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DRAFT Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R0 279 STATINTL STATINTL ILLEGIB 24. MANAGEMENT OF SPECIALLY QUALIFIED SCIENTIFIC PERSONNEL a. GENERAL. This section prescribes the general policies and re- sponsibilities pertaining to the Agency's personnel management and pay administration system orApe sonne a igne to selected scientific positions associated with high priority national intelligence requirements. b. POLICY. It is Agency policy to attract, motivate and retain highly competent scientific personnel. Within this Agency pool of scientific personnel resources, a small percentage of such individuals are governed by the provisions of a management and pay system which provides for a Scientific Pay Schedule (SPS) and specially designated scientific (SPS) positions. SPS employees r A C A4-), V10L0G104(_ %'%r-- icy are specialists in the _es l!5j~ occupy one of the following categories of SPS positions:a' (1) Scientific advisor to line management of a scientific research and/or development organization that engages in either (a) ex- ploratory research resulting in the discovery of new concepts, phenomena and theories that provide the genesis for the develop- ment of new technologies applicable to the intelligence process, (b) application of new technological advances in the design, development and fabrication of prototype hardware/software systems, equipment, devices and techniques for intelligence purposes or (c) analysis, evaluation and production of foreign scientific intelligence, or Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 (2) Team Leader, Project Manager or first line supervisor ti responsible for the technical management of research projects which are within the framework and totality of an office-wide research program and as characterized in (1) above, or (3) Combined advisory and technical manager positions with responsibilities related to major scientific programs. c. DESIGNATION OF SPS POSITIONS. .$ entif SSchedule position will be designated on organizational staffing complements by the normal title and occupational code used for comparable General Schedule (GS) positions, with the prefix "SPS" but excluding GS grade level equivalents, e.g., Physicist SPS-1310.04-00. d. PAY RATES. The pay range for personnel i-ga9d--or. rromotad_ to-SP-&.-positi. will be from the minimum rate of GS-16, to the highest rate of GS-18. Pay steps within the Scientific Pay Schedule will be equated with pay steps for GS-16 through GS-18 as indicated below: Scientific Pay Schedule General Schedule Steps (1) through (4) GS-16, Steps 1 through 4 Steps (5) through (8) GS-17, Steps 1 through 4 Step (9) GS-18 Pay applicable to SPS step rates will be automatically adjusted on the basis of any future changes in the corresponding GS step rates. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-003&7R000600080022-8 e. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR SPS POSITIONS Individuals considered for assignment to &ei-entifrc- ,Pay Schedule positions must show that they have had- broad and significant ex- perience in the major scientific field related to the position, e.g., physics, chemistry, electrical engineer- ing, medical, biological. This experience may have been obtained in Government, private industry, academic institutions, professional societies or organizations, and must clearly show that the individual possesses a comprehensive knowledge of the principles in admin- istering scientific programs or in conducting research or consultationF, Factors which are considered are academic backround, publications of the applicant, activities in professional societies, general reputation in the scientific field, and present salary. -The total experipnc(must reflect dual possesses (a) ability of a very high order to plan, organs ,direct and coordinate research or other scieennt 'c programs o 'or importance; or (b) exceiona.l ability to plan or conduct earch or t roduce analytical results of a very,high order in specialized branch of the scientific field. f. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. The Director of Central Intelligence will (1) establish SPS position ceilings for the Agency and for Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-003R000600080022-8 (4) approve appointments - signments-to SPS positions; '- - (5) approve promotions from SPS step 4 to step 5 (equivalent to GS-16/4 each Directorate within the overall Agency staff manpower ceiling authorized each fiscal year by the Congress and the Office of Managemenr and Budget. (2) authorize increases in the Agency ceiling for SPS positions with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget; (3) approve establishment of SPS positions within authorized. ceiling; GS-17/1) and from step 8 to step 9 (equivalent to GS-17/4 and GS-18/1) RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEPUTY DIRECTORS. Deputy Directors will (1) recommend to the Comptroller estimates of SPS positions and personnel required for their respective areas as a part of budget submissions and, when necessary, recommend any revision thereto; (2) reqommen appointment with desired salary rates, through the Director of Personnel, to the Director of Central Intelligence for approval; (3)' recommend promotions from SPS step 4 to step 5 and from step 8 to step 9, through the Director of Personnel, to the Director of Central Intelligence for approval; (4) recommend promotions to SPS steps 2 through 4 and 6 through 8 and submit to the Director of Personnel for approval and processing; ILLEGIB A) take effective action to attract, motivate and retain competent scientific personnel. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00347R000600080022-8 h. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL. The Director of Personnel will (1) determine that proposals for SPS positions included in STATINTL staffing complements (see are consistent with the mission and functions of an activity and require personnel with special scientific qualifications of a level embraced by the salary structure of the Scientific Pay Schedule; (2) assist Deputy Directors in the recruitment and internal selec- tion of qualified personnel to fill SPS positions; (3) document and evaluate the qualifications of proposed,\assignees and?candidates for promotion in coordination with the appropriate Deputy Director; (4) determine appropriate individual pay rates, placing emphasis on the qualifications and capabilities of the individual as they relate to the scope and responsibility of duties to be performed; Wis (5) ensure that-the Directorate ceilings-99i2 -personnei in SPS pa- dons are not exceeded ..and -attach a.certification to tlct. this effect to every request forwa.r'ded to the Director of Centra]..._.Inte7 ligence for- approval ; (6) establish SPS positions on staffing complements upon approval of the Director of Central Intelligence; (7) recommend action to the Director of Central Intelligence on all appointments s4ghmentsI and promotions of SPS personnel from SPS step 4 to step 5 and from step 8 to step 9; Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 Approved For Relse 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-003R000600080022-8 (8) approve promotions to SPS steps 2 through 4 and steps 6 through 8, submitted by Deputy Directors, and process appropriate actions; (9) approve intra-Directorate transfers and deletions of SPS positions, and recommend action on inter-Directorate transfers of SPS positions to the DCI through the Comptroller. i. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COMPTROLLER. The Comptroller will (1) review buctget submission estimates of scientific personnel require- ments to determine consistency with approved Agency missions, pro- grams, overall personnel ceilings and budget considerations, and in consonance with the Director of Personnel forward recommendations to the DCI for increases in ceiling for scientific personnel which would be in excess of the Agency SPS ceiling. (2) `fird requests for reallocation of SPS ceiling between Directorates the DCI,for appxgval. Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8 IIIAAroved For ReI lob /0kff :" Rk-ftDPE2NA0343R000600080022-8 Suicidology Fellow, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Approved training after attainment of doctorate--------------------- Approved training after a minimum of one year of postdoctoral training- L-10 Approved training after a minimum of two years of postdoctoral training- L-11 Approved training after a minimum of three years of postdoctoral train- ing----------------------------- L-12 Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling Residents, U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Carville, Louisiana: Ap- proved training after a minimum of one year postgraduate training------ L-6 (c) Maximum stipends for positions in the Public Health Service (a constituent agency of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) in which duty requires intimate contact with persons afflicted with leprosy are increased above the rates prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section to the same extent- that additional pay is provided by Public Health Service Regulations (42 CFR 22.1) for employees subject to the General Schedule. (5 U.S.C. 5102) Sec. 534.203 Stipends of trainees assigned to Federal hospitals as affiliates. A trainee at a non-Federal hospital assigned to a Federal hospital as an affiliate for part of his training may not receive a stipend from the Federal hospital other than any maintenance provided. Sec. 534.204 Agency requests for additional exclusions. An agency may request the Com- mission to: (a) Exclude from chapter 51, subchapter III of chapter 53, subchapter V of chapter 55, Inst. 150 June 27, 1975 and sections 5504 and 6101 of title 5, United States Code, positions in addition to those re- ferred to in section 534.201 which are filled by student employees who are assigned or attached to a hospital, clinic, or medical or dental laboratory; and (b) Prescribe maximum stipends for such positions. The agency shall submit each request to the Commission with full supporting information, including complete identification of the posi- tions concerned. Sec. 534.205 Extent of regulations. Maxi- mum stipends provided in section 534.202 apply to any hospital, clinic, or medical or dental laboratory, operated by any department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government or by the District of Columbia, unless rates of pay are otherwise provided by law. SUBPART C. SCIENTIFIC AND PRO- FESSIONAL POSITIONS REQUIRING SPECIALLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL Sec. 534.301 Approval of agency pay deter- minations and adjustments. Each rate of pay fixed for a scientific or professional position requiring specially qualified personnel under section 5361 of title 5, United States Code, or a similar statute, is subject to the prior approval of the Commission. The prior approval of the Commission is required for both original and subsequent appointments to these positions, and for the p y adjustment?for an incumbent or._.. such a position. When an agency requests the approval of the Commission for a rate of pay or a pay adjustment, it shall submit adequate supporting information. (5 U.S.C. 5361) Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080022-8