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Document Release Date: 
December 16, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 20, 1946
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R000100560004-9.pdf97.61 KB
Approved For Release 'Ei COUNT zma/sia Zone L INTELLIGENCE- GROUP f., LLIGEM C REPORT " 25X1A6a CON NTIAL INFO. M SUBJECT Expropriated Concerns in Saxoyar ORIGIN 25X1X6 regrad y nt is hereb docume This tip d"i,AL in actor GON IDE? from the 4ettc.r of 16 G3?` to tR -' major OAST . November 16 ES LEE 1. The concerns expropriated uy "popular vote" on 3U June 1:346 are ue ine, grouped tn;;c the r in "industrial ad uixii s trations" , inso .rar as they have been takes, over by the Lind auti.orities. L;ixty-f-'':e oz these industrial administration roups 'hLve been formed to date in isuridesland E'.e.xony. i ach ,coup is divided into branches cor:aj.risinc; tr;enty to tucenty_i'ive concerns of similar types. Although the separate concerns are considered merely as branch establishricnts of the rea; groups, they still riaintwin a certain amount of independence. 2. Lach of the industrial. administration bodies, is headed by a, marg. ;e::lent consistin of f'_ cot. ercial, a technical, and a pex'son.Lul 'mien er . 4ro 3. Coma ny book entries .re ia&uc in a mLiiner v,!-.sch is at variance vith laves still in force.. In the xnevr accounts opened on 1 July 1j46, no entries conc?rnin assets or liwjilities from the period prior to 1945 were allowed to ap,,ear. ~~. The Land ctrainistrut! ons 'i1aix1taixi that the c xpropriated and xiOY"a public :'y' - controlled cone erxAa are not the. le ;gal succe stirs of the old pritiate uxiaertL-kin,s. is a result, the position of outstandin-; debts remain completely unclaa"ified.. It is planned to transfer these- alabi.lities to the former proprietors and nuke ther:i resuonsible for set tl? ?ic xit. No bind n ; re u1atlon has, hovaever, as ;yet appe-red to this effect; the idea has nerely been hinted at in circulars.