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loQUmentA@pTved4 for Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000'I-0032I -410 CHANGE in .DEC Ts1n n C ) ` uo . .t ip..& of pr itle- i TkLLIGENCE REPORT COUKTR"" China 25X1X6 $ awed' Buonomic Inform bone- Conditiafa In 'Eastern Sb t . 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 "b) The average wages or (1:n,17 of workers in Tslnari is aDproxim-L3 to 1y 4`4000 O C pe ? day. Buy ing x 1.L in, 25X1X6 25X1X6 it it r: rr tt I! ;:,i iet (per ct3. t ty) 40 CTTC 300 CITY 5 . t ra A ?ae tt 60 CNC CrC 305 d Soy Beans" tr 3 cuuc 230 CC 35 CNC 200 C NC R 1cnr 19) CNC 850 CT1C Corn tY 35 CNC 220 C? C r tt; t'E:anut Cif. 43 1a0? CNC , So:arte Oil. at tt r"' A.~ C , C o 1,, 48? CNC 4t 400 CI?TC Wer _, se ne o:LI. (per gal. ) rf F OOO CNC 65 $000 CNC I TEL , N GROUP I- J. jL~L 64p000 Cr1C 2OC OOO CHC (per ounce) 5oid 70p400 CNC 220,000 CNC (per ounce ) Eftf{lt~.ZrIn..~.~:ssc. 2. ';line at Ti it le t Beans Ka :. is i.g $0Y Beans Peanut oil 1140 Per catty 220 tt Et 2,50 I90 200 1 boo SUPPLEMENT PACES Tli'tL INFO. January - August 1946 D 'f'. 1 Novev-tbe 19461 0IlC D c_toc G.' ce.;.r l xtt hhivist C,11 tile unitcj 100 N t Review Date: 2303 (b) A workman's average daily i:vage in Changtion is 2,000 CNC (Source, f 0 Nwa. Chen, Director of 0ervice of Supply for soldiers 25X1X6 and civilians in Changtien. (c) Soldiers are charged 600 daiw and civilians are charged 3,,204 CPIC for a catty of pork. Fir: *vood is 10 CiiC per catt,y for soldiers and 30 CUC for civilians. 25X1A9a FBV are _pre~Med OlrnasA, _wa _ sP-DF _ .. CON FID bz Itl Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100370004-0 RE,S-'D, ,.- , 25X1A2g 25X1X6 C~,'NTIUL 1NT6LLIG N-CE: GROUP 3 2 (d) Prices oil main foodstuffs, such a,$ millet, kaoli ang, and wlho?at, have tripled since November 1045,, The averr 6-;e worker can- 25X1X6 raot buy wheat flour or rice, but .aunt live on. bran or millet. M (e) CY:anE;t1en received 0,000,000 CIdC from CFIIJ;1. in ~.-ay for roliet purposes. i pproxirnutely 50;o of U -,e avera e h arvost is expected .{ 4 L ~.a joaru (Ch1rla 1:oa'dquarters oto: Hource: HO Hvwa-Chen, D1reo~1or of Service of Supply for soldiers. and civs.1ians in Chun-tiorh ) 251X6 Choutsun (117-51, 36 -51) (a) ,uotution of Prices: Vbhcat u00 C NC per cLtt,y aid lle t 275 It it Peanut U11 000 P rB rr Pork 1, 200. `:* s$ 70 CPNC each Pricer of w beat flour, rice, and peanut oil have increased 3OQ since I:ovenber 1945, (China l.e?adquarters tote: Ti is infox,nati.or3 was obtained by questioning, people on Le streets In Choutsun and 25X1X6)ersonriel in the Catholic `.ission in t:Lat ci. ty" ) (b) There Is rio ,old, :markct or exchar e of' gold bullion in Chou % 25X1 X3un, urid no excbanc;E on knericara curx'oncyo (c) Accordi.nE; to inforriut.ion received fron tree; Catholic Yissian, Choutsun received 4,OOU,000 CITC from CNI.i A in ?"ay 1940. (China Headquarters Vote: `a'l.iij information vt s said to be correct by "'lllII Yinchint , Chairman of the Chamber of Corm or oe , Choutsun, ) 25X1A6a ':oW4 hn uziaonffirmed report sfetes tout from 9 J,:. 1. ' to 1 turust, 5(,000 ierr from CYirangtion arid vicinity vrc;ro corziandeered for defornse construction with no remuneration by she CLlnose NTs.tion- a,lls t /. -t1 , The resulti.nE lack of money and food ouuse d rnuci suffer- 25X1X6 inE; amon, ; L e farn.ilios or tl ese men. noted 61 rat poverty and suf fc;rinE; were more widespread in Chan.;tion than in any other torans visited, and believes that situation was caused partially by continued. Conn-uraist occupcztior1 of much ftma 1a.nd Hour iho town. Cori muni s t troops could be found witlhin a radius of four li in all direc- tions from Chan ;Lien, ) Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100370004-0