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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 26, 1946
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Approved For Release 1999/09/087GilRdl~~~ O~N$$O30QZ512g CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP INTELLIGENCE REPORT C O I T I A L co COU1 T Y SUBJECT ORIGIN 25X1X6 25X1X6 0 2 . 25X1X6 3 & 25X1X6 Malaya UMNO and Malaya Left Wing Movement 25X1A6a DATE 25X1X6 DUST.. 26 December 1946 SUPPLEMENT On 16 December Date Onn denied that there was any split in the United Malays" 7 National Organization and refused to 25X1A6a comment on the future of the Sultans. ( comment: See However, Malaya Command intelligence aources25X1C10b claim that the UPR40 is losira cohesion and there are indications of dissatisfaction in Johore,, Singapore and Malacca. . On 14 December, Singapore left wing associations f: r:aled a "Council of Joint'Action", comprising all communities. Malaya was represented by the Malay Nationalist Party. "JA is rejecting the unpublished U.t=-Govern.ment agree- merit on tie principle that i t. is undemocratic procedure, and will meet in Kuala Lumpur on 22 December. Its policy is to oppose the Govern nt 1nominated. committee whit is to consult the views of non-Malay communities. CJA is pressing for a round table conference with the Government and elected representatives of - all coma-unities startirg from reratch, The ?MN? supports this view.. The three basic principles &re - Inclusion of Sir apore. in the Federation, fully elected central legislature and equal citizenship rights. CJA fears that the broad outlines of the present agreement are fixed and un- '?.hangssabl.e and will produce a split asr_ onq the various communities,, If the agreement is unacceptable to CJA, the Government may well, re;ec: CJA as originating outside the Union tin Singapore) and therefore interfering in Malaya Union internal affairs. The Government agreement IS t rc, be published on 24 Dbcember. Document No. Oaf NO CHANGE in Class. K (j DECLASSIFIED Class. CHANGED TO; TS .S C DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 25X1A9a Auths DDA REG. 77 1763 e_ASSIFICATION C tt ,,I Mqr 19? r BB. Or NTIALD?O ii' . F,PZC1XLS 011ty _ _." - p ES i 0 i P. FBV- i4O45 RJO02O0.3n(