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Approved F Release 2 RDP82-002J000200210102-0
Control No. 3782
11 January 1966
NSA & DIA Declassification/Release Instructions on File.
Minutes of Meeting Held in
Room 4 F 31, CIA Headquarters Building
1015 hours, 11 January 1966
CIA, Chairman
Mr. Morris H. Crawford, Department of State
Defense Intelligence Agency
Mr. William C. Andrews, Department of the Army
CDR. James G. Brady, Department of the Navy
Dr. Robert A. Kilmarx, Department of the Air Force
National Security Agency
Mr. Jerome Forrest, Agency for International Development
Mr. Ernest Rubin, Department of Commerce
CIA, Executive Secretary
The Chairman made the following announcements:
Effective 17 January 1966, Mr. R. J. Smith will become Deputy
Director for Intelligence in CIA vice Dr. Ray S. Cline, who has been
appointed Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence.
Noted that the report on "The International Trade and Transport
of Communist China, 1964" (EIC-R16-S6) would be disseminated during
the week.
Noted that the Department of Agriculture had designated Dr.
Quentin West and Mr. Joseph W. Willett as member and alternate,
respectively, on the Economic Intelligence Committee vice Dr. Wilhelm
Anderson and Dr. Lazar Volin, who recently retired.
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11 January 1966
Noted that no objections or further nominations had been received
and that the DIA nomination of Col. Clarence P. Ehrhardt as Chairman of
the EIC Subcommittee on Transportation was considered approved as of
11 January 1966.
Noted that he had been advised by the Department of the Navy that
Mr. Ivar D. Soelberg, who had served as Chairman of the EIC Subcommittee
on Shipbuilding, had retired from Federal service and that the Department of
the Navy had no suitable qualified candidate to propose for Chairman of the
Subcommittee on a permanent basis. The Chairman, EIC, will take some
action on this matter shortly.
Reported on EIC actions taken in regard to Subcommittee structure.
Mr. Lay, Executive Secretary, USIB, was advised by memorandum
of 22 December 1965, that the first action by the EIC resulting from the review
of its subcommittee structure was the abolition of five subcommittees (Chemicals,
Economic Defense, Electric Power & Solid Fuels, Industrial Machinery & Equip-
ment, and Minerals & Metals). The Chairman reported that Mr. Lay also would
like to be informed for "noting" by USIB, of the results of the review when
Information copies of the instruction to the Subcommittees on Agri-
culture, Petroleum, and Population & Manpower to hold a formal meeting to
assess their over-all value have been forwarded to members and participating
associate members. The three subcommittees have been instructed to make a
full. report with recommendations to the ESC not later than 15 April 1966.
The Chairman read a letter of appreciation to the Committee from
Dr. Guthe, who retired on 30 December 1965.
The minutes of the EIC meeting of 9 December 1965 (EIC-M- 111) were
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EIC-M-1 12
11 January 1966
State Department Proposal for Subcommittee
The Chairman reported that members had submitted comments on
the subcommittee structure and reviewed the Navy member's views, which
had been circulated prior to the meeting, with regard to the State Depart-
ment proposal for establishing a subcommittee on current developments in
Communist countries.
The State member reviewed his proposal and stated that he envisaged
an interpretive group for the mutual exchange of ideas on topics of interest as
an intermediate step in developments between current reporting and long range
analysis. He thought that the group would not necessarily meet on a regular
basis but would be called together by group officers when it was thought there
was a suitable topic for discussion. He suggested that topics such as economic
reforms in the Soviet Union, agricultural difficultues (Soviets buying grain in
the West), announcement of the Soviet budget,; and Sino-Soviet economic-
military relations might have been typical for such a group discussion. ? He
stated that there probably would be security clearance problems that could be
resolved as the group was organized.
It was the consensus of members that group discussion for the mutual
exchange of ideas had merit although some members felt these discussions
could be carried on within an existing subcommittee rather than setting up a
new subcommittee. Members agreed that a summary of the group discussions
would be circulated for information.
The Chairman indicated that after a terms of reference has been
agreed to the EIC might undertake the proposal on a trial basis. The State
member reported that he would draft a terms of reference and a tentative
list of member agencies for members review.
comments on future structure and activity of the EIC
were circulated and the Air Force member presented comments on EIC terms
of reference, structure, procedures, and functions and a proposed terms of
reference for tasking a subcommittee to monitor the uses of economic intel-
ligence in military planning.
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ETC-M-1 12
11 January 1966
Considerable discussion followed on these comments and on the role and
mission of the Committee itself and how the Committee could improve guidance
to its subcommittees.
It was agreed that the Chairman would draw together a paper presenting the
views expressed by members and circulate it for discussion at a future meeting.
The Chairman reported that the working group had reviewed the results
of the Biweekly consumer questionnaire and that the results showed that the
report as presently constituted meets the needs of the recipients. Some
recommended editorial changes will be adopted, e. g. , the Summary of Events
will be incorporated into the Table of Contents.
The DIA member reported that over the years, CIA and DIA have been
compromising on the military "hardware" figures contained in the statistical,
tables in the EIC-R14 series and that in some cases there is a considerable
difference in the figures used by CIA, DIA, and those published in the R14
series. The Chairman replied that the differences should now be resolved by
later reporting. The DIA. member asked that this problem be examined and
expressed his view that the DIA figures should be used unless .they could be
The Chairman stated that he would look into this problem with a view to
its solution.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on 8 February 1966
for discussion of the annual report on "Aid and Trade Activities of Communist
Countries in Less Developed Areas of the Free World" (EIC-Rl4-SZ0).
Executive Secretary
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