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Approved ForZelease 2002/05/07 CIA RDP82-00357Rp00600110027-9 ? ti` YJ. J. 5 MJB,L4...11 19 March 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Management Committee Meeting on 18 March 1974 1. The Committee met on 18 March. In attendance were: Secretary Mr. Paul Walsh Mr. William Nelson Mr. Harold P rownnian Mr. Donald Chamberlain Mr. John lams Mr. John Warner Mr. Fred Sanney Mr. Thomas 'oi.mos 25X1A9A Mr. Mw. 2.. The following topics were discussed and decisions reached ax e as recorded below: A. fi lexxaenw tr.on or ?ASG Reco-mmendations .A.p roved ' -,,r CYA IV..anar;cment Con7xns ee (MCA -2 ",/ `a). The draft mena.oxands,.na was approved with the understc-nding that the Head of the E Career Service is to be addod as an addressee. B. Chances i-A Rory u!. wlo ns to Comply w~th M^nn ernen" rte , ~.- mittoe Decls{.ons on e '?'SSG rlo-ort (MICA-244C), The asked the General Cou;i ici to review all chaa.n ges. Mr. N~ep.7o-a 'c-- vided the Director o; Porsonne" with a written recital of some on asked changes in lTd g that the S '"?'iS~J'rC~J P.,~,"... "b. 25X1A ..~ language. ~ ~t .i:2U 17.i.b Y.~41~(3;k'~,rcL4ei r ,.C9 gt.+ may have more authority than env"cioneci, the Committee endorr;,ctl substituting "may" for "will" in the last sentence of draft (pa ra is (3) ). lams questioned the handling of contract exr..p oy e;;. It was noted that these c a.nryes lie ?tain to ata. ? personno . or;ly, 4 r c the Secretary asked thae Director o Personnel to tan ettake ~z ;.;ca r.>., ~:~e rav3.ew of rvha,t ct~an;;es snoca d iae considered vis-a-vis contract per- sonnel policies. Approved For Release 2002/05/07': CIA-RDP82-00357R000600110027-9 w Approved Foelease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600110027-9 C. Special Achievement or Superior Accomplishment Awards (MCA-70/A). The Director of Personnel briefed on the current award system and the features of MCA-70/A. A brief discussion followed, and Mr. Nelson noted plans to use it only in e;zceptional circumstances. The Secretary asked that the language des..ri.,.Ain the new system leave open its applicability to deserving of.i;_CCIrs "in directorates other than the DDO. The Director of Personnel viii clarify paragraph D 2 b, "The employee will not have the oppor nx, ty to be promoted or transferred to a higher level position in the immo- dinte foreseeable future." D. JCEO Matters 8 . Mr. Thomas Holmes revievi(xI the status report, and the following decisions were made with respect to the objectives listed therein: 1. Objective 1: Directorate EEO' a are to devote at least half their time to E7 0 matters. The Agency EEO Cf icer's job will be considered as full time, with any time left over 'co be devoted to assigned tasks on the IO staff. 2. Objective 2: In response to Mr. Noloon's suggerstio.n, 25X1A ' . was noted that hiring is .a line o:: directorate rosponsi xx ty aril pe '- jonncl recruitment efforts are to be i.u4:1ionted, when approprAate, by professional line officers with intimate knowledge of the needed ski . 5,?ownman briefed on consideration being given to the addition of .-lo ,s for black officers in the CT Program. The Director of :e'er;ac~lr c,?. opposed the recommendation that the Management Committee take on responsibility of accepting or rejecting black applicants and naming sponsors for those to be given further consideration. The practice in each directorate requiring a Deputy Director to be consulted pr`o2 to the turn-down of any black employee applicant was noted. The Sec,,, Secretary noted that the EEO Officer should feel free to refer individual case, to 0.1 4J,10 ;' ianagement Committee and/or come to the Committee for policy guidance. 3. Objective 3: Mr. Holmes briefly called attention to the Annual Personnel Plan and suggested that there is room for considerab o progress for the professional development of women. Objective 4: Mr. Holmes highlighted the work be'?ng done 25X1A9A b o develop upward mobil y plans for various ca tego r :e s c , skills. Some abuse of meeting the professional standards required or Approved For Release 2002/ o /Q7 . CI Rif a2-00357R000600110027-9 Approved For Release-2002/05/07':'CIA=RDP82-0035` 000600110027-9 various jobs was explained, i. e. , that it is possible for an employee to be hired as a secretary-steno who had initially wanted a professional position for which she did not qualify. 5. Objective 5:I Mr. 1-.Tomes noted OTR pans to dovo .op three-day full-time courses on EEO for supervisors. The Secretary asked that alternatives to this be e:samined, I. e. , a few hours each day for a given period of time, coupled with reading. 6. Objeczlve 6: In response to a number of observations, the Director of Personnel e::pl.ahaad Cho difference between the ESur1^.n> -or Only Employee Program and the Summer an-tern Program -- the fa.was;: being mostly for the dependents of employees and the latter recty:iri,aa.g a high degree of skill and usually a graduate degree. Noting the nood to increase opportunities for black ,)Lunnier only exnployeas, the ecre- tary asked that the Director of Security xnamina what can be done co accelerate .security review. 7. Objective 7: Members were urged to develop their own action plans against Which progress can be measured. 3. Objective 8: The apparent effectiveness of both employees and supervisors was noted. The Secretary noted that the status report was gtAltc complimented Mr. Holmes on his presentation, and noted the work that z n,.uw be done to accomplish our objectives in this area. The D~irector of ors: nnel will provide the Secretary and the Chairman with a critique of r,.Ua report. E. Other s: 4 rns noted plans to provide a presentation on OFajoctivos and their r elatlonsha.l;?a to other elements of the Agency' n management system at the nent.. 111wna gement Committee on 25 March. /s% 'Car{ E, pucketL' Carl E. Duckett Secretary Di e tx abut'? on: 0 - NKC Tile I - ICach Member I - D/:QCs/IC I w D/DCI'/NlO r7/Personnel 1 - 4717, Mf4WIRelease 2002/x5/07':'' Cliff-?iJF'82-00357R000600110027-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600110027-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600110027-9