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DO NOT C13CU L\ E TMZeeting of Three Foreign Ministers and German Federal Chancellor PROPOSED REDRAFT OF PARAGRAPH 9(b) OF THE COUNCIL DEPUTIES REPORT ON EUROPEAN DEFENCE - UNIT, NORTH ATLANTIC TREAPY ORGANIZATION RELATIONS (b) Councils: On questions affecting the common objectives of the two Organizations there would be reciprocal consultation between the North Atlantic Council and the Council of the European Defence Community and, whenever either Council decides that it is desirable, combined meetings of the two Coti..ncils. Whenever any of the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty or any of the parties to the Treaty establishing the European Defence Community consider that the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of them or the continued existence or integrity of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or the European Defence Community is threatened, a combined meeting will be summoned at the request of that Party in order to consider the measures necessary to meet the situation. OSD REVIEW COMPLETED. NO OBJECTION TO DECLASSIFICATION AND RELEASE S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 Report to the Three Foreign Ministers from.the Official roue RESTITUTION (a) Obligation of Federal Republic to satisfy restitution judgments against the former Reich At the meeting of officials it was agreed that instructions should be sent to the High Commissioners to ensure that the rate of conversion applicable to claims against the Reich under the Restitution Laws should be'that laid down by the Currency Reform Law. This would normally be 10 RM : 1 DM. A very considerable reduction in. the cost of meeting awards against the Reich in the British Zone and-in Berlin should result, and the Germans should be satisfied at the reduced figure for the total estimate of the value of claims against the Reich. (b) Composition of Supreme restitution Court The effect of informing the Federal Chancellor of the steps to be taken in regard to conversion should be to enable him to agree to the proposal for an Allied majority on thu) 6uprene Restitution Court. Failing this, Dr. Adenauerrs offer should be accepted (namely, that each panel of the Supreme Restitution Court should be composed of.equal numbers of German and Allied judges, with a neutral Chairman), 19 February 1952 MOG g 1 Re ,wort tothE: Three Foreign Ministers. from the Group EXEteTION FROM EC,UALIZATION OF BURDENS LASTENAU$GLE:ICH LEVY The meeting of officials considered this problem, and agreed that the High Commissionors should put the following to Dr. Adenauer in extension of his offer of 'a six-year exemption:- the qualifying date for UN nationality, in the case.of natural persons, should be the date of the contractual settlement; (ii) exemption should be granted to victims of Nazi persecution in respect of property restituted to them; (iii) German companies with 75% UN shareholdings should be exempt, to the extent of the UN shareholdings. If 75% is not acceptable to Dr., he might be asked to give an administrative instruction under which "wholly UN-owned companies" should be interpreted as 90% or over. (This interpretation was incorporated in an administra- tive instruction from the Federal Finance Mini,ster to the Finance Ministers of the Lander, dated 3rd July, 1950, on the administration of the immediate aid tax). If Dr. Adenauer is not willing to concede these additional points, in whole or in part, the High Commissioners should have discretion to accept Dr. Adenauer's offer, namely 6-year exemption for those persons already exempted under the Immediate Aid Ordinance, (i) SECRET Approved For Release'2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 SECRET 12 February 1952 Report to the Three Foreign Ministers the Official Group from MOG 6 1 COENSATION ?FOR GERMAN EXTERN LL ASSETS TAKEN IN :3AFEHAVEN COUNTRIES The Germans are prepared to pay compensation with respect to assets taken in all countries in accordance with'"financial capacity and the Basic Law". This in fact means only partial compensation, which, in the case of certain Safohaven countries, would '::o less than that provided for in the existing agreements to which the three Powers are parties. The Chancellor has proposed that the Federal Government be permitted to negotiate with the Safehaven countries involved, with the Allies participating in the negotiations. It is recommended that this proposal be accepted, with the modification that the Allies should have the right, but not the obligation, to participate in the negotiations. SE R E T Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 IA-RDP 32-00373 ROO020O070011-0 Meeting of the Thre Foreign ;!tijiinisters and the German Federal Chancellor A. .agreed text of letter to be sent by the German Federal Chancellor to .Governments Having regard to the existing international tension and to the fact that the Federal IZep')ublic is in a strategically exposed position in the sense of Irticle )4(d) of the Treaty establishing the European Defense Community, the Federal Govornment will not consider it a case of discrimination that the European Defense Commissariat in issuing licenses for the production of such ariiiaments as are enumerated in List 2 of the Treaty will not place any orders with plants in th Federal Republic except in conformity with. 'a goneral instruction of the Council of %: inistors' . This, ho,vever, is based on the auppos .tion that the German contingents in the Europe--.n Dofonse Cormnunitir will not be treated on a less favorable basis in respect of tiieirsupply with armaments of the above types which are necessary to fulfil their assigned tasks in the defense of Europe than the contingents of other member states of the European Defense Comriuriity, irrespective of the; sources from which they will be sup Iied. "With regard to research in the fields of the above armal~ents, the Federal Government is likewise prepared to prevent such research except as it may be requested by the European Defense Community. This does not apply, of course, to scientific research directed towards medical, industrial and other non-military developments in pure end practical science. B. geed Text of letter to b, sent by the Gerrian Federal Chancellor to the British and Unitc;d States Governments Upon ratification of the Treaty establishing the E.D.C. the content of the Treaty will become German domestic law. This accordingly applies likewise in regard to the provisions concerning the limitation of arma- ments production in the member states of the E.D.C. The prohibitions laid down also have effect as regards the United Kingdom and the United States. S E C R E T Approved For Release 2003/10/08 CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 .`. )FAX PrIEETING OF FOREIGN 1ISTERS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1111 UN TLD STATES OF Ai.IR.IC, i~'I3.INU11,, AND THE CHANCEIIOFZ Cff~ t0tr C Approved For Release 2003/10/08 !CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 FOR I f--tDIATE RELEASE AT 1600 OURS 003- ON TUESDAIL 744525 19th_F"~RUARy 19 . Am- 01. "M Cr 01 war --- They reviewed the report made by the Executive Bureau of ~--. the Temporary Council Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi- CS cation, on the financial contribution of the Federal Republic to Western defence. The iclinistots agreed that this report, which ,.~ reached them on 16th February, should be published tonight. There CZj is every prospect that an agreed decision on the total financial contribution of the Federal Repubptl`~~ionsf oncotherll~.atterscaris-y the end of the current week. 11e,~ ing out of this report, the distribution of the Federal Republicts contribution, will proceed at once in Bonn between representatives of the German Federal Republic and of the Three Powers, The Four Ministers welcome the progress made tavards the conclusion of the Treaty for the establishment of the European Defence Community which will provide a solid foundation for the agreements to be concluded between the three Western Powers and the Federal Republic of Germany. This Treaty and the agreements will constitute -a single structure designed to bring about the associa- tion of the Ferieral. Republic with the free world and to solidify the defence of Western Europe. The Four L-inist ers discussed the relationship between the European Defence Community and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and agreed on certain recommendations to the North which will be __.ado by the Three Foreign t:inistcrs It will be the con- Atlantic Council for settling this question. cern of the Four Govcrruacnts, together with the, other interested Governments, to ensure the preservation and the progressive strength- ening of the European Dofenco Conaunity which, as a part of the wider Atlantic community, creates a partnership for peace. The Four Ministers are agreed that continuing efforts should be made to accomplish thu unification of Germany through democratic and peaceful moans. The Four Ministers are convinced that their meeting has removed the obstacles which have hitherto delayed the conclusions of the nogo- tiationss and has thus marked a decisive advance in the cause of peace. ---! of meetings which they .'c cony l stion 0) TMV reached a ;reeLlent on methods f orTdealing with the que of arms production in sta uc a o. they have reached certain conc3~ta,n+swill producedspoedy results. The Foreign Ministers of the Unia the at es, France rand l the, United Kingdoms and the Chancellor/of Republic, met for discussions in the Foreign Office on 18th ra and parallel 19th i~ ebruary. They reviewed the position reached in the negotiations in Paris and in Bonn, now approaching a successful conclusion, for the establishment of the European Defence Com- munity and for the creation of a new relationship between the three Western Powers and the Federal Republic of Germanys based on. a series of freely negotiated Conventions. The Foreign Ministers and the Chancellor are well pleased with the results of their work, They reached agreement on out- 'standing issues arising from the negotiations in Bonn. The ques- tion of` Germany's financial con ribntioblto E Eurpean defence isre dealt with below. On the interusts of regulation and distrlbut7.c.:riathe Defence Comi-aunity }' 19th. February 1952 a ase 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 . TGr *? ~ ~ INTEL .OFA$p ov r Release 2003/10/08: CIA-RDF R000200070011-0 DO NOT -CIRCULATE / SEC T 19th February 12 744526 M'W,ETIING OF THREE FOREIGN MINISTERS GERMAN FINsNCI.1 CONTRIBUTION TO DEFENSE INSTRUCTION TO LIED HIGH COMMISSION At their meeting in Lot._ n on 17th February, 1952, the Foreign Ministers took the following action on the questions raised by the High Commissioners regarding the German financial contribution to defense in their report of 12th February, 1952: the answers to questions 1, 5 and 7 are contained in a paper adopted by the Foreign Ministers of 16th February, copy attached). this subject with Dr. Adenauer (MOG.4 2. Q estion 2 The uses to which the contribution should be devoted in 1952/53 (i,eo the twelve months period from the date of entry into force of the contract) should be finally negotiated at Bonn and written into the contract. The sum to be requested for the support of the Allied forces should not exceeed'lthee non- amount of DM 6.8 billion submitted by the various national. forces. military items should be eliminated from the Allied costs,. and the Allied authorities should use their best efforts to effect the maximum possible economies in these costs. Particular attention should be paid to those costs which are politically objectionable in Germany. 3. The High Commissioners should seek to obtain agreement as soon as possible with the Federal Government on the amount to be provided for the support of the allied forces in 1952/53, They should make a progress report to the Ministers so that if necessary the position can be again examined by them before their departure from Lisbon, 4. Question 3 The Ministers agree in principle that payment of the costs of non-E,D.C. forces, while remaining an obligation of the Federal Republic, may be effected through the agency of E.D.C. It should be understood that the E.D,.C, will not consider the amounts of the payments to be made .or purposes for which they will be used (which will be the contractual arrangements) but will merely act asa transmitting agency. The consent of the other countries par- ticipating in the E.D.C. will have to be obtained. 5, Questions 4 and -6 After the first twelve months period, the amount of the Federal Republic's contribution for the support of forces on assignment in Germany of non-E.D,C. nations will be determined by negotiations in which the Germany, and the non-E.D,C. nations will participate, The amount will be distributed among non-EDC forces on the basis of their relative troop strengths, taking into account, the variance in cost of the silitarervice # ctors.. air, , ground and their logistic suppo , S E C R 3 T Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 S E C R E T 16 February 1952 MOG/4 Final Report to the Three Foreign Ministers from the Official Group GERIIIVIAN FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION TO DEFENSF 1. The Official Group has considered the questions on the above subject contained in the report of the Allied High Commission on contractual nego- tiations. They consider that it would be valuable if the Foreign Ministers took the opportunity of the meeting with Dr, Adenauer to deal with three of the questions referred to, These are; (a) German acceptance of the advice of the Three Wise Men on the total German contribution in 1952/53; (b) Method of fixing the German total contribution in subsequent years; (c) The need for special continuing arrangements for the material support of the Allied forces in Germany) although these may differ from arrangements in the European Defenee Community; The Foreign Ministers could also usefully urge Dr. Adenauer to speed up the negotiations in Bonn. 2. It is suggested that the Foreign Ministers might speak along the fol- lowing lines: (a) Total German Contribution for Defense in 152/53 At the request of Dr. Adenauer, the Allied High. Commission, with the agreement of the three Governments,.ivas able to arrange for German capacity to make a contribution for 1952/53 to be examined by the Three Wise Men. The purpose of-this was to ensure that the German capacity was considered in accordance with the same standards, which took political as well as economic factors into account, as were applied to the defense efforts of NATO countries, The Federal Government was given the oppor- tunity of presenting a written statement on its position, and two hearings of the German Ministers concerned were held by the Three Wise Men. Their report has now been received and Dr. Adenauer will have received a copy of it, This report is in the form of recommendations to the'High Commission and three Governments on the one hand and to the Federal Government on the other. The Foreign Ministers assume that as this procedure was undertaken at the request of Dr. Adenauer he, on behalf of the'Federal Government, is prepared to accept the recommendations. It is hoped that he will be in a position to provide immediate confirmation of this. If he does so, then the three Govern- ments would also be prepared to accept the recommendations, Dr. Adenauer may bring up the question of whether Federal expendi- ture in support of the economy of Berlin should not count as expenditure on defense and so against the total figure recommended by the Three Wise Men. If he does so it is suggested that the Foreign Ministers should point out to him that the question of Berlin has been dealt with in the Three Wise Mens' report. To the extent that Federal expenditure on Berlin is devoted to defense uses, recognized as such under rules which have been accepted by all NATO countries, then it would count; the principal example of this is Occupation Costs, On the other hand, the very substantial support given by the Federal Government to Berlin to SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/08: CIA-RDP8-2-00 3 7 3R000200070041--0- S E C R E T bolster up its economy would not constitute a defense expenditure under NATO criteria and should not, therefore, count against the German total., The Three Wise Men, when deciding on this final figure, took into account the special burden borne by the Federal Republic in helping Berlin. (b) Method of fixing German total contribution in subsequent years The Three Foreign Ministers have been impressed with the value of using the machinery of the Wise Men to assist in arriving at the figure for the German total contribution in 1952/53 which was adopted at Dr. Adenauer's suggestion and believe that the four Governments should con- template a similar procedure in subsequent years, using whatever machinery is set up in NATO to replace the Wise Men. The exact method by which this would be achieved could be settled at the appropriate time, but there might be advantage in having some general provision written into the Convention. It would have to be made clear that this does not in any way prejudge the question of the Federal Republic's entry into NATO. (c) Material support for the Allied Forces in Germ The Foreign Ministers might point out to Dr, Adenauer that there are, and are likely to remain, considerable Allied forces in Germany, and this fact will undoubtedly necessitate continuance of special arrangements to provide for their material support;, covering such matters as supply, transport, communications and housing. These special arrange-- ments will not necessarily be the same as those which will be worked out in the European Defense Community nor which exist when forces of one NATO country are stationed in another, which vary from place to place and involve much smaller forces. It is essential that our forces in Germany should,not only be sure of obtaining the facilities they need but should have security over a period so that they can make their administrative plans on a durable basis, They trust that Dr. Adenauer recognizes the circumstances which make these special facilities neces- sary and will hive this in mind when considering the proposals in the draft Convention which the High Commission has communicated to the German representatives in Bonn. (d) Negotiations in Bonn The Foreign Ministers might conclude by pointing out that there are numerous other questions which remain to be settled in the Convention on the financial arrangements for defense, on which proposals have been made to the Federal Republic by the Allied negotiators in Bonn, They hope that now that the recommendations of the Three Wise Men have been received, it will be possible for the negotiators in Bonn to make mpi.d progress in agreeing on the Convention. SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/08 : CIA-RDP82-00373R000200070011-0