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d; or Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP .NTELLUGENCE REPORT ,- a 9414 ! china 25X1A2g Dmme. 25X1 X6 INFO, SUBJECT poii uT : ^ * Economic anformation: Take- over of Japanese Property in Pte Arthur DIST. 25X1A6a PAGES 25 January 1947 4 SUPPLEMENT 25X1X6 The title of the document is: "A Provisional Regulation Con- earning the Disposition of the Japanese official and Private Properties In Port Art hur g tt r1pn?rn1 ?gnrintir n r+f _RPPiil?tion This regulation covers both officially-owned and private Japanese properties which are: a_ .F ,rmer bureaus in the city or city-controlled areas , , Civil Administration Bureau si test; c,, fields that are capable of being ploughed . (Shan ,hai vote: Rice paddies, or irrigated farm land?) d. U.i'icial residences. e Ci rde ns f .2xterim,.ntaJ_ farms. g Forestry areas. hJapanese shrines i bands of Japanese companies. j Japanese Naval installations, k,. Japanese private lands, farms.,. vegetable gardens and orchards, if the original owners have left them, 2... Rj ~;of o mirshiu a., All Japanese official property shall be nationalized and shall be controlled and disposed of by the government. The government shall have the right either to rent or to retain these lands,, b. Companies, corporations, or other institutions formerly owned by Japanese shall retain the ownership of the it land temporarily.. if, however, the buildings on that land have not been rebuilt or reopened, if, in other words,..Jrjiey- aro not ..in use, the crovernment shall have the F t tt 'm 'co pr iv. to concerns, ?':pis do ant eo a t at ion WARNING NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST B z~ or LISTING f--` r' 1 ;"> , ? , +. - n _ -? op the . Y._ EXCISED BEFORE PUBLIC RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENT. ~:z of "1 and s,: , _ ,{{ Iaw. CLASSIFICATION any on is Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300080010-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP82-0.0457R000300080010-3 25X1A2g CENTRAL INTE t LIGENC E GROUP c. All lands and properties that have not Ivan cared, for by their Japanese owners for a period of more than five months shall be confiscated by the government . d,, Persons who bought ia.pane se-ovne d lonas or property in 1945 shall register. with the government rending further disposition of the land. R ,sof iaoositioti a. in accordance with the : ino-y-dovia t g o-:s""!eri t, the Soviet Army shall have the prior right of renting or controlling the lands and property, b. All Japanese private and official coy`: n_ie s and lands which were formerly rented to others shall be controlled by4gorfer.,"Me-nt office,,, higher than the district office, These offices shall manage the lands. in cooperation with the co"a_ orat:3 ons cc:.'1p- r.LLe etc, Mich own or rent them. }3eginning this yu iy, these offices and orgon!zat ns stall have the right to rent or transfer prope yL , c. Beginning with 1944 persons who rent Japanese land and then receive income from sub-letting it will be coriaidereci in the saarie class as the owners, and the provisions above .i:a: apply to them., If one private. company or person rent: or e?.3 the lend to another, without the approval of the govo.rnnorat nil or part of the land will be confiscated, derendin - on the personas '.',c nl th ind the condition of his family This iar:._ will be rented out to 1 ,borers or their, families, poor farmers, and to the families of public servants and and soldiers. d. Persons who possess little land, rent Japanese land, hire other people to till it and thus grn r areal h~ sha.?:r_ retain n the right to rent the land., In order to rel fe?'+.+ t ho landless formera however, these persons. shall share the profits with their tenants. The proportion to go to each shall be decided in mass meoting, e All poor farmers and workers and their fomilies, c,.! fisherman.. and all middle-class farmers who depend rani`}.r?e? , oa their and for. their income shall retain the right of ront to g it, If ne cc% s s.?.ary . and upon the agreement 'of the. pia hlin - riiz t:.ons,., i_ ue i lands shall be InCitea_^`" f, The privilege of renting or tilling tho lords of a factory or company shall go to the families of the men who previously :soaked there. They may not, however, take the land by force from poor farmers presently working on it, If anyone vin1ate ; this, his lands shall be confiscated,:, g. Any improvements, such as electr Ica i justaflation , ells, or buildings, `made to the land by a previous renter shall be fairly paid for by the now renter after the harvest time of this ?, re ar ., 2- Sanitized - Approved Fof Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300080010-3 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R0003.00080010-3 CFN'TRAL INTE1,LIL*.CE GI Ur 25X1A2g h. a firmer, renter, has ?cult1Va ed?., property for a long tl.,s.. and has as 1nstallatiuns such a3 the or irrigation work, at*. 3e s, 11 be allowed to either rent se ~, : .~-- -`- --- 3 rente7 a 1'a whole establishment shall br' ti-.ns.~ afe. red intact ^n( h formet, re'Lter shall not be allowed to remove. ~~,ch fixtures as ar,3 -n C If ttase installations are damaged, the person ?esponsible gill be fin, -d. If the new renter cannot arford to pay fL-,,' these improvement-., t,h4 government shall do so. i. The privilege of renting and tilling Japanese lei._ given to the following: (1) Poor families of soldiers and public servants. (2) Landless or small farmers, (3) Families of poor laborers, (4) Odd job people and poor city people. The process of distribution shall be as follows: Those who are qualified and willing to till a iven piece of land, and those who are capable of maintaining all or part of it shall register with the Agricultural Association. A mass meeting will be held at which all applicants shall be present. With the approval of the government, a contract will be drawn up for the one chosen. These contracts shall run from 3 to 5 Years, k. The following shall be deprived of thoir lands. and the right to rent them: - (1)' Those who do not work the land themselves, but sub- let to others. (2) Those who leave the lands desolate and uncultivated for one year. (3) Those who have been deprived of their citizenship for a year or more, (4) Those who do not obey the laws of the government 18_ The following people shall also be deprived of their right to rent the land: (1) Kuomintang officers, Kuomintang lawyers, I,uomintnng secret. service men, and Kuomintang poi iae nnA m- 1 tary police. (2) . ealthy persons who possess much land and do not : or yes t. Rates a, Regular Rates Class Rent r re --er ye r in , att es 2"l Class land 5 3rd 10 4th 20 5th 30 6th 40 -3- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300080010-3 1 - Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457RQ00010-3 CEU 'RAL Ii TILLIGE CE GI ?UP b, Rates will be decreased for meager or sandy lands. ao With the approval of the mass,. sting and of the government, the followingpersons shall exempted rom pying rents. (1) Families of poor s9ldiers or officers. (2) Families of poor publ , servants. (3) Poor village political v orkers. who are diligent d. Upon the approval of the mss meeting and the government, the following shall have their rent trolly "exempted or partially decreased: (1) Those whose lands have under one destruction by fire wind, or other natural calami ti4s. (2) Those whose. lands have undergone unexpected losses the cost of which the renter, cannot meet. These regulations shall become effective on the.-day thew are published. 6, Amendments, if any; shall 'be made by the ecut e Meetir The right of interpretation of these regulations shall stand 'with the 1-1 government of Port Arthur. Signed: . Mayor : :;. X G Shih-ming Vice-mayor C1?I;N Tin-li Municipal government ofort Arthur Promulgated: 20 June 1946,, Sanitized Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R000300080010-3