finally were restricted, 'u' ad. Sira j-al-Din removed the r'isr-al Fatah leader from a detention house in ..aytun to comfortable quarters in a government agency in .Heliopolis, in spite of British protests, 25X1A2g Comment: See distribuf ed on 7 December 19I6, 'which is conned with Abmad . Thtaayn'a rid activiti 0 k~ Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300 0003-5