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ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Rel 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R009 080006-6 nn IA .'.. _.? PI-RSONNEL 23. MANAGINEM OF SUFERGRADE PERSONNEL aB POLICY (1) The Director of Central Intelligence, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget, will establish. the supergrade ceiling of the Agency, Within that ceiling, the DCI will. determine the rnnnber of Agency personnel who may hold supergrade rank. (2) Allocation of supergrade ceiling to the four Directorates and the Offices of the DCI will be determined by the Director of Central Intelligence upon reconnnendat ions of the Agency Supergrade Board. Such recommendations will be based on evaluated position requirements. Unused supergrade ceiling will be held by the Director as an Agency-wide reserve for subsequent allocation as required. (3) An employee will hold supergrade rank for such time as the Director may determine. (4) All supergrade officers will be counted against the supergrade c ailing of the Career Service having career cognizance over the officer. 'Contract -employees whose---eoT:trae~t9 -skate A kacc' cim r rade rank. will be counted against the supergrade ceiling- A Flag-rank military officers assigned to the Agency will occupy military designated positions "~- b. RESPONSIBILITIES (1) The Director of Central Intelligence is responsible for: Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080006-6 T 4 - ADMINISTRATIVE - IN'T'ERNAL USE ONLY ADMINISTRA'T'IVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Reles 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357ROOg6{i0080006-6 (a) Approving reco;runended actions, ffecting a. change an the. allocation of:supergrade ceiling or a. change in a supergrade position, (b) Approving any changes in the grade of.personnel holding or proposed for supergrade rank. { (2) The Agency Supergrade Board, composed of the DDCI as Chairman, the four Deputy Directors, the Chairman of the Senior Executive Career Service Panel, as voting members, and the Director of Personnel and. the Comptroller or his designee (as advisors) will be responsible for..; (a) Reviewing the findings of the Office of Personnel annual survey of supergrade position requirements and Agency- wide r---.._ allocations of supergrade ceilin (3) (b) Reviewing individual requests from the Directorates or Offices of the DCI for supergrade ceiling allocation, the establishment of new supergrade positions or grade adjustments of supergrade positions, in conjunction with Office of Personnel findings. (c) Submitting its recommendations pursuant to (a) and (b) above with those of the Director of Personnel, to the DCI for his decision. Deputy Directors and the Chairman of the Senior Executive Career Service Panel will be responsible for; (a) submitting requests to the Agency Supergrade board, through the Office of Personnel, for reallocation of Approved For Release Qp DP)Z`QOf,LFMD6Mb'90006-6 Approved For Rele, . Q I Ik'IC RDI Bi2ZOMM6 80006-6 supergrade ceiling, for establishment.of new super- grade positions, or for grade adjustments of supergrade positions. Such requests will include detailed job information in support of the request, (b) Ll'nsuring the app?ropriate career management and development of supergrade officers, (4) The Director of Personnel will be responsible for: (a) conducting annual supergrade position requirement studies and performing related staff work, (b) c.keporting to the Agency Supergrad.e Board the results of the annual supergrade position requirement studies. (c) r. ompleting, upon receipt of supportive information, the classification review of requests for allocation of supergrade ceiling,, for establishment of new supergrade positions, and for grade adjustments of supergrade positions and submitting findings to the Agency Super- grade Board within 14 days of receipt of the request. (d)rocessing personnel actions affecting supergrade personnel. c. PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS (no change) Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080006-6 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Releass 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R00060QD80006-6 PERSONNEL 23. MANAGEMENT OF SUPERGRADE PERSONNEL a, POLICY (1) The Director of Central Intelligence, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget, will establish. the supergrade ceiling of the Agency. Within that ceiling, the DCI will determine the number of Agency personnel who may hold supergrade rank. (2) Allocation of supergrade ceiling to the four Directorates and the Offices of the DCI will be determined by the Director of Central Intelligence upon recommendations of the Agency Supergrade Board. Such recommendations will be based on evaluated position requirements. Unused supergrade ceiling will be held by the Director as an Agency-wide reserve for subsequent allocation as required. (3) An employee will hold supergrade rank for such time as the Director may determine. (4) All supergrade officers will be counted against the supergrade ceiling of the Career Service having career cognizance over the officer. Contract employees whose contracts state a supergrade rank will be counted against the supergrade ceiling. Flag-rank military officers assigned to the Agency will occupy military designated positions. b. RESPONSIBILITIES (1) The Director of Central Intelligence is responsible for: Approved For Release A?fj1&-RDP fffF p6&ff0006-6 UNISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE OI Approved For Releas ,,,2D00/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R0006 Q$0006-6 (a) Approving recomended actions.effecting a change in the allocation of supergrade ceiling or a change in a supergrade position. (b) Approving any changes in the grade of personnel holding or proposed for supergrade rank. (2) The Agency Supergrade Board, composed of the DDCI as Chairman, the four Deputy Directors, the Chairman of the Senior Executive Career Service Panel, as voting members, and the Director of Personnel and the Comptroller or his designee (as advisors) will be responsible for: (a) Reviewing the findings of the Office of Personnel annual survey of supergrade position requirements and Agency- wide allocations of supergrade ceiling. (b) Reviewing individual requests from the Directorates or Offices of the DCI for supergrade ceiling allocation, the establishment of new supergrade positions or grade adjustments of supergrade positions, in conjunction with Office of Personnel findings. (c) Submitting its recommendations pursuant to (a) and (b) above with those of the Director of Personnel, to the DCI for his decision, (3) Deputy Directors and the Chairman of the Senior Executive Career Service Panel will be responsible for; (a) submitting requests to the Agency Supergrade board, through the Office of Personnel, for reallocation of Approved For Release Pffl%%T~WRD?R?A%7lNR06R980006-6 Approved For Relea"Wg4/UT "TCIA-RDNY-6 379Db0 0006-6 supergrade ceiling, for establishment of new super- grade positions, or for grade adjustments of supergrade positions. Such requests will include detailed job information in support of the request, (b) Insuring the appropriate career management and development of supergrade officers. (4) The Director of Personnel will be responsible for: (a) conducting annual supergrade position requirement studies and performing related staff work. (b) Reporting to the Agency Supergrade Board the results of the annual supergrade position requirement studies. (c) Completing, upon receipt of supportive information, the classification review of requests for allocation of supergrade ceiling, for establishment of new supergrade positions, and for grade adjustments of supergrade positions and submitting findings to the Agency Super- grade Board within 14 days of receipt of the request, (d) Processing personnel actions affecting supergrade personnel. c. PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING PERSONNEL ACTIONS (no change) Approved For Release MR?ffl, Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080006-6 BENDER. WILL CHECK CLAS CATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED NFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS Deputy Director for 2 Administration 7D 26, Headquarters 3 4 5 6 Director o Personnel 5E 58, Headquarters ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : For comment and/or approval. second paragraph raises a ques ion which does not exist. We will monitor the contract problem in Contract Personnel Division with a view toward converting to dollar equivalent wherever possible. c:r.. C,rC'~ " ~- , I cam,,,,.., FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE Director of Personnel ?8 APR 1976 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FOIM O. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 Approved For Release 2000/09/01 : CIA-RDP82-00357R000600080006-6