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Approved Release 2004/1cl ' lA-RDP82-004OR000100080019-8 IAC-M-205 26 July 1955 INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held in Director's Conference Room, Administration Building Central Intelligence Agency, at 1045, 26 July 1955 Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Lieutenant General Charles P. Cabell Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. W. Park Armstrong, Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State Major General Robert A. Schow, acting for Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army Rear Admiral Robert W. Cavenagh, acting for Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Major General Millard Lewis, acting for Director of Intelligence, Headquarters, United States Air Force Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton, Deputy Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Mr. Charles H. Reichardt, acting for Atomic Energy Commission representative to the IAC Mr. Ralph Roach, acting for Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation ALSO PRESENT Mr. owar urnas, epar men o a e Mr. M. Burgin, Department of State Mr. Richard K. Stuart, Department of State IAC-M?205 26 July 1955 Approved For Release 200 V$, --r-\-RDP82-0040OR000100080019-8 Approved r Release 20d19d168`'' CIA-RDP82-00 ROpR 00%026%-8 26 July 1955 Lieutenant Colonel V. J. Fenili, Department of the Army Lieutenant Colonel D. L. Husman, Department of the Army Captain C. C. Coley, Department of the Navy Commander H. B. Vickery, Department of the Navy Colonel Willis B. Sawyer, Department of the Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Van A. Woods, Jr., Department of the Air Force Mr. Samuel S. Rockwell, Department of the Air Force Mr. Benjamin Weems, Department of the Air Force Colonel Robert Totten, USAF, The Joint Staff Colonel John E. Leary, USA, The Joint Staff Colonel A. Ward Gillette, USA, The Joint Staff Colonel Ralph H. Wade, USAF, The Joint Staff IAC-M-205 Approved For Release 20Q$~ (l/(18 - IA-RDP82-0040OFM0 8Y 9-8 Approved Release 2005g0168` elA-RDP82-004, RO b Q9-8 26 July 1955 1. Probable Developments in Laos (NIE 63.3-55) Approved as amended. 2. Approval of Minutes 19 July Meeting (IAC-M-204) Approved, as amended at item 5 c to read: "Admiral Layton, while noting that the term 'capability' was fully defined as used in the report, pointed out that this was a specialized usage. 3. Watch Committee Report No. 2 59 Noted. Admiral Layton noted that his customers were very pleased with the new format of the reports. 5. Probable Developments in Guatemala (NIE 82-55) Approved as amended. 6. Release to SHAPE and SACLANT Headquarters of Estimates of Indications of Soviet Military Aggression (IAC-D-6/ 11. 1, 15 July 1955) a. The. members approved the Watch Committee's recom- mendation on SHAPE Is request. - 3 - Approved For Release 20~~~RET IA-RDP82-0040OR000100080019-8 IAC-M-205 26 July 1955 Approved Fb elease 2004%gF.F -RDP82-00400 JV7J a'h9- uly 1955 b. The Chairman suggested that a personal letter also be sent to General Schweizer, explaining the reason for the IAC action. The Army member undertook to write General Schweizer inasmuch as G-Z is executive agent in this case. 7. Direct Provision of Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency to the National Indications Center (IAC-D-6/12. 1, 15 July 1955) Approved. The Chairman and the State, the Joint Staff, the Air Force, and the Army members spoke in favor of the position taken by the Watch Committee, emphasizing that the purpose of the plan is to insure that no item of intelligence infor- mation be overlooked, which of itself or in relation to other information might be of critical importance. The Navy member based his objection on the possible establishment of an undesirable precedent leading to an increase in the flow of unevaluated infor- mation to the NIC. After receiving assurances that this would not be the case, he withdrew his objection. 8. Designation of Chairman of Ad Hoc Guided Missile Intelligence Survey Committee (IAC-D-81 / 12. 1, 22 July 1955) The Chairman asked for nominations, and General Schow nominated the Air Force member of the ad hoc Committee. General Lewis declined, and nominated the CIA member. At the request of the Air Force member- ember withdrew his nomination an was designated Chairman. 9. IAC Task Force to Study Intelligence Requirements Stemming from the President's Proposal for Exchange of Military Blueprints and Aerial Inspection with the USSR a. Agreed to the Chairman's proposal that the IAC organize a task force to study US intelligence requirements of any scheme de- signed to implement the President's proposal for a US-Soviet exchange Approved For Release 20Qa1 IA/.Q IA-RDP82-00400gR ~010~~19-8 JCC((..::!!``~~ 26 July 1955 IAC-M-20 Approved F`wr'Release 200 IA-RDP82-004,QJR0 g19R9f 0p4 8 of military blueprints and aerial inspection. It was noted that the intelligence assets of the community are more effectively utilized when requirements of this type are met through joint rather than individual effort. 25X6 25X1 25X1 b. The Chairman's offer to have CIA chair this group was accepted. Members were requested to provide the Secretary with the names of their representatives on this task force. I. Post-Geneva Estimate on Motivations and Intentions of the USSR Mr. Amory asked the State Department member when State would like a post-Geneva estimate on Soviet intent to be produced. Mr. Armstrong said that in view of the fact that the USSF, has not yet commented on some of the Western proposals made at Geneva, consideration of the scheduling of this estimate should be delayed at least until next week's IAC meeting. The members agreed. 12. Release of EIC-R.l-S4: Report on Communist China's Trade and Transport (IAC-D-42/11, 12 July 1955) Adjournment: 11:50 Secretary Approved For Release 200 WAET RDP82-004008000100080019-8 IAC-M-205 7A Tnly 10 r.rc 9 SECRET Approved F'.( Release 2004/10/08 CIA-RDP82-00QPR000100080019-8 IAC-M-205 26 July 1955 SECRETARY'S NOTE 1. Designation of new FBI Member: The Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, has notified the chairman, Intelligence Advisory Committee, by letter dated 22 July 1955, that Assistant Director A. H. Belmont has been named as the Bureau's repre- sentative on the IAC, vice Mr. L. V. Boardman. Mr. R. R. Roach will continue as the designated alternate. 2. Post-Mortem: The Board of National Estimates and the IAC representatives have agreed that no serious intelligence deficiencies were encountered in the production of NIE 82-55, "Probable Developments in Guatemala," approved by the IAC on 26 July, and that a post-mortem thereon would not be required. The estimate benefited not only from good reporting from the field, but also from first-hand studies of the Arbenz regime and an ex- tensive World Bank report on Guatemala's economic prospects as of early 1955. No post-mortem will therefore be undertaxeu, except at the request of a member of the IAC. 4. No objection having been raised by a member, the Secretary has authorized release to USIA of NIE 63. 1-55 "Probable Developments in North Vietnam, " 19 July 1955 (LAC-M-204, 19 July 1955, Secretary's Note, item 5). 5. Unless objection is raised by a member at the next regular meeting of the IAC, the Secretary proposes to release to USIA, NIE 63. 3-55 "Probable Developments in Laos," 26 July 1955, and NIE 82-55 "Probable Developments in Guatemala, "' 26 July 1955. Approved For Release 20(gp9 /f f)IA-RDP82-00400R Ef 8~ot%8