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Approved For ~~~~'.~1~ L CIA-RDP82-00457~0002~~p1134~40011-3 }~ t. 25X1A2 .~~:. i7aSa t~r'~:ICI~'a ~ ~' ~.~~"~' ri~~~ ~;n..~'ec?n~ ?f ~, R~~ie~~~uzoa t~raug T~Ql~x; 25X1A6a 25X1A2 ~`~~~' 25X1 X6 ~~~g~+ ~ro y 'y !~ rg ??g~?~ f~~0e pp~~~+1~~nS r 1~ay7 t9 1,$.~~'~ JL i7'~ [ E"Pi7ws6~.G7 ~+ 8~~'~~~~I~`~ ~~~ 25X1X6 25X1X6 1 G ~.c~orax~~i3.n..~; ~ ~ rn by ?~hc, xa ?~ 25X1 X6 ~Fase ~~zz~~~~~ part n~ ~r ~escrib~~? h~.~s-~3P ~:s ~ ~ate~;e~~ sit" tkst~ ~ren~ ~~,cie~~x~I rye 1s Re~iate~xeia y I.~a.bersc:~.~~. ~.~ ~~ ~tepublics~ ~sga~~ (~afi:ian.~,~. ~~?r3a~t e~:? t'~e Itw~ti~,s'~~.xr.o~: nnc~ Li.~iarrctim~x of thc~ ~gan~,sh ~tegaab~.i.c~ h~t~ re~ah~a~ '~x~~i~p h~.~i~ casr~ ~'~?a~a ~3~rae~.ocza.o ~e s~tod t~a~t the Cia~a~ fso~c~~?aa~ra~; ?~c~u~.c~ b~ of his arr~i~-~:L '~,hrnsugh tYia Fix~~.'~:~sh Cans~,I~~c~p ~~cxt b~.? 2~3 25X1 XCC}}6 GI G ~enr~ba~x nQ ~?c? o,* h3.~ hid be~e~2 rsa~i~re~ ~'rc~ro~ atu k~slr~~ ~s r~ re~.s a~' a't~~~eant~nt~3 r,~~.da by ~anscld~x ~5 ~'he ~c~acaja ~a~.~trs~1 coo Rosistexzai~ ~t~ax~~?~.3. Cotancil af? Re~eiat~aa) ie regrea~eni~ed by the follcsvring ,~eracsne; ~u~.ia ~di.c~~a,o~ex~ena., pro.~et~sorp mho belar~~;x~ to th$ 5p~an,iah ~oci~lie~t I'mrty, J~,se g~are~ Carrenap za~jor 3.n the .t~ir Coa?pes ncs p~.rty ~t?~.x3.~t$ona l~uir~ E~?-x air, ~.edioal sxtude~rt~ Cdi tlha 1P~UC {~~t~3.e~*s g~~ .cbxng~'~,a ~'r~lox'a of? the ~ocsi~~~.~t ~'~rty, cn?~ ~JI4 C?css,s, 1~~yex?, a~' $h~a GlV'~, ^ '~ U 25X1A9a 3't[~SQ o ~h+a ~anse~a is in aa~xtral aF $a~.a 2 gaarsar~a of the a~,~tioxa ~raatp a,n I~~rvelcrn.~a Z`h? k~as or;~xa~.~e~ tha mun3.Aiga~. c~o~aoil~ i?~-r 'c:a~.on~ snd th? ~-fc~ait;{ ~pr+ssum~bly tcs b+~ ~.necte.].led sha~xl~ the rJ gresc~nt re~i~e ba o~arthrv~evn) Q It his canrrr~2 ate izlf'csr.~tttnxc cc~naertx~.n~ O the k'.a~.~ta~, a~, the ~ac1~2 P?x?asaanD, lcc~,ar bmtt~2,~,c~r~, ~drrxixz~.sQ ~a.7:3.~?s ~~encies snd Borne municipal council$ 9.n. thr~ gi c~~r3.tcce cad ~rcelana.~ '~?ze a~rgs.~xi.~~at~,~an tsantrola r~aro the 15~E~'4 +~~.~3lians~ ~o I~~e anrds ba+~r~.t~~ ~C1:s tr~ax~ds `~F`ro~.te ;~acisxn~l cue la ~;ezaS,stencie y ~ ~itsc~r~:3.axc de la lCt~.g~bl~.a~ ~sgos~nZn"p use aes~~aai? t~irst~ains cr~nt~?t tha r~i7.5.twry ar~~a~sz~t~.on knot~rz as the :~F14~t (A~ruF~oie-~ de ,~, ~igx Asa Ar:ntxr~as ?ie lz~ Fag~zblia~ ~spsrea~.~)s t?~.e ~9,33cnzu 7~acsia~aal de ~s~ex~z~e I,~err~ar~~Cir~~s, the ~3~~, the x SiTC, th~~ ~'rc~t ~J~ccf.anal de ~at~lunye, ~~he ? ~r~;:i~ ~sabcsx?? ata ar.~ th~a T:e~uerre~ Rapubla`.cana~,; .(~~ s A~ S:Y 91 f'1a~... Y.......H d.'1. .. ~. ... ...L'1 L...1 ... a~ dd.. .]!v__i__7 J_. _1__._1 _____ _.__. __ ~ ~ by ~Y'~a.31c~o gsx'srrnncrl f;o ccr~ne t?- ~'~-~~iua; tlhv chief' off' .the cCs~Rf~~~.on a s ~ rno;jor nc~ Rates a ~~ G~.alr~a end tza~+~c he ~~eott~J. trs s~eceiv~ ~ a~amglet~ r~agrri; canaex~in.~ that ~a~se~aa izx ~hiah tine ~uZl rnernbarship as~rf+:so~33.~cc~ 'by it tscsa~id be nernad., ~.~ ~rrx~ ~rhic~i he ~es~a~.c~ ~ra?st;~ ~ }~Al~c7x^r'tYlrwtJl~ to btu sen"~ tca $h.~ Gi,s'@S. Gagb~me~t-o 25XaA9a Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82-004578000200440011-3 C1;~7fiTi.flL ~r?~.'~.L;~GTrIC~ G~~]iI,}' ~~_, 25X1A2 25X1X6 ~~ Ceana3dsR crossed the i'~x?enaea frontier an 21 ?Iov~r~laa~~r thro~.~;;h Valc~rloa, I'~?o~incsa of Td~~rarre, ~rriq~.~~ ~,t the !French tai~x of ~i;;, J~E~n I'3.~d d~+ Pc~t~t. ~?som there, he. gent to ?~ayonne; Tie then proe:Qeded to &~rd~c:aux, where h? v3.r~ite~d the Gawp of T~.gvri;;rys~.o, and the?-,. ',,n Pari.s~ ~T~e Frennh poliQa~ ~t Stm Je~.n i'ied cte i'od t treated him wa!1d A?'cer axmmix~lz-~ hie p~.p?rs, 'chef not only rc~~.eased }silYi irnf;iediately, ljtat ''r~calzttatad h3.a trip to k3ordea.~,sae, where }1e had to pre~e;lt hi~~ calf to fihe eoa.~~i ss5.vner a~ ~ matte: afi f'aarano 25X1X6 ~,~ 25X1X6 $~ ss~id that CAnaicla, .~acauseesed dov~amanta acsm ere x n~ hi:~ gas a raprc~s?r~t? of the ~esist,~znce foroa:~o stated t}s~+.t Cixnald~ aispeared, -~ 'be of Coz~unursist zxations, and that ~ippa-rent2y hie r~iss3,on vra,3 tcs snoure the dafini.te and final rtco~;nxtion icy the ~irs~]. da~rer~ent ai' the a.r~tc:ric~~ rosaet?~noe fo ree~ 7d A memd~mr of the u~irhl cnbxt~et ?xpreMsesd sux~p~ise at t.ha ease s~vit}s which Cana.lda heal a~rosssed t?ae frontier cxnd thou~;ht~ it s~dviembl~s to aub3eat hire to caref. u1 c}uestion5.z~~; o ygSEf~~QNTf{0}, U f~.1f Vl ~U l/T~iL Approved For Release 1999/09/08 :CIA-RDP82= ~O^A~~